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Booking Calender


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Im a newbies in this forum..so,pls teach me as good as u can...
Em, lets get in started...

1. how to block the calender after the
current day...i mean after this day (eg 1,2,3 Jan...and so on)

2. how to create a good validation,because the script is always accept even if user
didn't insert any number inside the box (eg Time From : - (none) and Time To : - (none)

2. how can i add more features for admin to block the calender to user information before they book the dates with a proper reason (eg : for maintenance, lights broken and so on..)

btw, the script is all about facilities..means that user can choose any day to select facility such as tennis court, basketball court etc...

p/s: thk u!
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[quote author=linuxdream link=topic=123436.msg510280#msg510280 date=1169439308]
What code do you have so far? Would be helpful to post.

Post? Ok sir...

$d = getdate(time());
$month = $_GET['month'];
$year = $_GET['year'];
if ($month == "")
$month = $d["mon"];

if ($year == "")
$year = $d["year"];

$cal = new MyCalendar;
echo $cal->getMonthView($month, $year, $fac_id, $fac_name);

class Calendar
function Calendar()

function getDayNames()
return $this->dayNames;

function setDayNames($names)
$this->dayNames = $names;

function getMonthNames()
return $this->monthNames;

function setMonthNames($names)
$this->monthNames = $names;

  function getStartDay()
return $this->startDay;

function setStartDay($day)
$this->startDay = $day;

function getStartMonth()
return $this->startMonth;

function setStartMonth($month)
$this->startMonth = $month;

function getCalendarLink($month, $year, $fac_id, $fac_name)
return "month=$month&year=$year&fac_id=$fac_id&fac_name=$fac_name";

function getDateLink($day, $month, $year, $fac_id, $fac_name)
$link = "user_facilitiesTime.php?fac_id=$fac_id&fac_name=$fac_name&facBooked_date=$year-$month-$day";
return $link;

function getCurrentMonthView($fac_id, $fac_name)
$d = getdate(time());
return $this->getMonthView($d["mon"], $d["year"], $fac_id, $fac_name);

function getCurrentYearView()
$d = getdate(time());
return $this->getYearView($d["year"]);

function getMonthView($month, $year, $fac_id, $fac_name)
return $this->getMonthHTML($month, $year,1, $fac_id, $fac_name);

function getYearView($year)
return $this->getYearHTML($year);

function getDaysInMonth($month, $year)
if ($month < 1 || $month > 12)
return 0;
$d = $this->daysInMonth[$month - 1];
if ($month == 2)
if ($year%4 == 0)
if ($year%100 == 0)
if ($year%400 == 0)
$d = 29;
$d = 29;

return $d;

function getMonthHTML($m, $y, $showYear = 1, $fac_id, $fac_name)
$s = "";

$a = $this->adjustDate($m, $y);
$month = $a[0];
$year = $a[1];       

$daysInMonth = $this->getDaysInMonth($month, $year);
$date = getdate(mktime(12, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year));

$first = $date["wday"];
$monthName = $this->monthNames[$month - 1];

$prev = $this->adjustDate($month - 1, $year);
$next = $this->adjustDate($month + 1, $year);

if ($showYear == 1)
$prevMonth = $this->getCalendarLink($prev[0], $prev[1], $fac_id, $fac_name);
$nextMonth = $this->getCalendarLink($next[0], $next[1], $fac_id, $fac_name);
$prevMonth = "";
$nextMonth = "";

$header = $monthName . (($showYear > 0) ? " " . $year : "");
//display month and year (<< month >>)
$s .= "<table bgcolor=\"#ffffff\" height=\"120px\" width=\"450px\" border=\"1\" bordercolor=\"#FFFFCC\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"5\" align=\"center\" class=\"calendar\">\n";
$s .= "<tr>\n";
$s .= "<td align=\"center\" valign=\"top\" class=\"calendarHeader\">" . (($prevMonth == "") ? "&nbsp;" : "<a href=\"$prevMonth\" class=\"month\">&lt;&lt;</a>")  . "</td>\n";
$s .= "<td align=\"center\" valign=\"top\" class=\"calendarMonth\" colspan=\"5\">$header</td>\n";
$s .= "<td align=\"center\" valign=\"top\" class=\"calendarHeader\">" . (($nextMonth == "") ? "&nbsp;" : "<a href=\"$nextMonth\" class=\"month\">&gt;&gt;</a>")  . "</td>\n";
$s .= "</tr>\n";
//display days(mon, tue,...)
$s .= "<tr>\n";
$s .= "<td align=\"center\" valign=\"top\" class=\"calendarHeader\">" . $this->dayNames[($this->startDay)%7] . "</td>\n";
$s .= "<td align=\"center\" valign=\"top\" class=\"calendarHeader\">" . $this->dayNames[($this->startDay+1)%7] . "</td>\n";
$s .= "<td align=\"center\" valign=\"top\" class=\"calendarHeader\">" . $this->dayNames[($this->startDay+2)%7] . "</td>\n";
$s .= "<td align=\"center\" valign=\"top\" class=\"calendarHeader\">" . $this->dayNames[($this->startDay+3)%7] . "</td>\n";
$s .= "<td align=\"center\" valign=\"top\" class=\"calendarHeader\">" . $this->dayNames[($this->startDay+4)%7] . "</td>\n";
$s .= "<td align=\"center\" valign=\"top\" class=\"calendarHeader\">" . $this->dayNames[($this->startDay+5)%7] . "</td>\n";
$s .= "<td align=\"center\" valign=\"top\" class=\"calendarHeader\">" . $this->dayNames[($this->startDay+6)%7] . "</td>\n";
$s .= "</tr>\n";

$d = $this->startDay + 1 - $first;
while ($d > 1)
$d -= 7;

$today = getdate(time());


//display day of the month in table
while ($d <= $daysInMonth)
$s .= "<tr>\n";     

for ($i = 0; $i < 7; $i++)
$class = ($year == $today["year"] && $month == $today["mon"] && $d == $today["mday"]) ? "calendarToday" : "calendar";
$s .= "<td class=\"$class\" align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\" bgcolor=\"#ffffff\">";     
if ($d > 0 && $d <= $daysInMonth)
$link = $this->getDateLink($d, $month, $year, $fac_id, $fac_name, $i);
$ymd = "$year-$month-$d";
mysql_select_db($database_mConn, $mConn);
$query_rsq = "SELECT offDay,reason FROM offday WHERE fac_id='$fac_id' AND offDay='$ymd'";
$rsq = mysql_query($query_rsq, $mConn) or die(mysql_error());
$row_rsq = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsq);
$totalRows_rsq = mysql_num_rows($rsq);
$reason= $row_rsq['reason'];

if ($totalRows_rsq=="0") {
//normal work day
$s .= (($link == "") ? $d : "<a href=\"$link\" style=\"cursor:hand; text-decoration:none;\" class=\"calendar\">$d</a>");
//selected off day
$s .= (($link == "") ? $d : "<div class=\"offday\" ONMOUSEOVER=\"popup('OFF Day reason due to:  ".$reason."','lightblue')\"; ONMOUSEOUT=\"kill()\">$d</div>");

$s .= "&nbsp;";
$s .= "</td>\n";     
$s .= "</tr>\n";   

$s .= "</table>\n";

return $s; 

function getYearHTML($year)
$s = "";
$prev = $this->getCalendarLink(0, $year - 1, $fac_id, $fac_name);
$next = $this->getCalendarLink(0, $year + 1, $fac_id, $fac_name);

$s .= "<table class=\"calendar\" border=\"0\">\n";
$s .= "<tr>";
$s .= "<td align=\"center\" valign=\"top\" align=\"left\">" . (($prev == "") ? "&nbsp;" : "<a href=\"$prev\">&lt;&lt;</a>")  . "</td>\n";
$s .= "<td class=\"calendarHeader\" valign=\"top\" align=\"center\">" . (($this->startMonth > 1) ? $year . " - " . ($year + 1) : $year) ."</td>\n";
$s .= "<td align=\"center\" valign=\"top\" align=\"right\">" . (($next == "") ? "&nbsp;" : "<a href=\"$next\">&gt;&gt;</a>")  . "</td>\n";
$s .= "</tr>\n";
$s .= "<tr>";
$s .= "<td class=\"calendar\" valign=\"top\">" . $this->getMonthHTML(0 + $this->startMonth, $year, 0, $fac_id, $fac_name) ."</td>\n";
$s .= "<td class=\"calendar\" valign=\"top\">" . $this->getMonthHTML(1 + $this->startMonth, $year, 0, $fac_id, $fc_name) ."</td>\n";
$s .= "<td class=\"calendar\" valign=\"top\">" . $this->getMonthHTML(2 + $this->startMonth, $year, 0, $fac_id, $fac_name) ."</td>\n";
$s .= "</tr>\n";
$s .= "<tr>\n";
$s .= "<td class=\"calendar\" valign=\"top\">" . $this->getMonthHTML(3 + $this->startMonth, $year, 0, $fac_id, $fac_name) ."</td>\n";
$s .= "<td class=\"calendar\" valign=\"top\">" . $this->getMonthHTML(4 + $this->startMonth, $year, 0, $fac_id, $fac_name) ."</td>\n";
$s .= "<td class=\"calendar\" valign=\"top\">" . $this->getMonthHTML(5 + $this->startMonth, $year, 0, $fac_id, $fac_name) ."</td>\n";
$s .= "</tr>\n";
$s .= "<tr>\n";
$s .= "<td class=\"calendar\" valign=\"top\">" . $this->getMonthHTML(6 + $this->startMonth, $year, 0, $fac_id, $fac_name) ."</td>\n";
$s .= "<td class=\"calendar\" valign=\"top\">" . $this->getMonthHTML(7 + $this->startMonth, $year, 0, $fac_id, $fac_name) ."</td>\n";
$s .= "<td class=\"calendar\" valign=\"top\">" . $this->getMonthHTML(8 + $this->startMonth, $year, 0, $fac_id, $fac_name) ."</td>\n";
$s .= "</tr>\n";
$s .= "<tr>\n";
$s .= "<td class=\"calendar\" valign=\"top\">" . $this->getMonthHTML(9 + $this->startMonth, $year, 0, $fac_id, $fac_name) ."</td>\n";
$s .= "<td class=\"calendar\" valign=\"top\">" . $this->getMonthHTML(10 + $this->startMonth, $year, 0, $fac_id, $fac_name) ."</td>\n";
$s .= "<td class=\"calendar\" valign=\"top\">" . $this->getMonthHTML(11 + $this->startMonth, $year, 0, $fac_id, $fac_name) ."</td>\n";
$s .= "</tr>\n";
$s .= "</table>\n";

return $s;

function adjustDate($month, $year)
$a = array(); 
$a[0] = $month;
$a[1] = $year;

while ($a[0] > 12)
$a[0] -= 12;

while ($a[0] <= 0)
$a[0] += 12;

return $a;

var $startDay = 0;

var $startMonth = 1;

var $dayNames = array("Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat");

var $monthNames = array("JANUARY", "FEBRUARY", "MARCH", "APRIL", "MAY", "JUNE",

var $daysInMonth = array(31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31);


class MyCalendar extends Calendar
function getCalendarLink($month, $year, $fac_id, $fac_name)
$s = getenv('SCRIPT_NAME');
return "$s?month=$month&year=$year&fac_id=$fac_id&fac_name=$fac_name";

/*$d = getdate(time());

if ($month == "")
$month = $d["mon"];

if ($year == "")
$year = $d["year"];

$cal = new MyCalendar;
echo $cal->getMonthView($month, $year,$fac_id, $fac_name);*/?>
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