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$count = 0;

while ($line = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {

	echo "\t<tr>\n";

foreach ($line as $col_value) {

	echo "\t\t<td>$col_value</td>\n";



	echo "\t</tr>\n";


	echo "</table>\n";

if ($count < 1) {

	echo "<br><br>No rows were found in this table.<br><br>";

} else {

	echo "<br><br>".$count;
	echo " rows were found in this table.<br><br>";



Under the Download column and Mirror column i want all the values to be links. So


Song Title      |  Size  | Download | Mirror
Blah              |  2mb  | Download | Download 2


The Blah and the 2mb values are taken straight from the database but i want the Download value to be placed as a link.


<a href="content from database>Download</a>




Thanks you



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you have it


<a href " <? echo link from db;?> "><? echo link name from DB ; ?></a>


You clearly will have to store the link location in the database OR have a logical process so that all links are 'worked out'




$link="http://this_path_always/".<? echo $this_name; ?>.$this_file_extension;

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if you look at my script though it's a loop. how can i implement it into that loop?


I havn't used mysql loops much if at all. So i need it to be placed into the loop. Can someone tell me some rough code and the place to put it because i'm lost here. I'm echoing rows so i need to edit parts of them rows dont i?



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sorry you are right


the code you have (i blieve) is problematic as it spits all the row from the DB as 1 string.  You will need to rework this before you can have a link where you want it.


you will need to seperate out all fields so that your downlaod field can be treated differently



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ok, this would involve placing the values in an array and spitting them out?






$list = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);


I dont have an ID assigned. I haven't learn about ID's yet. (Probably a bad idea to leave them out)


Any help?


i can always add a column etc.







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$query="SELECT.............my statement..........";






do { ?>



  <td><? echo $row_result['Song Title'];?></td>

<td><a href "<? echo $row_result['Link'];?>"> Link Title </a>



<? } while ($row_result = mysql_fetch_assoc ($result))





Now this is only part of the code...but it should give you an idea

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Just had a bath and a think...


The easiest way would be to take the row split it into the columns.





Then create a loop that prints the first two cells from the row and then places the next cell within <a href="cellfromrow">Download</a> and the same with Mirror.


How could i do that? It seems easy?


Thank you for help so far! Should be last post! :D ComeON! :D




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Like this:


$sql= "SELECT * FROM Downloads";
$results = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());

echo "<table border='0' width='500'>
         <tr><th>| Song |</th><th>Size |</th><th>Download |</th><th>Mirror |</th></tr>";

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($results) {
echo "<tr><td>" . $row['song'] . "</td><td>" . $row['size'] . "</td><td><a href='download.php?song=" . $row['download'] . "'>Download</a></td><td>" . $row['mirror'] . "</td></tr>";
echo "</table>\n";


This won't be 100% pretty but you can take it from there to clean up the HTML to make it prettier with some style tags.

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Brilliant!!! It's so much easier when i see it with a little function. I will implement it when i get back tomorrow. Thanks alot!!!!


I'll clean up the headers and table as i have a layout that's fine at the moment. But it's the "$row['size']" part thats going to come in handy! As i didn't know how to split the results. Just a quick question. When you put "size" in the parenthesis. Is that where i place the Fieldname according to the Table? lol I assume so. Just don't want to mess things around too much!


Snooble (Thanks again)

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Just keep in mind that the mysql query gets all the info from the database as per instructions then the mysql_fetch_array splits each field into a separate item based on the field name which you can then echo or manipulate individually like I outlined there. So, each item in the array can have its own HTML parameters surrounding it. For example:


<b>" . $row['song'] . "</b>  would bold face the results for that field.

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