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I need a bandwidth monitor and access controller php server tool.

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Hey fellas.  I am new to the board so hello hehe.  I was wondering if a tool exists that will monitor bandwidth usage PER USER, and in general for a members section on a site.

I need the ability to cut the users off if they are using up too much bandwidth, thats NOT IP driven, MEMBER driven.

If it has nice looking graphs or anything like that it would make my boss very happy lol.  Thanks for the help!
It may depend on what you are monitoring.
- If you are monitoring the amount of files they download.
- If you are monitoring how much their files are downloaded by others.

I'd look for a dual solution with a server-based monitor and a PHP-based management/reporting tool.
PHP wouldn't be very efficient for monitoring each download or bandwidth so if you can get some sort of Apache extension or if you can monitor Apache logs then that's probably the right track.
So, specifically I need to monitor how much each users bandwidth totals are from downloads by the user.  This is not going to be a site like youtube, rather we will post the data and users will have access to it.

Thanks for the response.  Might you know of any place where I could read further into the tools you spoke of?  I am having trouble finding any, mostly because I don't know what to type into google lol.
I think the best way to go about this is with a database table, containing either a running total for each user based on a time-period of your choosing, or an entry for every download (which might get quite big depending on your traffic :) ).  When a user is about to download (or preferrably afterwards) you would update that table with the size of the download, either adding it to the running total or making a new entry.

With such a system in place, you could easily write some SQL-based reporting scripts, perhaps even with GD-generated graphs?

As ShogunWarrior says though, some kind of server extension might be more appropriate, but if your application isn't massive-scale the benefits of databased logging might outweight the overhead.

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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