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PHP on WinXP local server. I am stuck!

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I have WinXP pro.

I have installed Apache 2.2.4. I have installed PHP 5.2.0.

Apache monitor runs. No problems as far as I know, but then again, I know nothing about Apache server and how to use it.

I have moved php.ini to my Windows directory.

When I installed PHP, I told it to include the PEAR extensions, EXIF extensions, and mySQL extensions. These are in my PHP folder, C:\PHP\ext.

I tried to run PHP-win.exe. I get an error message. It says it cannot find the file php_mbstring.dll. I then moved php_mbstring.dll, php-exif.dll, and php-mysql.dll to my PHP folder. I tried again. Now I get an error message that says

CLI has encountered a problem and needs to close.  We are sorry for the inconvenience. Tell microsoft about this problem.

I chose don't send.

How am I suppose to set this up?

There are other dlls. These are


these are in C:\PHP. I expect to be there, not elsewhere.

How do I get this working? Then how do I make it work? Am I suppose to run PHP-win.exe?

Ack! All I wanna do is learn to use PHP with mySQL on a local server!
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You are not supposed to run php-win.exe

What are supposed to do is configure PHP with an http server. Apache is an http server and is best to use (IMO anyway). YOu have to editing Apache's configuration in order for PHP to be loaded. I provided the following steps to do this:

1. Find and apaches configuration file (httpd.conf - C:/program files/Apache Group/Apache2/conf). Open in notepad or another text editor add the following at the end of the file:
[code]LoadModule php5_module "C:/PHP/php5apache2_2.dll"
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php[/code]
Save the httpd.conf, Next go to C:\PHP and renamed php.ini-recommended to just php.ini move this file to the WINDOWS folder (C:\WINDOWS). Now open it in notepad and file the following line:
[code]extension_dir = "./"[/code]
change ./ to C:/PHP/ext (if isn't set to it already).
Scroll down further and until you come to the following:
Remove the semi-colon from the start of the line. Now save the php.ini and restart the Apache server.

PHP should now be loaded as an Apache module.

NOTE: It is best to add the PHP folder to the Windows PATH Variable. I will show you how to if you do not know. Add PHP to the Windows PATH keeps all PHP's files in one location and should keep any problems that may raise with PHPs configuration to a minimum.
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