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Hello everyone im building an mp3 shop and I have a question that has been on my mind for a while.

On the server I will have a folder for each record label I am selling for. And all songs will be FTP'ed to the appropriate folder. I read that it isnt good to store songs in a MYSQL database and that its better to upload them in a folder by FTP. So my question is.. When I create a new MP3 for sale how would I attach it to a particular song file if its not in the database? Ill have a table with Title, Label Name, Release Date, Reviews, Genre but I wont have an entry for the actual mp3 file. How would I go about getting this system to work together?

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You wouldn't store the 'song' in the database. You'd store the path or link to it.


When you add a new title/artist, etc. do you complete a form to do that? If so, you could add a file upload field to it for the mp3's and insert the name into the mysql database at the same time.

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Elis, my plan is to contact the labels and have them sign some sort of contract consenting me to sell the songs. This would be enough or are there other legal issues.


Simcoweb if I upload the file through a form it will be as good as ftp.

How would I go about storing this path or link to the song.

Ill be using a form to upload the information for each song.

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i suggest you dont create a shop like this. It will be rediculous. Obviously you can do what you think but come on.




And even that is for the "computer illiterate" because *cough*Lime*cough*wire*cough*.


Do you have audio experience? Have you checked out competition. Anyway. Like simco said.


Upload via FTP and store the link to the song in a database. (Your database better be secure or somepeople may inject a little SQL and pull out a few hundred Direct Download songs)


Anywho. Enjoy the project, Good luck





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The style of music im selling is not found on Itunes. The market and situation is perfect at the moment for what im doing. Ill be putting a lot of effort into this site, including security and possibly hiring a hacking team to test the site. If I wanted to do this song reference trick which part or tutorial of PHP should I read?

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