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if a few people would try out the system i have put together i would appreciate it.

It is a real time auction system.

when a bid is placed a xmlhttprequest is sent to update the database with the username / id and bidamount.

every 4 seconds another xmlhttpRequest is sent to update the current bid and who is the high bidder.

a "quick bid" can be placed by just clicking the quick bid button or a higher bid amount can be entered in the text box.

if the user is the highbidder the gif in the upper right changes to green and when out bid it turns to red.

from the admin side i can update the current auction, end it, and start the bidding on the next item inline.

during that time a hidden layer is made visible through the 4 second xmlhttprequest to let all users know a new item is coming.


i have stripped out all user authentication and the company details

when you click the link you will automatically logged in as "testuser"

take a look and see if it functions correctly for you.

I will be online also to bid against anyone who enters the site... looking for a few people to help me test it out basically.

also all the items images are out of specs, stretched looking. very beta




any feedback would be great



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