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all you need is a simple sql database which can hold TEXT and then find a javascript content management editor and plug that in, then get the front end pages to pull content from the database.

I normally store the page url in a field in the database (such as "aboutus.php"), that way the pages content can be found automatically when a user visits that URL.
I tried to use drupal once and all I could get going with was basically a Blog, I probably didn't put enough effort in it, but I like the idea of having a CMS that's actually easy to use... which was my major problem with drupal... I never understood how I was supposed to write a custom theme to it...

So, the thing is... is Drupal that good?
My personal take is that no company, no matter how hard they try, will be able to appeal to specifically what [i]you[/i] want. The best way to get what you want is to custom script it. I've been building a News CMS for the past couple of weeks and on the whole it's pretty easy, for everything else the people on this forum are fantastic and will work to help you out. :)

Theres no substitute for a do-it-yourself attitude :P
I know but I don't want to reinvent the wheel for, lets say a "personal" website... I wan't something I can easily customize without much investment of time (got to many projects to really spend lots of time on a family site).

Anyway, I agree with you... People in this forum are great. Thanks to all guys for the help I've received, and the help I hope to receive in the future...
@ smc: custom script is the way to go for sure.

@ rantsh: i purchased a book on drupal by this publishing company called [url=http://www.packtpub.com/drupal/book]packt pub[/url]. great guide to utilizing drupal to it's best potential. very extensive. however, i figured out that i was way in over my head being a simple windows user, and everyone i spoke with in the drupal support forums said to switch to linux, and to learn php. so here i am... phpfreaks member, i have a job as a php developer at a web-hosting company. and i run gentoo (one of the most difficult distros to use). talking about drupal is sort of nastalgic. anyway, drupal's the shit. the books not expensive. it's good to know about in case you're on any projects in the future that require you to build your own cms... or know how to setup your own server with mysql and php support.

I've played with a ton of different CMS packages over the years.  Most were either too complex with too many features (Nuke/etc) or didn't do enough.  I've recently started using Etomite (http://www.etomite.org/) and have been very happy with it so far.  I've got customers using it who can barely send/receive e-mail.  I had to setup a couple of page templates for them to work from, but they're coming along quite nicely.

Just my $.02.
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