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Creating a file name or directory with a int


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I am trying to save my thumbnails but I need to save them with the size that they are in the path of the directory or in the file name, however everytime I insert the interger into the string my script stops working. I have tried to convert the int to string with strval() but it didnt work either. Here is one of the attempts I have made:


$trgdir = "_thumbs\\$directory";


$sizeandfile = strval($thumbsize);
$sizeandfile = "$sizeandfile$image";

$trgfile = "$trgdir\\$image";

imagejpeg($thumb, $trgfile);


I have tried loads of thing like concating strings and thing but to no avail.





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Thanks for the suggestion but its still not working. My main problem is I don't get error message as the script is dealling with images and all I get is no picture displayed. I am going to try and build another script with just making directories bit in it and see if I can get an error message. Any other suggestions in the mean time?


Thanks again for your help.



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the easy way mate now all you do is the database connection then echo pic via html img src ok.


1. make folder new_upload.


2. call the script upload.php


test it without the database first ok.



// database connection.


//random number


// directory path.

$uploaddir = 'upload_new/';

// get the dir to send file to and the file name.

$uploadfile = $uploaddir . basename($_FILES['userfile']['name']);


$ext = substr($file, -4);



// if all the conditions are correct send the file to the directory.

if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'], $uploadfile)){

//database protection.


//query insert.

//$query="insert into colmn_name ('uplaodfile')values('uploadfile)";

// success echoed

echo " <font color='red'>File is valid, and was successfully uploaded.</font>";

}else {

//unsuccesfull echoed

echo "<font color='red'>File was unsuccesful sorry</font>";


// show the form.
<form enctype='multipart/form-data' action='upload.php' method='POST'>
<input type='hidden' name='MAX_FILE_SIZE' value='30000000000000000000000'>

send this file <input name='userfile' type='file' >
<input type='submit' name='submit' value='Send File'>



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Thanks for the help! I was looking at possibly using the database some how but I am not very good with DBs (not my thing).


The $image is the thumb nail I have already generated the picture. All I am tring to do is save that file to disk so that the next time I need it I don't need to regenerate the picture (hopefully speeding up my web site). So My plan was to create a "_thumbs" directory in the root of the web site and save all my thumbnails into that in the same directory structure as the rest of the web site (to avoid duplication).


I can do this, but I also offer the ability to view the picture in different sizes (small medium and large) for this I just reuse the thumbnail generation scripts but do it bigger. So what I would like to do is put the size of the image stored in the file name or directory structure: i.e:








But every time I mention the $imagesize variable anywhere the whole thing stops working - it works fine without it!


I will try and digest the DB solution with the upload script but its getting frustrating as to why my script isn't working.


Thanks again! 

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