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PHP config

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Good Evening everyone,


Im struggling with what I think and hope is a simple and easy to answer problem but after a day of learning HTML and css The time has come to ask for assistance.


I have installed both the latest version of php and apache (on to a windows XP based pc)..I have configured both as correctly as I believe and I am able to run php scripts (the php.info and a time php script from the mySQL website) but i am unable to run any scripts through a test website I have been constructing over the past couple of days.  These scripts that have worked have been run from the htdocs file within the apache directory.


My simpletons view of this would be to change the directory within the apache conf. file which determines where php files are executed from.  However being the long day it has and having a short time to correct this problem (this is a university project due in imminently) I was wondering if anyone has any quick fixes that could assist me.





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My test website is currently located within a sub folder of my documents.


Ive actually managed to change the directory from where I can store and then execute .php files (this is also the same directory as my test website) but cannot run .php files through my website as yet.


I am currently running my site and the .php files from my universities webserver but would very much like to run this directly from my lap top until my own web server is up and running.


Any suggestions on this issue?

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