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newbie! PHP program i am trying to complete


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Hey all, i just wanted all you to know that this site is awesome :)


I have learned so much in such a little amount of time.


I have been "making" LOL a program while I have been learning... I still have lots of things I want to add, such as graphics and an actual layout etc... but I think I have a pretty good start.  All of the code was written by myself, with help from folks here on this site...


well, let me know what you think... and please offer suggestions on how to fix or improve it



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rofl... the few people that went and checked this out pointed out a big problem LOL... I didn't realize but you can create an account without putting any data in... then pretty much hijacks everyone's record on the database.


Guess It's back to the drawing board LOL

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my host seemed to be having problems last night... I run a few website off of that same server, and never have issues with them... but I was getting slow responses from them also...  I believe it finally worked itself out. 

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