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Session Array isn't keeping its values


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I've got a calendar database, and my PHP pulls the events for the day. For now, I'm only pulling three values: the events unique id, the events title, and the events start date. I place these in an array, but when I try to retrieve them later they don't show up.


The top of the script looks like this:

		//---- Start a unique session. ----

	//When set to 1, debug information is shown.
		(integer) $debugInfo = 1;

	//Set whether this is considered a new session or not.
		if (isset($_SESSION['newSession'])) {
			$_SESSION['newSession'] = 0;
		} else {
			$_SESSION['newSession'] = 1;
		if ($debugInfo == 1) echo "<p>[DEBUG] newSession: " .$_SESSION['newSession'];


Then I grab the events from the calendar database, and then I store those elements in an array. Here is the code for storing the events:


		//---- Store the event information in an array that lasts the entire session, if this is considered a new session.
		if ($_SESSION['newSession'] == 1) {
			(integer)$arrayElement = 0;
			while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
				$_SESSION['eventID[ . $arrayElement]'] = $row['extid'];
				$_SESSION['eventTitle[ . $arrayElement]'] = $row['title'];
				$_SESSION['eventDate[ . $arrayElement]'] = $row['start_date'];

				if ($debugInfo == 1) {
					echo "<p><b>[DEBUG] Array Element:</b> " . $arrayElement;
					echo "<p>[DEBUG] ID: " . $_SESSION['eventID[ . $arrayElement]'];
					echo "<p>[DEBUG] ID: " . $_SESSION['eventID[ . $arrayElement]'];
					echo "<p>[DEBUG] Title: " . $_SESSION['eventTitle[ . $arrayElement]'];
					echo "<p>[DEBUG] Date: " . $_SESSION['eventDate[ . $arrayElement]'];
				$arrayElement = $arrayElement + 1;
	//---- End of array assignments. ----


Here is the code for retrieving the events (and this is where the problem is). For some reason, the array doesn't keep its values.

		//---- Declare $_SESSION variables only if they have not yet been set. ----
		if (!isset($_SESSION['numberOfRows'])) (integer)$_SESSION['numberOfRows'] = mysql_num_rows($result);
		if (!isset($_SESSION['actualEvents'])) (integer)$_SESSION['actualEvents'] = $_SESSION['numberOfRows'] - 1;
		if (!isset($_SESSION['eventsPerPage'])) (integer)$_SESSION['eventsPerPage'] = 6;
		if (!isset($_SESSION['numberOfPages'])) (integer)$_SESSION['numberOfPages'] = round(($_SESSION['numberOfRows'] - 1) / $_SESSION['eventsPerPage']);
		if (!isset($_SESSION['currentEvent'])) (integer)$_SESSION['currentEvent'] = $_SESSION['eventsPerPage'];
		if (!isset($_SESSION['currentPage'])) (integer)$_SESSION['currentPage'] = 1;

		if ($debugInfo == 1) {
			echo "<p>[DEBUG] Number of rows in table: " . $_SESSION['numberOfRows'];
			echo "<p>[DEBUG] Actual number of events: " . $_SESSION['actualEvents'];
			echo "<p>[DEBUG] Events per page: " . $_SESSION['eventsPerPage'];
			echo "<p>[DEBUG] Number of pages: " . $_SESSION['numberOfPages'];
			echo "<p>[DEBUG] Current event: " . $_SESSION['currentEvent'];
			echo "<p>[DEBUG] Current page: " . $_SESSION['currentPage'];
	//---- End of setting variables. ----
	//---- Show the events. ----
		for ($counter = ($_SESSION['eventsPerPage'] - $_SESSION['currentEvent']); $counter < $_SESSION['currentEvent']; $counter++) {
					echo "<p><b>[REAL] Array Element:</b> ". $counter;
					echo "<p>[REAL] ID: " . $_SESSION['eventID[ . $counter]'];
					echo "<p>[REAL] Title: " . $_SESSION['eventTitle[ . $counter]'];
					echo "<p>[REAL] Date: " . $_SESSION['eventDate[ . $counter]'];


What happens is that when the information is stored (ie - the second block of code), everything works fine. However, when the third block of code executes the arrays are empty.


I do know that it would probably be easier to create a class and simply have an array of that class, but I'd like to avoid that (for reasons I won't go in to). Also, if you're concerned about memory load on the server, it is guaranteed that no more than 5 machines are running this script at any given time.


So why does the array not get stored properly?

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