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Warning: array_push(): First argument should be an array


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I have the following code:


		$club_name 				= mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['club_name']);
		$town					= mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['town']);
		$county					= mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['county']);
		$postcode				= mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['postcode']);
		$price_low				= mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['price_low']);
		$price_high				= mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['price_high']);
		$disabled				= mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['disabled']);
		$carp					= mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['carp']);
		$night_fishing			= mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['night_fishing']);
		$closed_season			= mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['closed_season']);
		$opm					= mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['opm']);
		$species				= $_POST['species'];

		if($club_name){ $whereParts[] = "club_name LIKE '%$club_name%'"; }
		if($town){ $whereParts[] = "town LIKE '%$town%'"; }
		if($county){ $whereParts[] = "county = '$county'"; }
		if($postcode){ $whereParts[] = "postcode LIKE '%$postcode%'"; }
		if($price_low){ $whereParts[] = "price_low LIKE '%$price_low%'"; }
		if($price_high){ $whereParts[] = "price_high LIKE '%$price_high%'"; }
		if($disabled){ $whereParts[] = "disabled_access = '$disabled'"; }
		if($carp){ $whereParts[] = "carp_syndicate = '$carp'"; }
		if($night_fishing){ $whereParts[] = "night_fishing_allowed = '$night_fishing'"; }
		if($closed_season){ $whereParts[] = "close_season = '$closed_season'"; }
		if($opm){ $whereParts[] = "open_membership = '$opm'"; }

		if (isset($species) && is_array($species))
			$search_cid = array();
			foreach($species as $cid)
				if (intval($cid) != 0) array_push($search_cid, intval($cid));
			if (count($search_cid) > 0)
				$search = implode(',', $search_cid);
				array_push($whereParts[], 'species LIKE %$search_cid%');
		$whereClause = implode(' AND ', $whereParts);
		$sql = "SELECT * FROM fisheries WHERE " . $whereClause;
		// Normally the SQL query would go here, but I want it to echo out the query bore I build the rest of the script

		echo "<br />";
		echo $sql;

		//show_header($title = "Search Angling Clubs");
		echo "<form id=\"clubs_search\" name=\"clubs_search\" method=\"post\" action=\"".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?p=clubs\">
<table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" class=\"tablea\">
    <td colspan=\"2\" class=\"tablec\"><div align=\"center\">
      <h3>Search Angling Clubs</h3>
    <td width=\"50%\" class=\"tablec\">Club Name </td>
    <td width=\"50%\" class=\"tablec\"><input name=\"club_name\" type=\"text\" id=\"club_name\" /></td>
    <td width=\"50%\" class=\"tablec\">Town</td>
    <td width=\"50%\" class=\"tablec\"><input name=\"town\" type=\"text\" id=\"town\" /></td>
    <td width=\"50%\" class=\"tablec\">County</td>
    <td width=\"50%\" class=\"tablec\"><select name=\"county\" class=\"textfield\"> 
            <option value=\"1\" selected=\"selected\">Avon</option>
            <option value=\"2\">Bedfordshire</option>
            <option value=\"3\">Berkshire</option>
            <option value=\"4\">Buckinghamshire</option>
            <option value=\"5\">Cambridgeshire</option>
            <option value=\"6\">Cheshire</option>
            <option value=\"7\">Cleveland</option>
            <option value=\"8\">Cornwall</option>
            <option value=\"9\">Cumbria</option>
            <option value=\"10\">Derbyshire</option>
            <option value=\"11\">Devon</option>
            <option value=\"12\">Dorset</option>
            <option value=\"13\">Durham</option>
            <option value=\"14\">East Sussex</option>
            <option value=\"15\">Essex</option>
            <option value=\"16\">Gloucestershire</option>
            <option value=\"17\">Gt London</option>
            <option value=\"18\">Gt Manchester</option>
            <option value=\"19\">Hampshire</option>
            <option value=\"20\">Hereford and Worcester</option>
            <option value=\"21\">Hertfordshire</option>
            <option value=\"22\">Humberside</option>
            <option value=\"23\">Kent</option>
            <option value=\"24\">Lancashire</option>
            <option value=\"25\">Leicestershire</option>
            <option value=\"26\">Lincolnshire</option>
            <option value=\"27\">Merseyside</option>
            <option value=\"28\">Norfolk</option>
            <option value=\"29\">Northamptonshire</option>
            <option value=\"30\">Northumberland</option>
            <option value=\"31\">Nottinghamshire</option>
            <option value=\"32\">Oxfordshire</option>
            <option value=\"33\">Scotland</option>
            <option value=\"34\">Shropshire</option>
            <option value=\"35\">Somerset</option>
            <option value=\"36\">Staffordshire</option>
            <option value=\"37\">Suffolk</option>
            <option value=\"38\">Surrey</option>
            <option value=\"39\">Tyne and wear</option>
            <option value=\"40\">Wales</option>
            <option value=\"41\">Warwickshire</option>
            <option value=\"42\">West Sussex</option>
            <option value=\"43\">Wiltshire</option>
            <option value=\"44\">Yorkshire</option>
          </select>    </td>
    <td width=\"50%\" class=\"tablec\">Postcode</td>
    <td width=\"50%\" class=\"tablec\"><input name=\"postcode\" type=\"text\" id=\"postcode\" /></td>
    <td width=\"50%\" class=\"tablec\">Price (low > high) </td>
    <td width=\"50%\" class=\"tablec\">£
      <input name=\"price_low\" type=\"text\"  size=\"8\" maxlength=\"6\" />
      To £
      <input name=\"price_high\" type=\"text\" size=\"8\" maxlength=\"6\" /></td>
    <td width=\"50%\" class=\"tablec\">Disabled Access</td>
    <td width=\"50%\" class=\"tablec\"><input name=\"disabled\" type=\"radio\" value=\"1\" />
      <input name=\"disabled\" type=\"radio\" value=\"0\" />
    <td width=\"50%\" class=\"tablec\">Carp Syndicate </td>
    <td width=\"50%\" class=\"tablec\"><input name=\"carp\" type=\"radio\" value=\"1\" />
      <input name=\"carp\" type=\"radio\" value=\"0\" />
    <td width=\"50%\" class=\"tablec\">Night Fishing Allowed </td>
    <td width=\"50%\" class=\"tablec\"><input name=\"night_fishing\" type=\"radio\" value=\"1\" />
  <input name=\"night_fishing\" type=\"radio\" value=\"0\" />
    <td width=\"50%\" class=\"tablec\">Enforced Closed Season </td>
    <td width=\"50%\" class=\"tablec\"><input name=\"closed_season\" type=\"radio\" value=\"1\" />
  <input name=\"closed_season\" type=\"radio\" value=\"0\" />
    <td width=\"50%\" class=\"tablec\">Open For Membership  </td>
    <td width=\"50%\" class=\"tablec\"><input name=\"opm\" type=\"radio\" value=\"1\" />
  <input name=\"opm\" type=\"radio\" value=\"0\" />
    <td width=\"50%\" class=\"tablec\">Species Available </td>
    <td width=\"50%\" class=\"tablec\">

    <select name=\"species[]\" size=\"5\" multiple=\"multiple\">
      <option value=\"1\">Barbel</option>
      <option value=\"2\">Bleak</option>
      <option value=\"3\">Bream</option>
      <option value=\"4\">Carp</option>
      <option value=\"5\">Carp (Crucian)</option>
      <option value=\"6\">Carp (Grass)</option>
      <option value=\"7\">Catfish</option>
      <option value=\"8\">Chub</option>
      <option value=\"9\">Dace</option>
      <option value=\"10\">Eel</option>
      <option value=\"11\">Grayling</option>
      <option value=\"12\">Gudgeon</option>
      <option value=\"13\">Minnow</option>
      <option value=\"14\">Orfe</option>
      <option value=\"15\">Perch</option>
      <option value=\"16\">Pike</option>
      <option value=\"17\">Roach</option>
      <option value=\"18\">Rudd</option>
      <option value=\"19\">Salmon</option>
      <option value=\"20\">Sturgeon</option>
      <option value=\"21\">Tench</option>
      <option value=\"22\">Trout</option>
      <option value=\"23\">Trout (Blue)</option>
      <option value=\"24\">Trout (Brook)</option>
      <option value=\"25\">Trout (Brown)</option>
      <option value=\"26\">Trout (Rainbow)</option>
      <option value=\"27\">Trout (Tiger)</option>
      <option value=\"28\">Zander</option>
    <td width=\"50%\" class=\"tablec\">Image Verification</td>
    <td width=\"50%\" class=\"tablec\"><img src=\"visual.php\" width=\"200\" height=\"60\" alt=\"Visual CAPTCHA\" /><br />
    (Copy the code from the image above into the box below)<br />
      <input name=\"usercode\" type=\"text\" id=\"usercode\" /></td>
    <td colspan=\"2\" class=\"tablec\"><div align=\"center\">
      <input type=\"reset\" name=\"Reset\" value=\"Reset Form\" />  <input type=\"Submit\" name=\"Submit\" value=\"Start Search\" />      


When I do a var_dump before and after the "if(isset($species) && is_array($species))" I get the following


array(6) { [0]=>  string(12) "county = '4'" [1]=>  string(21) "disabled_access = '1'" [2]=>  string(20) "carp_syndicate = '1'" [3]=>  string(27) "night_fishing_allowed = '1'" [4]=>  string(18) "close_season = '1'" [5]=>  string(21) "open_membership = '1'" }

Warning: array_push(): First argument should be an array in C:\Server\xampp\htdocs\fisheries\search.php on line 279

array(7) { [0]=> string(12) "county = '4'" [1]=> string(21) "disabled_access = '1'" [2]=> string(20) "carp_syndicate = '1'" [3]=> string(27) "night_fishing_allowed = '1'" [4]=> string(18) "close_season = '1'" [5]=> string(21) "open_membership = '1'" [6]=> NULL } 


Line 279 is:

array_push($whereParts[], 'species LIKE %$search_cid%');


Can someone take a look and help me out here as its really bugging me now



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I changed it like you said $whereParts[] = "species LIKE '%$search_cid%'";


Now the problem is when I echo the query, its not showing the selected items, its showing Array instead.


SELECT * FROM fisheries WHERE county = '1' AND species LIKE '%Array%'



I`m beginning to think I should`ve gone with checkboxes instead

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