bogdan Posted January 29, 2007 Share Posted January 29, 2007 Hi, I am used Coffee Cup Flash Form Builder in order to make a flash form, which is connected with PHP and XML.I don't know where should I type to SMTP address, the user name and the password in PHP code. Can anybody help me?Here's the PHP code[code]<?php/****************************************************//* CoffeeCup Software Form to Mail program *//* (C) 2005 CoffeeCup Software *//****************************************************//* - Companion Program For Coffeecup Form Builder - *//* Visit - *//****************************************************//* Constants *//* Version */ $version = '2.5';/* Date */ $date = '1/22/06';/* Error Level */ error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);/* Text File */ $saveFile = 'form001';//...... Added UTF-8 support//Config file must be in the same directory as this file//and have the same first part of the name. i.e.$formName,$ext) = split('\.',basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']),2);if (file_exists($formName.".inc.php")){ include($formName.".inc.php");}//XML file must be in the same directory as this file$debug = (isset($_REQUEST['debug'])) ? $_REQUEST['debug'] : $debug;if ($debug) error_reporting(E_ALL);//...... Display debugging informationif ($debug){ switch($debug) { case 'info' : phpinfo(); exit(); break; case 'version' : err("Current MailForm version: <b>".$version."</b><br>Current PHP version: <b>".phpversion()."</b><br> Current Revision Date: <b>$date</b>"); break; }}$date=date("l, F dS, Y \a\\t g:i a");$server=$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];$msg="Here is the information submitted to $formName from $_SERVER[REMOTE_ADDR] on $date\r\n\r\n------------------------\r\n";//...... Make sure we keep the variables$subject = $_REQUEST['subject'];$thankyoupage = $_REQUEST['thankyoupage'];$xmlFile = $_REQUEST['xmlfile'];$unreg = $_REQUEST['uR'];$email = $_REQUEST['eM'];if (file_exists($xmlFile)){ $fd = fopen(basename($xmlFile),'r'); while(!feof($fd)) { $contents .= fgets($fd,1024); } fclose($fd);}else{ err("No <xml> data file found<br>Please upload the data xml file ".$_REQUEST['xmlfile']);}$file_info = preg_replace("/\r|\n/"," ",$contents);//...... Includes the form results in your thank you page$incresults = (preg_match('/<form.*?includeresults="true".*?>/',$file_info));//...... Sends email of form results to the user$emailusr = (preg_match('/<form.*?emailuser="true".*?>/',$file_info));preg_match('/<hidden.*?name="mailto".*?value="(.*?)".*?>/',$file_info,$matches);$mailto = $matches[1];preg_match('/<hidden.*?name="thankyoumessage".*?value="(.*?)".*?>/',$file_info,$matches2);$thanksMsg = unhtmlentities($matches2[1]);preg_match('/<form.*?bkcolor2="(.*?)".*?>/',$file_info,$matches3);$backgroundclr = $matches3[1];preg_match('/<form.*?fontcolor2="(.*?)".*?>/',$file_info,$matches4);$fontclr = $matches4[1];preg_match('/<form.*?autoresponse="(.*?)".*?>/',$file_info,$matches5);$autoresponse = $matches5[1];if(!$thanksMsg){ $thanksMsg="Thank you for your form submission!";}if(!$subject){ $subject="Form Submission";}//...... Reversing array elements so they appear in correct form order$_REQVARS = array_merge($_POST,$_GET);//...... Delete them from the request array, we won't need//...... to send these in the actual email.unset($_REQVARS['thankyoupage']);unset($_REQVARS['subject']);unset($_REQVARS['mailto']);unset($_REQVARS['xmlfile']);unset($_REQVARS['thankyoumessage']);unset($_REQVARS['uR']);unset($_REQVARS['eM']);$addtoThank.="<span><p align=\"center\">Below is the information you submitted:</br></br></p><p align=\"center\">";$txtmsg=$formName.'|'.date("Y-m-d H:i:s").'|'.$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'].'|';$_REQVARS=array_reverse($_REQVARS);foreach($_REQVARS as $key=>$value){ $new1=str_replace("_"," ",$key); $msg .= "$new1: ".stripslashes($value)."\r\n\r\n"; $addtoThank.="$new1: ".stripslashes($value)."<br/>"; $txtmsg .= "$new1: ".stripslashes($value)."|";}$addtoThank.="</p></span>";$addtoThank=str_replace("_"," ",$addtoThank);//...... Write to the text file hereif ($saveFile != '[FILENAME]'){ $fd = fopen($saveFile,"a+"); ccfputcsv($fd, $txtmsg); fclose($fd);}if($unreg == 'true'){ $unregMsg="<div align=\"center\"><font size=\"1\" face=\"Arial\">Created with CoffeeCup Form Builder <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" title=\"CoffeeCup Form Builder\">Download It Here</a></font></div>"; $msg .= "------------------------\r\n\r\nThis Form was sent to you using CoffeeCup Form Builder.\r\nPlease tell a friend about us:\r\n";}else{ $unregMsg = '';}$newMsg= $msg . $autoresponse;//...... Construct a proper mime/UTF-8 for extended ASCII, and internationalization$headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n" . "Content-type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\r\n\r\n";//...... If they specify "email" in their form, it will set the reply-to field.if($email){ $sentMail = mail($mailto,$subject,$newMsg,"Reply-To: $email\r\nFrom: $email\r\n$headers"); //...... MAIL TO USER if($emailusr) { mail($email,$subject,$newMsg,"Reply-To: $mailto\r\nFrom: $mailto\r\n$headers"); }}//...... Send email as regular web server userelse{ $sentMail = mail($mailto,$subject,$newMsg,$headers);}if (!$sentMail) err("Cannot send email!");if(!$incresults){ $addtoThank="";}if($thankyoupage){ header("Location: $thankyoupage");}else{ print <<<__EOT__<html><head> <title>Form Submitted</title> <style type="text/css"> <!-- body { background-color:$backgroundclr; } #message { width:720px; margin:9px auto; text-align:center; font:bold 14px 'Trebuchet MS',arial,helvetica,sans-serif; color:$fontclr; }#message span { font-weight:normal;}//--> </style></head><body bgcolor="$background-color"><center> <div id="message"><div>$thanksMsg</div><br /><br />$addtoThank<br /><br />$unregMsg</center></body></html>__EOT__;}function err($string){ global $version; echo("<h2 style=\"font:normal 20px 'Trebuchet MS',arial\">$string</h2>"); echo("<h2 style=\"font:normal 12px 'Trebuchet MX',arial\">Either sendmail or smtp is not properly configured on your system.<br />Please contact your hosting provider to correct this problem.<!-- $version --></h2>"); exit();}function ccfputcsv($handle, $mymsg){ fputs($handle, $mymsg."\n");//stripslashes(substr($str, 0, -1)) return strlen($mymsg);}function unhtmlentities($string){ $trans_tbl = get_html_translation_table(HTML_ENTITIES); $trans_tbl = array_flip($trans_tbl); return strtr($string, $trans_tbl);}[/code]Thank you! 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wildteen88 Posted January 29, 2007 Share Posted January 29, 2007 From looking at the code you don;t need to type anything in there. That script properly including a configuration file which has the necessary bit to edit. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bogdan Posted January 29, 2007 Author Share Posted January 29, 2007 Maybe it seems to be OK, but when I test it, it says that the mail can't be sent, and it ask me to check the server. I have a SMTP server that I can use, but I don't know where to add the datas. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
wildteen88 Posted January 29, 2007 Share Posted January 29, 2007 [quote author=bogdan link=topic=124579.msg516379#msg516379 date=1170102880]Maybe it seems to be OK, but when I test it, it says that the mail can't be sent, and it ask me to check the server. I have a SMTP server that I can use, but I don't know where to add the datas.[/quote]It might be PHPs configuration. If you can edit PHP's config (php.ini) then you'll need to edit the following lines[code][mail function]; For Win32 only.SMTP = localhostsmtp_port = 25; For Win32 only.sendmail_from = y[/code] Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bogdan Posted January 29, 2007 Author Share Posted January 29, 2007 Can you please tell me where can I find this? I am not very familiar with php, I have just this file, an XML file, and the form, which is flash, all of them are integrated. I upload them on server (on Yahoo, there is where I have the hosting), but if I try to use it, it says "Cannot send email!Either sendmail or smtp is not properly configured on your system.Please contact your hosting provider to correct this problem."I can't find where to add these lines that you gave me... ??? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
wildteen88 Posted January 30, 2007 Share Posted January 30, 2007 Most webhosts don't allow access to the php.ini so you wont be able to edit it. Does the hosting account you are on with Yahoo allow to use SMTP/Sendmail? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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