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problem with setting cookies for translating pages


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I am making a website that I want to be able to turn into different languages. English, Hebrew, Spanish, and Portueguese.


my brainstorms are this:

1. i create static html translated pages for each language

2. i pass lang=en/he/es through urls

3. a cookie is made for this variable that is passed through the url, so the page remembers the language that page needs to be translated in

4. if/else statements determine what the variable is if it is en, es, he, and then loads an include page which is that static html page this is translated


here is the code i was trying out: it does not translated to hebrew at all, only english, I don't know what I"m doing wrong, the basic steps of my process are listed above, if anyone has any better ideas on how to do this, please tell me


//setting cookie based on variable that has been pass by url
//the REQUEST command can retrieve variables from variables being pass by url
//like something.php?favmovie=starwars
setcookie("language_en", $_REQUEST['lang'], time()+3600,"/","");
setcookie("language_he", $_REQUEST['lang'], time()+3600,"/","");
$language_en = $_COOKIE['language_en'];
$language_he = $_COOKIE['language_he'];
//pagelanguage variable now is the main variable to use for if/else statements
//for english
if ($language_en == en)
include 'main_en.html';
$language_en = $_COOKIE['language_en'];
//for hebrew now
if ($language_he == he)
include 'main_he.html';
$language_he = $_COOKIE['language_he'];
//also very important if the cookie is null maybe its their first visit
//then you need to make an if/else statement to display english page if cookie
//is null
if ($language_en = 'NULL')
include 'main_en.html';
echo 'there is no cookie available to make a variable from, and your if else statement to load an english page when that happens did not work';



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i have new code that i wrote now

it doesnt work either, the regularpage.html displays for every url

whether its main.php?lang=en

or main.php?lang=he


still regularpage.html displays

this means that its supposedly read that the cookie was neither he or en

but apparantly i passed the variable correctly in my url like so: ?lang=en


so maybe something in my code is wrong? i appreciate the help

here is the link to the php page http://p2mhunt.awardspace.com/main.php

//setting cookie based on variable that has been pass by url
//the REQUEST command can retrieve variables from variables being pass by url
//like something.php?favmovie=starwars
$justsentlang = $_REQUEST['lang'];
setcookie("justsentlang", '$justsentlang', time()+3600,"/","");
$langcookie = $_COOKIE['justsentlang'];

if ($langcookie == "en") 
include 'main_en.html';

if ($langcookie == "he")
include 'main_he.html';
include 'regularpage.html';

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ok i have a new piece of code

it somewhat works, except something weird happens

it displays the content that is supposed to be dislayed when the cookie is read correctly

BUT it also displays the content when the cookie is supposed to be NULL

so what is going on? how can it be displaying both?

please help i have taken time to explain and repost different pieces of codes that I made myself from scratch, it may be beginners, but at least i made it myself-thank u

//setting cookie based on variable that has been pass by url
//the REQUEST command can retrieve variables from variables being pass by url
//like something.php?favmovie=starwars
setcookie("language", $_REQUEST['lang'], time()+3600,"/","");
$langcookie = $_COOKIE['language'];

if ($langcookie == "en") 
include 'main_en.html';

if ($langcookie == "he")
include 'main_he.html';

if ($language_en = 'NULL')
include 'regularpage.html';

//see if it even retrieves the cookie right
if ($langcookie == "en")
echo 'the cookie is read as en';

if ($langcookie == "he")
echo 'the cookie is read as he';

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Try changing to this and see what happens:


//setting cookie based on variable that has been pass by url
//the REQUEST command can retrieve variables from variables being pass by url
//like something.php?favmovie=starwars
setcookie("language", $_REQUEST['lang'], time()+3600,"/","");
$langcookie = $_COOKIE['language'];

if ($langcookie == "en") 
include 'main_en.html';

elseif ($langcookie == "he")
include 'main_he.html';

elseif ($language_en = 'NULL')
include 'regularpage.html';

//see if it even retrieves the cookie right
if ($langcookie == "en")
echo 'the cookie is read as en';

if ($langcookie == "he")
echo 'the cookie is read as he';

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thank you very much for your reply, i'm sure you hear it all the time from helping people

but I really do appreciate it :)


this works, however you still have to click on the "change to hebrew" or "change to english"

link twice for it to really change


basically you have to click on the link twice for the page to load? anyone know why?

this happens even when you open it in a new window


try it: http://p2mhunt.awardspace.com/main.php

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I get errors on your page:


Warning: main(main_es.html): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/www/p2mhunt.awardspace.com/main.php on line 59


Warning: main(): Failed opening 'main_es.html' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/local/php4/share/pear') in /home/www/p2mhunt.awardspace.com/main.php on line 59

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i think the problem is because I'm setting or making a cookie every single time the page is access

and this deletes the old existing cookie


i need to make an if statement to check if such a cookie already exists

if so then display

if not then set a cookie


is there a way to make an if statement to check if a cookie exists?

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