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.htaccess on a subdomain + php


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Hi, I am having a problem with my .htaccess on my subdomain.


Here is my code in the .htaccess


RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^(.*) /home/user/public_html/profile/profile.php?user=$1
RewriteRule ^(.*)/ /home/user/public_html/profile/profile.php?user=$1


Ok, so this code works for stuff in folders like mysite.com/(real folder)forum/(script)"topic/1", on a subdomain or not, but it wont work in the main folder if that makes any sense.


So, I have this.

my subdomain is profile.mysite.com


People view this profile.mysite.com/1 or profile.mysite.com/user/username


what happens is, I need the wildcard, and I use in my php script explode to break apart any / so I can make 2 differant variables, also anything more users add like user/username/lol/test/132123123123/123123123, does nothing and shows no error instead if I was to use $1 $2


ok, so I hope that much makes sense, but the problem is on my subdomain, when I go to echo the user=$1, all that comes up is profile.php instead of what people write .com/here/1/1/1/1/1/1


Any ideas of why im only running into this problem on my subdomain, and why its priting the scripts name?



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What's the problem, restate the question, well thought.


Uhm, I just want to know why when I echo $user it prints "profile.php", instead of the variable in I guess what you can call the query string of profile.mysite.com/"1/", which should be "1/", profile.mysite.com/"user/blazing" being "user/blazing" (I use the explode next to split the / instead of adding extra $2 in .htaccess which create problems for me.



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