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Hey everyone,

Have a bit of a "problem" here. I have a form which has several field such as name, address...etc. now...i have a phone number field which consists of 3 fields. phone1, phone2, phone3, for area code...etc.

I have a php script that sends me an email with whatever field i specify, but it doesn't have the option for such a phone field. So i did this

      $phone = array($_POST['phone1'], $_POST['phone2'], $_POST['phone3']);
// General Variables

// Default Error and Success Page Variables
    $error_page_title="Error - Missed Fields";
    $error_page_text="Please use your browser's back button to return to the form and complete the required fields.";
      $thanks_page_title="Message Sent";
    $thanks_page_text="Thanks for your inquiry";

// options to use if hidden field "config" has a value of 0
// recipient info
    $tomail[0]="[email protected]";
// Mail contents config
    $subject[0]="GHS Student Photography";
    $mail_intro[0]="GHS Student Photography";

I added the upper array for each form field, so it puts em together. And in the lower section where it says $mail_fields, I added the $phone variable. But it wont send, the form tells me to fill out the "" field. yes, it just leaves the required field blank. Not sure if i can include a variable like that in that field. Any help is appreciated. btw, i previewed this code, and it replaces the "$" with "& #036;" it doesn't do that in wordpad, or notepad. Again, weird...

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[!--quoteo(post=351525:date=Mar 3 2006, 08:22 PM:name=michaellunsford)--][div class=\'quotetop\']QUOTE(michaellunsford @ Mar 3 2006, 08:22 PM) [snapback]351525[/snapback][/div][div class=\'quotemain\'][!--quotec--]
your code looks like a bunch of variable declarations, where is the email portion?
Hi sorry,

I didn't post the rest because its ALOT well here it goes...:

    $copy_subject[0]="Subject of Copy Email";
    $copy_intro[0]="Thanks for your inquiry, the following message has been delivered.";
// Result options

// options to use if hidden field "config" has a value of 1
// recipient info
// Mail contents config
// Send back to sender config
// Result options

// Don't muck around past this line unless you know what you are doing //



if($_POST["submit"] || $_POST["Submit"] || $_POST["submit_x"] || $_POST["Submit_x"])

// begin global functions //
// get visitor IP
    function getIP()
        return $user_ip;
// get value of given key
    function parseArray($key)
        foreach($array_value as $part_value)
            if($count > 1){$value.=", ";}
        return $value;
// stripslashes and autolink url's
    function parseValue($value)
        $value=preg_replace("/(http:\/\/+.[^\s]+)/i",'<a href="\\1">\\1</a>', $value);
        return $value;
// html header if used
    function htmlHeader()
        $htmlHeader="<html>\n<head><meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=".$charset[$config]."\"></head>\n<body>\n<table cellpadding=\"2\" cellspacing=\"0\" border=\"0\" width=\"600\">\n";
        return $htmlHeader;
// html footer if used
    function htmlFooter()
        return $htmlFooter;
// build verticle table format
    function buildVertTable($fields, $intro, $to, $send_ip)
        if($intro != "")
            $message.="<tr>\n<td align=\"left\" valign=\"top\" colspan=\"2\">".$intro."</td>\n</tr>\n";
            $message.="<tr>\n<td align=\"left\" valign=\"top\" style=\"white-space:nowrap;\"><b>".$cur_key."</b></td>\n<td align=\"left\" valign=\"top\" width=\"100%\">".nl2br($cur_value)."</td>\n</tr>\n";
        if($send_ip=="yes" && $to=="recipient")
            $message.="<tr>\n<td align=\"left\" valign=\"top\" style=\"white-space:nowrap;\"><b>Sender IP</b></td>\n<td align=\"left\" valign=\"top\" width=\"100%\">".$user_ip."</td>\n</tr>\n";
        return $message;
// build horizontal table format
    function buildHorzTable($fields, $intro, $to, $send_ip)
        if($intro != "")
            $message.="<tr>\n<td align=\"left\" valign=\"top\" colspan=\"".$run."\">".$intro."</td>\n</tr>\n";
            $message.="<td align=\"left\" valign=\"top\" style=\"white-space:nowrap;\"><b>".$cur_key."</b></td>\n";
        if($send_ip=="yes" && $to=="recipient")
            $message.="<td align=\"left\" valign=\"top\" style=\"white-space:nowrap;\"><b>Sender IP</b></td>\n";
            $message.="<td align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">".nl2br($cur_value)."</td>\n";
        if($send_ip=="yes" && $to=="recipient")
            $message.="<td align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">".$user_ip."</td>\n";
        return $message;
// build plain text format
    function buildTextTable($fields, $intro, $to, $send_ip)
        if($intro != "")
            $message.="".$cur_key.": ".$cur_value."\n\n";
        if($send_ip=="yes" && $to=="recipient")
            $message.="Sender IP: ".$user_ip."\n";
        return $message;
// get the proper build fonction
    function buildTable($format, $fields, $intro, $to, $send_ip)
            $message=buildVertTable($fields, $intro, $to, $send_ip);
        else if($format=="horz_table")
            $message=buildHorzTable($fields, $intro, $to, $send_ip);
            $message=buildTextTable($fields, $intro, $to, $send_ip);
        return $message;
// referrer checking security option
    function checkReferer()
        return $domain_chk;
// checking required fields and email fields
    function checkFields($text_fields, $email_fields, $reply_to_name, $reply_to_field)
          if($reply_to_name != "" && (eregi("\r",$reply_to_name) || eregi("\n",$reply_to_name)))
            $error_message.="<li>A name or text field contains characters that are not allowed for security reasons.</li>\n";
        if($reply_to_field != "" && (eregi("\r",$reply_to_field) || eregi("\n",$reply_to_field)))
            $error_message.="<li>An email address contains characters that are not allowed for security reasons.</li>\n";

        if($text_fields != "")
                    $error_message.="<li>You are missing the <b>".$req_check[$i]."</b> field</li>\n";
        if($email_fields != "")
                if($cur_email=="" || !eregi("^[-a-z0-9!#$%&\'*+/=?^_`{|}~]+(\.[-a-z0-9!#$%&\'*+/=?^_`{|}~]+)*@(([a-z]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9]+)?){1,63}\.)+([a-z]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9]+)?){2,63}$",$cur_email))
                    $error_message.="<li>You are missing the <b>".$email_check[$i]."</b> field or it is not a valid email address.</li>\n";
        return $error_message;
// attachment function
    function getAttachments($attachment_fields, $message, $content_type, $border)
        $att_message="This is a multi-part message in MIME format.\n\n";
        $att_message.="Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\n\n";

            if (is_uploaded_file($fileatt))
                $att_message.="Content-Type: {$fileatt_type}; name=\"{$fileatt_name}\"\n";
                $att_message.="Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"{$fileatt_name}\"\n";
                $att_message.="Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\n\n".$data."\n\n";
        return $att_message;
// function to set content type
    function contentType($charset, $format)
            $content_type="Content-type: text/html; charset=\"".$charset."\"\n";
        else if($format=="horz_table")
            $content_type="Content-type: text/html; charset=\"".$charset."\"\n";
            $content_type="Content-type: text/plain; charset=\"".$charset."\"\n";
        return $content_type;
// end global functions //

// begin procedural scripting //
        $error_message=checkFields($required_fields[$config], $required_email_fields[$config], $reply_to_name[$config], $reply_to_field[$config]);
// build appropriate message format for recipient
            $content_type=contentType($charset[$config], $mail_type[$config]);
            $message=buildTable($mail_type[$config], $mail_fields[$config], $mail_intro[$config], "recipient", $return_ip[$config]);
// build header data for recipient message
                $extra="From: ".$_POST[$reply_to_name]." <".$_POST[$reply_to_field].">\n";
                $extra="From: ".$_POST[$reply_to_field]."\n";
                $extra.="Cc: ".$cc_tomail[$config]."\n";
                $extra.="Bcc: ".$bcc_tomail[$config]."\n";
            $extra.="X-Priority: ".$mail_priority[$config]."\n";
// get attachments if necessary
                $extra.="MIME-Version: 1.0\n";
                $extra.="Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=\"{$border}\"";
                $message=getAttachments($attachment_fields[$config], $message, $content_type, $border);
                $extra.="MIME-Version: 1.0\n".$content_type;
// send recipient email
            mail("".$tomail[$config]."", "".stripslashes($subject[$config])."", "".stripslashes($message)."", "$extra");
// autoresponse email if necessary
// build appropriate message format for autoresponse
                $content_type=contentType($charset[$config], $send_copy_format[$config]);
                $message=buildTable($send_copy_format[$config], $send_copy_fields[$config], $copy_intro[$config], "autoresponder", $return_ip[$config]);
// build header data for autoresponse
                $copy_extra="From: ".$copy_from[$config]."\n";
// get autoresponse  attachments if necessary
                    $copy_extra.="MIME-Version: 1.0\n";
                    $copy_extra.="Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=\"{$border}\"";
                    $message=getAttachments($send_copy_attachment_fields[$config], $message, $content_type, $border);
                    $copy_extra.="MIME-Version: 1.0\n".$content_type;
// send autoresponse email
                mail("$copy_tomail", "".$copy_subject[$config]."", "$message", "$copy_extra");
// showing thanks pages from a successful submission
                echo "<p>$thanks_page_title</p>\n";
                echo "<p>$thanks_page_text</p>\n";
                header("Location: ".$thanks_page[$config]);
// entering error page options from missing required fields
                echo "<p>$error_page_title</p>\n";
                echo "<ul>\n";
                echo $error_message;
                echo "</ul>\n";
                echo "<p>$error_page_text</p>\n";
                        echo "</ul>\n";
                header("Location: ".$error_page[$config]);
// message if unauthorized domain trigger from referer checking option
        echo "<p>Sorry, mailing request came from an unauthorized domain.</p>\n";
// end procedural scripting //

    echo "<p>Error</p>";
    echo "<p>No form data has been sent to the script</p>\n";
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This is a prewritten script. okay.

without pouring over someone elses prewritten code for twenty minutes, here's what I would suggest you "try" first.

$phone = $_POST['phone1']."-".$_POST['phone2']."-".$_POST['phone3'];

that converts the phone number to a string like xxx-xxx-xxxx

apparently your script isn't looking for a variable called $phone -- so you have to figure out what variable it is looking for and insert it there.

better solution. write you own mail script.
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