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[SOLVED] troubling script


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$target_id = 3;
$result_war = dbquery("SELECT *	FROM fusion_wars WHERE a_id='".$user_id."' AND d_id='".$target_id."'");

		if (dbrows($result_war) > 0 && dbrows($result_war) < 2){

				$data = dbarray($result_war);


echo "$data['a_turns']";


$data['a_turns'] is displaying data from where target_id = 2, not 3. It basically isnt pulling data correctly. Why? Ask if you need more info.

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I would try running that query manually.  Or at least printing out the query before executing it.  In this type of situation, it's usually the wrong query, or the data in the database is not what you thought it was.


The other common situation is using the wrong result variable, but that looks ok for your script.  I would check that you are actually getting rows back though.. have an "if (dbrows($result_war) == 0) { print "No rows returned??<br>"; }"

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I would try running that query manually.  Or at least printing out the query before executing it.  In this type of situation, it's usually the wrong query, or the data in the database is not what you thought it was.


The other common situation is using the wrong result variable, but that looks ok for your script.  I would check that you are actually getting rows back though.. have an "if (dbrows($result_war) == 0) { print "No rows returned??<br>"; }"

It returns the rows. Sadly. This has been driving me crazy for 5 hours. Something in this script is just giving me a hard time.

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Does it return the rows with the data you are expecting?  You can always track down a bug by tracking the data backwards until you find the point at which it changes from being correct to incorrect.  That point is exactly where your bug is.


Right now you know that $data['a_turns'] is incorrect.  So go back through your code printing out values until you find where it becomes correct.  Then you have the exact location of your bug :)

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ok, there are two rows in the database table.


Once is my username = 1 and one is target user name = 2. The other is 1 and 3, repectively.


$result_war = dbquery("SELECT *	FROM fusion_wars WHERE a_id='".$user_id."' AND d_id='".$target_id."'");

		if (dbrows($result_war) > 0 && dbrows($result_war) < 2){

				$data = dbarray($result_war);


I have $target_id defined in the url as 2. Why is pulling the data for 3?

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Database Table: fusion_wars


Fields: war_id a_id d_id war_start a_turns d_turns a_peace d_peace a_update d_update


There are the (only) two rows:


Row 1: 79, 1, 2, var, 4, 4, 0, 0, var, var

Row 2: 78, 1, 3, var, 8, 1, 0, 0, var, var


(var is just a datestamp)


edit: var_dump($data); coming soon


edit2: here it is


array(10) { ["war_id"]=>  string(2) "78" ["a_id"]=>  string(1) "1" ["d_id"]=>  string(1) "3" ["war_start"]=>  string(10) "1172512146" ["a_turns"]=>  string(1) "8" ["d_turns"]=>  string(1) "1" ["a_peace"]=>  string(1) "0" ["d_peace"]=>  string(1) "0" ["a_update"]=>  string(10) "1172710572" ["d_update"]=>  string(10) "1172710562" } 8

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It appears the data from the database is correct.  It is for target_id 3.  Why do you think that it is incorrect?


Edit:  If you look in the var_dump() output, you will see that d_id is set to 3, and the other data is all for the matching row from the db.

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And what is this doing just before your query?


$target_id = 3;

No that isn't there on the actual page. This is the entire actualy page.





if ($page_id == 21){

	if ($view == 'ground' || $view == 'air' || $view == 'missile'){

		include "".BASEDIR."wars/combat/".$view.".php";









Which calls:



//Base variables

$user_id = $userdata['user_id'];
$target_id = $target_id;
$wartype = $wartype;

if ($wartype != '' && $user_id > 0 && $target_id > 0){

//Do the math
if ($wartype == 'offensive'){ // offense offense offense

	$check = 'true'; 

	$result_war = dbquery("SELECT * FROM `fusion_wars` WHERE `a_id`='".$user_id."' AND `d_id`=".$target_id."");

		if (dbrows($result_war) > 0 && dbrows($result_war) < 2){

				$data = dbarray($result_war);

				echo "".$data['a_turns']."";

				$your_turns = $data['a_turns'];

				$result_1 = dbquery("SELECT * FROM fusion_users WHERE user_id='".$data['d_id']."'");
				if (dbrows($result_1)) { $target = dbarray($result_1); } else { redirect("index.php"); }

		} else {

				$check = 'false';


		if ($check != 'true') {



}elseif ($wartype == 'defensive'){ // defense defense defense

	//coming soon


	redirect("".BASEDIR."news.php"); //escape



redirect("".BASEDIR."news.php"); //escape


//Checks, Checks, and Checks

if($userdata['c_war'] == 'no'  || $target['c_war'] == 'no'){

$check = 'false';


if($userdata['user_id'] == $target['user_id']){

$check = 'false';



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Ok, here's some steps which will fix your problem.


First, echo out the query before running it, like this:


$sql = "SELECT * FROM `fusion_wars` WHERE `a_id`='".$user_id."' AND `d_id`=".$target_id." LIMIT 0 , 1";
print "About to run $sql<br>";
$result_war = dbquery($sql);


Then, after you've fetched the data, print it out:


$data = dbarray($result_war);
print "<pre>"; var_dump($data); print "</pre>";


Do they match up?

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Ok, here's some steps which will fix your problem.


First, echo out the query before running it, like this:


$sql = "SELECT * FROM `fusion_wars` WHERE `a_id`='".$user_id."' AND `d_id`=".$target_id." LIMIT 0 , 1";
print "About to run $sql<br>";
$result_war = dbquery($sql);


Then, after you've fetched the data, print it out:


$data = dbarray($result_war);
print "<pre>"; var_dump($data); print "</pre>";


Do they match up?

I found the problem..


On the url, $target_id is set to 2. before I even do the sql lookup, i echoed out $target_id - that stubborn bastard is set at 3.


I'm gonna look if anything could have effected, but so far there is literaly no code that could.

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It'll be there somewhere :)


A simple method to find where is to print $target_id out at various stages throughout the script.  Somewhere it will change from 2 to 3.  Or it may even be 3 from the very start.

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Ok what the hell. This is the url.




See target ID? Well for some reason, even after I remove ALL THE CODE BEFORE IT it still sets target_id to 3. Are there some ground rules im breaking with calling in url variables? Can you use them in with an included script?

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It'll be there somewhere :)


A simple method to find where is to print $target_id out at various stages throughout the script.  Somewhere it will change from 2 to 3.  Or it may even be 3 from the very start.


I put echo "2) $target_id"; on every other line. It's 3 the entire time except in the URL.



EDIT: sure enough the problem lies in my subheader.php file, which uses a target_id variable........I feel so smart for wasting 5 hours on this.

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K now when I do this:


$result_war = "SELECT *

FROM fusion_wars

WHERE 'a_id'='$user_id'

AND 'd_id'='$target_id'";


$data = dbarray($result_war);





I get this for the dump:




I am 100% sure that target_id is 2 and user_id is 1

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You could be running into some cache(ing) problems on your local pc.

One thing I do is to unset($var) before I reset it. Let's say someone tried a failed login, I have had problems with it just reposting the same data even though it is supposed to post new data. Web browsers do weird things depending on how each user has them set.

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Shouldn't that be `a_id`, not 'a_id' ?


Edit: You should edit dbarray() so it checks for errors.  Otherwise you will have more problems like this in future.


Edit2:  Where's the call to mysql_query()?  What I meant above is that you should check for errors from mysql_query()

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