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POST values of radio button and checkboxes


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hey everyone, i am looking to get the values of my radio buttons and checkboxes and have the values added to my $msg variable and sent in an e-mail.  this is my code:

if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
$company = $_POST['CompanyName'];
$name = $_POST['realname'];
$email = $_POST['email'];
$domainName = $_POST['ListOrDomainName'];
$username = $_POST['Username'];
$password = $_POST['Password'];
$credit = $_POST['CreditCardNumber'];
$resend = $_POST['Resend']; <---Checkbox
$subject = 'Cancellation Request';
$reasons = $_POST['Reasons']; <---Checkboxes
$ServiceName = $_POST['ServiceName']; <----Radio Buttons
$to = '';

if (empty($username) && empty($password)){
$to = 'blah@mail.com';
$msg .= $company;
$msg .= $name;
$msg .= $domainName;
$msg .= $resend;
$msg .= $reasons;
$msg .= $ServiceName;
$to = 'blahblah@mail.com';
$msg .= $company;
$msg .= $name;
$msg .= $domainName;
$msg .= $resend;
$msg .= $reasons;
$msg .= $ServiceName;
mail($to, $subject, $msg, "From: $name, <$email>");
header("location: .../thankyou.html");


the e-mails send well and change the e-mail address accordingly except the only things i get in the email are the text boxes entered and

the word


"array" if any of the other items are checked off.  any ideas?

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if your radio buttons return a bit of text ie the value (<input type = 'radio' name = 'name' value = 'some text)


what might be happening is your not setting the value for the radio box on the form and therefore its returning a null or '' empty string.



can you post the form code


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The entire form is pretty lengthy but here are the areas with the checkboxes and radio buttons, i hope it isn't too messy


<input type="checkbox" name="Resemd" ID="OwnersManual" value="Yes" onClick="DisableControlGroup(this, request)"> 
						Request to resend the owners manual.
					  <p class="note" style="padding: 0.3em 1em;  font-weight:
normal;">Skip the rest of the fields and <a href="#submit">click the
"Submit" button</a> at the bottom of the page.<br>

						For your protection, we cannot process your cancellation request
until we confirm your customer verification information. </p>
				<td class="header">Service to Cancel</td>

				<td class="oneColumnOptions">
					<input name="ServiceName" id="request" type="radio" value="Announcement Email
List Hosting"> Announcement Email List Hosting<br>
					<input name="ServiceName" id="request" type="radio" value="Discussion Email
List Hosting"> Discussion Email List Hosting<br>
					<input name="ServiceName" id="request" type="radio" value="Web Hosting"> Web
Site Hosting<br>
					<input name="ServiceName" id="request" type="radio" value="Pay Per Click Bid
Management"> Pay Per Click Bid Management<br>

					<input name="ServiceName" id="request" type="radio" value="Dedicated Server">
Dedicated Server Hosting<br>
					<input name="ServiceName" id="request" type="radio" value="Enterprise Email
Filtering"> Enterprise Email Filtering<br>
					<input name="ServiceName" id="request" type="radio" value="Email / Webmail
Accounts"> Email / Webmail Accounts<br>
					<input name="ServiceName" id="request" type="radio" value="Other"> Other
<input name="ServiceName" id="request" size="30">	

				<td class="header">Reasons for Canceling <span class="note"
style="padding-left: 1em; font-size: 80%;">(Check all that apply.)</span> 
			  	<td class="oneColumnOptions">
			  		<input type="checkbox" name="Reasons" id="request" value="NotUsing Service"> Not Using Service<br>

			  		<input type="checkbox" name="Reasons" id="request"
value="Dissatisfied with Features of Service" id="request"> Dissatisfied with Features 
of Service<br>
					<input type="checkbox" name="Reasons"
value="Ineffective Business Solution" id="request"> Ineffective Business Solution<br>
<!-- specifically for mailing list -->				
					<input type="checkbox" name="Reasons" id="request" value="Only Send Occational Mailings">					    
					Only Send Occasional Mailings (<span class="note"
style="font-weight: normal;">For Mailing List Hosting only</span>)<br>
                        <input type="checkbox" name="Reasons" id="request" value="Poor Delivery of Email Newsletter to Subscribers">
Poor Delivery of Email Newsletter to Subscribers (<span class="note"
style="font-weight: normal;">For Mailing List Hosting only</span>)<br>

<!-- -->		
					<input type="checkbox" name="Reasons" id="request" value="Found a 
Less Expensive Alternative"> Found a Less Expensive Alternative<br>
					<input type="checkbox" name="Reasons" id="request" value="Went
with an In-house Solution"> Went with an In-house Solution<br>
					<input type="checkbox" name="Reasons" id="request"
value="Technical Issues"> Technical Issues<br>
					<input type="checkbox" name="Reasons" id="request" value="Too
Difficult to Use Service"> Too Difficult to Use Service<br>

					<input type="checkbox" name="Reasons" id="request" 
value="Dissatisfied with Technical Support"> Dissatisfied with Technical

					<input type="checkbox" name="Reasons" id="request" value="Poor
Customer Service"> Poor Customer Service<br>
					<input type="checkbox" name="Reasons" id="request" value="Poor
Billing Process"> Poor Billing Process<br>
					<input type="checkbox" name="Reasons" id="request" value="Went
Out of Business"> Went Out of Business<br>
					<input type="checkbox" name="Reasons" id="request" value="Sold
Company"> Sold Company<br>
					<input type="checkbox" name="Reasons" id="request" value="Other"> 
Other <input name="OtherReasons" id="request" size="30">

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