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Merging results from two mysql databases


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I have made two websites on seperate servers both with a database of their own.

They are identical but with different results in the databases.

I want to make a page on one of the sites that will merge the information from both databases.


site 1 has a list in date order

site 2 has a list in date order


I want site 1 to have the list merged together to form one big list but still be in date order. Also I want to be able to have the results of site 2 in a different font colour to site 1.



Site 1 results


10th jan - something

15th jan - something else

19th jan - more




Site 2 results


11th jan - even more

13th jan - some more

16th jan - more stuff




Merged page


10th jan - something

11th jan - even more

13th jan - some more

15th jan - something else

16th jan - more stuff

19th jan - more



can anyone help with this?

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Create a new table based off the existing ones, but add a site_id column. Afterwards, run two inserts:

INSERT into merged_db.new_table (date, text, site_id) SELECT date, text, 1 from site_1_db.table

INSERT into merged_db.new_table (date, text, site_id) SELECT date, text, 2 from site_2_db.table

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I did try union at first but I couldn't get it to work from the separate databases. Is it possible this way or does union only work from separate tables in the same database?

I did a sort of

select * from db1


select db2

select * from db2


kind of thing but it didn't work. First time using union so I don't really know if I did it right. I just scrapped the whole thing and decided to start again.


Also, once it is merged in my output, will I be able to output it as shown in original post with separate font colours so that each set of results can be distinguished?



Site 1 results


10th jan - something

15th jan - something else

19th jan - more




Site 2 results


11th jan - even more

13th jan - some more

16th jan - more stuff




Merged page


10th jan - something

11th jan - even more

13th jan - some more

15th jan - something else

16th jan - more stuff

19th jan - more


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This is what I have so far


$q = mysql_query("(SELECT * FROM table_3)UNION (SELECT * FROM table_3)");


If I do this:


$q = mysql_query("(SELECT * FROM $db1.table_3)UNION (SELECT * FROM $db2.table_3)");


I get an error.


How can I make it so that it takes the details from the right databases and uses the correct login for each database?


Also db1 has different username to db2

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What kind of error? If one user cannot access both tables in both databases, I think you have no option but to do this solely in PHP: make two separate connections, two separate queries, array the results, merge the arrays, modify as needed, and output.

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UNION isn't going to work with 2 differnt Database with differnt Username and Passwords, let alone 2 differnt Databases.  It will work with 2 differnt Tables in 1 Database.


The only way to do this is to extract the data like so...



//DATABASE 1 CONNECTION HERE Username/Password etc.

$q1 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM table_3") ;
while($row = mysql_fetch_row($q1)) {
$example1 = $row[1] ;

//DATABASE 2 CONNECTION HERE Username/Password etc.

$q2 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM table_3") ;
while($row = mysql_fetch_row($q2)) {
$example2 = $row[1] ;

echo $example1." ".$example2 ;


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I have half got it. This is what I have so far but it only outputs the results of $db2. Somehow I need to merge the results of each array before sorting them out.$example2 is overriding $example1 in my variable assignments i.e. $date, $venue etc...


How can I make for example, $date1 = $example1 results together with $example2 results?


$connection = mysql_connect($host,$usr,$pwd);
$q1 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM table_$id WHERE id > 0 ORDER BY date desc") ;
while($row1 = mysql_fetch_array($q1)) {
$example1 = $row1;

$connection = mysql_connect($host2,$usr2,$pwd2);
$q2 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM table_1 WHERE id > 0 ORDER BY date desc") ;
while($row2 = mysql_fetch_array($q2)) {
$example2 = $row2;

$date1 = $example1["date"];
$date1 = $example2["date"];
$date = date("l jS F Y", strtotime($date1) );
$venue = $example1["venue"];
$tickets = $example1["tickets"];
$time = $example1["time"];
$address = $example1["address"];
$venue = $example2["venue"];
$tickets = $example2["tickets"];
$time = $example2["time"];
$address = $example2["address"];

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Alll the  examples1 are in conflict becasue $example1 is what ever is in row 1 of the table you are running the query on in $q1


Lets say row 1 is date row 2 is venues...


$q1 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM table_$id WHERE id > 0 ORDER BY date desc") ;

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($q1)) {

$record_id = $row[0];

$date1 = $row[1];

$venue = $row[2];

$ticket = $row[3];




$q2 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM table_1 WHERE (id = '$record_id')") ;

while($row2 = mysql_fetch_array($q2)) {

$date2 = $row[1];





Notices how I removed the ORDER BY from the second query becase its already sorting based on Database 1 results.. Can't sort it again or it will stop parsing data.

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Why (id = '$record_id') ?


I am getting closer to a result with this method. No errors but it isn't putting them in any specific order. I have the merged results though.


$connection = mysql_connect($host,$usr,$pwd);
$q1 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM table_$id WHERE id > 0 ORDER BY date desc") ;
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($q1)) {
$record_id = $row[0];
$date1 = $row[1];
$date = date("l jS F Y", strtotime($date1) );
$venue = $row[2];
$tickets = $row[3];
$time = $row[5];
$address = $row[4];

$connection2 = mysql_connect($host2,$usr2,$pwd2);
$q2 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM table_1 WHERE (id = '$record_id')") ;
while($row2 = mysql_fetch_array($q2)) {
$date2 = $row2[1];
$date3 = date("l jS F Y", strtotime($date2) );
$venue2 = $row2[2];
$tickets2 = $row2[3];
$time2 = $row2[5];
$address2 = $row2[4];

if ($date1 < $todaysdate){
echo '<div class="container">
		<div class="thegig">

		<td class="info"></td>

		<td class="dategiggrey">'. $date .'</td>
		<td class="venuegrey">'. $venue .'</td>
		</div >
	<div class="information">
		<table class="gigaddressgrey">
		<td>'. $address .'</td>
		<td> '. $time .'</td>
		<td>'. $tickets .'</td>

	</div >
	</div >'. "\n";

    $rgb -= $speed;

if ($date2 < $todaysdate){
echo '<div class="container">
		<div class="thegig">

		<td class="info"></td>

		<td class="dategiggrey">'. $date3 .'</td>
		<td class="venuegrey">'. $venue2 .'</td>
		</div >
	<div class="information">
		<table class="gigaddressgrey">
		<td>'. $address2 .'</td>
		<td> '. $time2 .'</td>
		<td>'. $tickets2 .'</td>

	</div >
	</div >'. "\n";

    $rgb -= $speed;

if ($date1 >= $todaysdate){
echo '<div class="container">
<div class="thegig">
					<td class="info"></td>
<td class="dategigblack">'. $date .'</td>
		<td class="venueblack">'. $venue .'</td>
</div >
		<div class="information">
		<table class="gigaddressblack">
		<td>'. $address .'</td>
		<td> '. $time .'</td>
		<td>'. $tickets .'</td>
	</div >

	</div >'. "\n";
	    $rgb -= $speed;

if ($date2 >= $todaysdate){
echo '<div class="container">
<div class="thegig">
					<td class="info"></td>
<td class="dategigblack">'. $date3 .'</td>
		<td class="venueblack">'. $venue2 .'</td>
</div >
		<div class="information">
		<table class="gigaddressblack">
		<td>'. $address2 .'</td>
		<td> '. $time2 .'</td>
		<td>'. $tickets2 .'</td>
	</div >

	</div >'. "\n";
	    $rgb -= $speed;





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$connection = mysql_connect($host,$usr,$pwd);
$q1 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM table_$id WHERE id > 0 ORDER BY date desc") ;
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($q1)) {
$record_id = $row[0];
$date1 = $row[1];
$date = date("l jS F Y", strtotime($date1) );
$venue = $row[2];
$tickets = $row[3];
$time = $row[5];
$address = $row[4];

echo "<div>";
echo "$date"; 
echo "---"; 
echo "$venue"; 
echo "</div>";

$connection2 = mysql_connect($host2,$usr2,$pwd2);
$q2 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM table_1 WHERE (id = $record_id)") ;
while($row2 = mysql_fetch_array($q2)) {
$date2 = $row2[1];
$date3 = date("l jS F Y", strtotime($date2) );
$venue2 = $row2[2];
$tickets2 = $row2[3];
$time2 = $row2[5];
$address2 = $row2[4];

echo "<div><font style='color:#ccf'>";
echo "$date3"; 
echo "---"; 
echo "$venue2"; 
echo "</font></div>";


This is the closest I have gotten. This shows $db results in date desc order and merged in to them results it shows $db2 in date random order. All the dates are there they just aren't sorted right.


What is it I am doing wrong?

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Well you need to determin if you need that then..  I'm trying to figure out what it is between the 2 database is suppost to match?


If its just the date then remove the record_id and extract from database 2 the date that is to match whatever row.

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Hey sorry I got busy lately..  I do believe you will need to add a new row to your database that has the date in another format other the YYYY/MM/DD in order to do this easy. 


You could explode the date before it is entered into a data base and added to 3 differnt colums.  year, month, day.


Then extract the data from the database with ORDER BY year DESC, month DESC, day DESC.

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Ahh I see you didn't have the blue text on the page when I looked yesterday..  Now I see it..  Hummmm thats sure gonna be tricky to have them extract accordingly from 2 Databases and 2 Tables with 2 Logins to sort out correctly...


Perhaps thinking about making them so that Band 1 is in a colum with its listing of events while Band 2 is in its own.  Side by side.





Band 1  |  Band 2

Date 1  |  Date 1

Date 2  |  Date2

Date 3

Date 4


Since there is alot more white listing then blue.

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You don't need to use $record_id in fact you should try to pull resulst from the second query from the first query's date. That may fix your problem all together.



WHERE date = '$date1'


Istead of id = '$record_id'


Before you showed me your code as being WHERE id > 0 so I assumed you were trying to match ID's but its date you are trying to match between the 2.


Use the date for the WHERE and see what happens.

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