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PHP Extension_dir and Include_dir not set properly...Mysqli not found

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I have a problem with my setup not recognizing class 'mysqli' and I think I have discovered why.


I will include the contents of my php.ini file. My web server is a home based, I recently wiped and reinstalled everything. I am running Apache 2.2 and PHP 5, with MySQL 4.1 currently, but will be moving to MySQL 5. I went back to 4.1 because of this problem, so it does exist with 5.


The problem is any time I try to use mysqli I get the Fatal Error that it is not found. I just discovered that my phpinfo(); output is not matching my php.ini file, which is located in C:\WINDOWS.


Here is the INI File lines


include_path = "c:\PHP5\"

extension_dir = "C:\PHP5\ext\"


Here is what PHPinfo() spits out:


extension_dir	C:\php5	C:\php5
file_uploads	On	On
highlight.bg	#FFFFFF	#FFFFFF
highlight.comment	#FF8000	#FF8000
highlight.default	#0000BB	#0000BB
highlight.html	#000000	#000000
highlight.keyword	#007700	#007700
highlight.string	#DD0000	#DD0000
html_errors	On	On
ignore_repeated_errors	Off	Off
ignore_repeated_source	Off	Off
ignore_user_abort	Off	Off
implicit_flush	Off	Off
include_path	.;C:\php5\pear	.;C:\php5\pear



I'm stumped... why would those values be seperate? I searched the drive and C:\WINDOWS is the only location with php.ini so I don't have duplicates. Thanks for any help, I'm totally stressed.

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