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XML parse help


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Hi there it's my first post here  :)


I have a php script that is parsing my XML document but it is doing something crazy with the tags - like displaying "APR" 4 times for each record when there is only 1 entry for it!


I have worked with CSVs before but this is the first time with XML.








PHP Code



$xml_file = "xml/creditcard.xml"; 

$xml_cardimg_key = "*ROOT*MEDIA*ROW*IMAGEURL"; 

$story_array = array(); 

$counter = 0; 
class xml_story{ 
    var $cardname, $cardapr, $cardimg; 

function startTag($parser, $data){ 
    global $current_tag; 
    $current_tag .= "*$data"; 

function endTag($parser, $data){ 
    global $current_tag; 
    $tag_key = strrpos($current_tag, '*'); 
    $current_tag = substr($current_tag, 0, $tag_key); 

function contents($parser, $data){ 

    global $current_tag, $xml_cardname_key, $xml_cardapr_key, $xml_cardimg_key, $counter, $story_array; 
        case $xml_cardname_key: 
        echo"current tag = ".$current_tag."<br>"; 
            $story_array[$counter] = new xml_story(); 
            $story_array[$counter]->cardname = $data; 
        case $xml_cardapr_key: 
        echo"current tag = ".$current_tag."<br>"; 
            $story_array[$counter]->cardapr = $data; 
        case $xml_cardimg_key: 
        echo"current tag = ".$current_tag."<br>"; 
            $story_array[$counter]->cardimg = $data; 

$xml_parser = xml_parser_create(); 

xml_set_element_handler($xml_parser, "startTag", "endTag"); 

xml_set_character_data_handler($xml_parser, "contents"); 

$fp = fopen($xml_file, "r") or die("Could not open file"); 

$data = fread($fp, filesize($xml_file)) or die("Could not read file"); 

if(!(xml_parse($xml_parser, $data, feof($fp)))){ 
    die("Error on line " . xml_get_current_line_number($xml_parser)); 




<title>CNT HEADLINE NEWS</title> 
<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> 
<table width="450"> 

    echo "\t<h2>" . $story_array[$x]->cardname . "</h2>\n"; 
    echo "\t\t\n"; 
    echo "\t<b>APR:</b><i>" . $story_array[$x]->cardapr . "</i>\n"; 

Array is:<br> 

Can someone show me where I am going wrong?  


Can someone show me where I am going wrong? 


p.s. I am almost certain it's something to do with whitespace (line break I think) within the tags but not sure how to get around this?


Thanks a lot

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It may be to do with when you increment the counter.


As for the multiple APRs, I think it's whitespace.  You can try ignoring any data that looks like an empty string (this will cause trouble if you really do have a blank APR of course :)  So better is to append all APRs together until you reach the end tag)


The approach I've used is to have the data handler keep on appending until the end tag is reached, and have the end tag handler store the data.

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