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Presenting Templates


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Hey peeps,


I've been working with my templates and scripts for a while now, and have decided that the way they are being used is very messy.  I have a home class, that checks the login then looks for page requests by the user and then displays whatever is returned.  This is what I had before (that worked) :

$content = $_REQUEST['content'];
$company = $_REQUEST['company'];
$modelId = $_REQUEST['modelId'];

if (!empty($content)) {
    	$constant = $content . ".php";
$template = SCRIPTS . "/$constant";
} elseif (!empty($company)) {
} elseif (!empty($modelId)) {
} elseif ($content == "") {
    	$template = ADMIN_SCR;

echo "<div id='container'>";
echo "<div id='content'>";		
echo "</div>";
include(TEMPLATE_DIR . "/inform.php");
include(TEMPLATE_DIR . "/prodDisp.php");
include(TEMPLATE_DIR . '/footer.php');
echo "</div>";


Now my Scripts called by $content use include / require to display the relevant template however COMPANY_SCR / PRODUCT_SCR use return $template; at the end of their functions.


Each Class Script is initiated by a call to a loading function for instance :

$thisApp = new custApp();


All classes extend Home Class and an initial called function may look like this :

function custCheck() {
// The if statement this gets the select values
// Then it checks how this page was called and what data is available

if (isset($_REQUEST['company'])) {
} else {


The custLoad function returns $template as an object which in turn goes back to the Home Class calling function and loads the required template, this makes sense and is how I want it to work.  However the scripts that are called via $content must use require / include to work and is starting to become a labyrinth of includes due to my lack of understanding, from what I have worked out it is probably down to the way variable functions behave, but I have not been able to work out an alternative.


I tried using a switch case, but this created unexpected results.

switch ($content) {
    	case 'customer':
    	case 'client':
    	case 'product':
    	case 'sale':

Any pointers / suggestions would be greatly received.

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Ok The simple question would be, does anyone have a good technique for presenting templates, under a class framework, where one parent class (namely home) uses other daughter scripts to process the information before learning which template is to be presented and using return to pass back $template to the home class.


Thanks for your time.

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