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Project Management - software scheduling


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How do you guys figure out the delivery schedule when managing a project? Do you sit down and write down every single feature/task, then estimate the number of hours for them all and enter them into the software?


I tried using Trac, and the problem is that I am forced to use due dates as opposed to # of hours needed to complete. I think the latter is better because programmers often jump around when developing software, and it's hard to decide way early on what date the start something and what date it should end.


Any ideas?

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Typically we do not assign a specific feature/task a due date.  Instead we roll these into releases. 


So release 0.2a might look like:

Feature: Update XML parser.  (Add namespace support)

Feature: Add client side form validation.

Bug fix #12

Bug fix #13

Bug fix #14



Release date 2/15/2007.


We have our own proprietary project management software.  But I hear that dot project is pretty decent as far as open source solutions go.





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