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problem with my regex


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ok i got all my regs, however for some reason some of them test fine with the tester on the RegExLib site, but are not working for my project, i am using the same data


here is the code im using


these are the reg values


$emailreg = "^[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+\.([a-zA-Z]{2,4})$";
$namereg = "^[A-Za-zÀ-ÖØ-öø-ÿ '\-\.]{1,22}$";
$address1reg = "^\d{1,5}\s[\w0-9][\sa-zA-Z0-9]*[aAvVeEsSrRdDtT]{2,3}\.?\s[nNsSeEwW][\.\s]?[nNsSeEwW][\.]?$";
$address2reg = "^p(ost)?[ |\.]*o(ffice)?[ |\.]*(box)?[ 0-9]*[^[a-z ]]*";
$zipreg = "(^\d{5}$)|(^\d{5}-\d{4}$)";
$phonereg = "^(\(?\d\d\d\)?)?( |-|\.)?\d\d\d( |-|\.)?\d{4,4}(( |-|\.)?[ext\.]+ ?\d+)?$";
$statereg ="^((AL)|(AK)|(AS)|(AZ)|(AR)|(CA)|(CO)|(CT)|(DE)|(DC)|(FM)|(FL)|(GA)|(GU)|(HI)|(ID)|(IL)|(IN)|(IA)|(KS)|(KY)|(LA)|(ME)|(MH)|(MD)|(MA)|(MI)|(MN)|(MS)|(MO)|(MT)|(NE)|(NV)|(NH)|(NJ)|(NM)|(NY)|(NC)|(ND)|(MP)|(OH)|(OK)|(OR)|(PW)|(PA)|(PR)|(RI)|(SC)|(SD)|(TN)|(TX)|(UT)|(VT)|(VI)|(VA)|(WA)|(WV)|(WI)|(WY))$";




this is the code to test them


 //chnage case
$state = strtoupper($state);

//check size
if(strlen($_POST['chimney_pot_size']) > 2){$sizeflag=1; $size='';}
//check email
if(!eregi($emailreg, $email)) {
//check name
if(!eregi($namereg, $name)) {
//check address1
if(!eregi($address1reg, $address1)) {
//check address2
if(!eregi($address2reg, $address2)) {
//check city
if(!eregi($namereg, $city)) {
//check state
if(!eregi($statereg, $state)) {
//check zip
if(!eregi($zipreg, $zip)) {
//check phone
if(!eregi($phonereg, $phone)) {


i have it set to show an x if its not working



This is my test data


name=bob marley

address1=1234 newport rd. n.w.

address2=po box 1234







the results i am getting


name =bob marley


address2=po box 1234








if anyone can help me with this or knows what it is im doing wrong it would help me out alot.





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You're using ereg, not preg, so the shorthands do not work. I recommend switching to preg.




- The state should be checked with an array + in_array, not a regex.

- Unless your data can end with a new line, use \z instead of $.

- Keep in mind that \w includes an underscore (after you switch to preg).

- Unless you're capturing the data, use (?:...) instead of (...).

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