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Coding problem,please help


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my Question:


I am using MySQL+PHP5+IIS


(*NOTE:i just let the user to buy each book for ONE unit only.)


step 1(correct):


when i click "Add to cart"(index.php) for the book "ABC" ,

a message was shown in (cart.php):"You have 1 item in your shopping basket"

when i click the "Add to cart"(index.php) for the book "ABC" AGAIN,

a message shown including:"You have 1 item in your shopping basket" and

"you already order the book!"




step 2(have bugs/error occur):


when i click "when i click "Add to cart"(index.php) for the book "XYZ" ,

a message was shown in (cart.php):"You have 2 item in your shopping basket"

when i click the "Add to cart"(index.php) for the book "ABC" AGAIN,

a message shown including:"You have 3 item in your shopping basket"

(*the item number will continue increase)


what i want is:i hope i can get the message "You have 2 item in your shopping basket"

Also,will shown  "you already order the book!" when i try to add the same item again!



The coding part that i suspect make the error occur as below:

case 'add':
	if ($cart){

		$cart .= ','.$_GET['id'];
		echo "you already order the book!";


		$cart = $_GET['id'];


can anyone help me to edit it?


Table Scheme:

id int auto_increament,
title varchar
author varchar
price decimal

USE books;

INSERT INTO books VALUES(1,'ABC','kelly','25.00');
INSERT INTO books VALUES(2,'XYZ','john','80.00');


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A little theory first.  Say you have ABC and XYZ as you've used above, and you add it to the string each time you have...


First order: $cart = 'ABC'

Second order: $cart = 'ABC, XYZ'


As you can see above, if you compare XYZ with $cart on your third order it will not be the same.  You would be best using an array, something along the lines of this, before you start using $cart:


$cart = array();


Then your code would be something like:


if(count($cart) > 0)
  if(!in_array($_GET['id'], $cart))
    $cart[] = $_GET['id'];
    echo "you already order the book!";


This simply checks if there are any items in the array and if so, if any match $_GET['id'].  This is a simple example that you can tailor to suit your needs but I would suggest using arrays in this instance.



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hi,i try my code like this,but have warning!

Warning: in_array() [function.in-array]: Wrong datatype for second argument in C:\testshop2\cart.php on line 17


Fatal error: [] operator not supported for strings in C:\testshop2\cart.php on line 19

PHP Warning: in_array() [function.in-array]: Wrong datatype for second argument in C:\testshop2\cart.php on line 17 PHP Fatal error: [] operator not supported for strings in C:\testshop2\cart.php on line 19


switch ($action) {
case 'add':

if(count($cart) > 0)
  	if(!in_array($_GET['id'], $cart))
   	$cart[] = $_GET['id'];
    echo "you already order the book!";

$cart = $_GET['id'];



Please try your best to help me.Thank you

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<?php session_start(); ?>
<form method="POST">
<input type="text" name="id">
<input type="submit" value="add" name="action">
<input type="submit" value="clear cart" name="action">

if ($_POST['action'] == 'clear cart') unset($_SESSION['cart']);
if (isset($_POST['action']) and $_POST['action'] == 'add') {
$id = $_POST['id'];
if ($_SESSION['cart'] and $id) {
	if (!in_array($id, $_SESSION['cart'])) $_SESSION['cart'][]=$id; 
	else echo 'you already order the book!<br />'; 
} elseif ($id) $_SESSION['cart']= array($id); else echo 'no book <br />';
echo 'In your card is: <br />';
if ($_SESSION['cart']) foreach ($_SESSION['cart'] as $a) echo $a,'<br />';

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