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Asking for your experience with CMS's!


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I'm hoping someone can help me. There are so many free CMS programs out there and I can't check them all in my lifetime! Does anyone know if there is a free CMS that can do the following:


I would like to have a login and members area for users so they can access videos (they are not charged money, it's free).

I don't want a registration process because I prefer to create the accounts myself. I also want to be able to delete them if needed.


Each user has their own designated videos. If the CMS' admin portion is limited in it's functionality and I need to ftp and "drag and drop" over the files per user, then so be it.


User "A" would only see the files designated for User "A".

User "B" would only see the files designated for User "B"

and so on and forth....


Anyone ever heard of such a CMS??


Truly appreciated.

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Hi, your needs are a bit too specific to point out a good cms for you. Usually you have to customize you cms to fit such specific tasks.




This is a link to a site that lets you test online versions of most cms-solutions that's out there. The site also puts each system into cathegories, so that you know what tasks the cms is designed for.


Happy hunting!

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jan's got a good link. definitely try them. if you want my personal opinion, i found drupal to be a very good, very well-rounded cms. if you want the graphical ease of macintosh computers, go with plone. but do the research. hit the forums for each cms that you're considering. they'll all invariably have a forum for websites made with that particular cms. check them out, and see what they look like. they all have their pro's and con's, but i'd definitely get one that has a book like the drupal book from packt-pub. i would highly recommend against mambo or joomla, but to each his own.

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