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What's best way to calculate between two dates


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I have a classified ads system under development. Two of the fields in the database are:





I want to populate both of these at the time the ad is posted. The date created value is derived from:




For the date expired I have this:


$date_expired = mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m"), date("d")+7, date("y"));


Which takes today's date plus 7 days (ads expire in 7 days) and inserts this date into the database.


Now, in the query, i'm fuzzy on how I would pull all ads the aren't expired.



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Oh, and I did want to mention that your code will make everything expire at midnight (like the first second of every day)


I don't know if it will be a problem in this situation, but say someone signs up at 11:30 PM. They'll only get 30 minutes of their day.


You could either set the expiration using date_expired = DATE_ADD(NOW(), INTERVAL 7 DAY)


or on the query I gave you do this:



WHERE [red]DATE(NOW())[/red] BETWEEN date_created AND date_expired

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The only problem with that is that it is SO hard to say ALWAYS in business. If you think that in the future your boss may come to you and say, "we need to extend so and so's ads for one more day because..." then stick with your current approach.

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