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Possible Bug in search_array


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Hi guys,


I'm trying to create a normal site to upload stuff, and delete the file (which is up to the user). The code below is just a snippet of the code.


The problem that I encounter, is that, if I click the "delete" hyperlink more than once, the "array_search" goes crazy, and returns a value which is more than the array size.




error_reporting(E_ALL); //remove later


//include 'Protected/Functions.php';		//This is where all of the functions are stored!
//include 'Protected/Database.php';			//This is where the database connections and variables are stored
$UPLOAD_TEMP = "Upload_Temp";

if( isset( $_SESSION['Uploaded_Files'] ) || !session_is_registered('Uploaded_Files') )
$Uploaded_Files = array();

if( isset( $_SESSION['Uploaded_Files_Number'] ) || !session_is_registered('Uploaded_Files_Number') )
$Uploaded_Files = 0;

if( isset( $_SESSION['Error'] ) || !session_is_registered('Error') )
$Error = 0;

if( !$_SESSION['Auth'] || !$_SESSION['User'] )
echo "This is a private site. Please login to proceed...<BR>";
//header("Location: http://$_SERVER[sERVER_ADDR]/$LOGIN_PAGE");
echo "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"3;URL=http://" . $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] . "/" . $LOGIN_PAGE . "\">";

// Upload files	********************************************************************************************************

//This function does the actual work of saving the file into the $Target_Path

function Save_Uploaded_File( $UPLOAD_TEMP )

$File_Upload_Error = array(
				"There is no error, the file uploaded with success",
				"The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini",
				"The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form",
				"The uploaded file was only partially uploaded",
				"No file was uploaded",
				"Missing a temporary folder"

$Target_Path = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/" . $UPLOAD_TEMP . "/";

$Target_Path = $Target_Path . basename( $_FILES['Picture']['name']); 

if( move_uploaded_file($_FILES['Picture']['tmp_name'], $Target_Path) )
	//echo "<BR>The file ".  basename( $_FILES['Picture']['name']). " has been uploaded";		//to be removed
	$_SESSION['Uploaded_Files'][$_SESSION['Uploaded_Files_Number']] = basename( $_FILES['Picture']['name'] );
	$_SESSION['Error'] .= "There was an error uploading the file!" . $File_Upload_Error[$_FILES['Picture']['error']] . ". Please try again<BR>";



//Checks whether the 'file submit' button is selected
if( empty($_SESSION['Error']) && isset($_REQUEST['_submit_check']) )

if( empty($_FILES['Picture']['name'] ) )
	$_SESSION['Error'] = "No file was selected to be uploaded";

//check if file has already been uploaded into the drive, and if so, will write to the $_SESSION['Error']
if( !empty($_FILES['Picture']['name']) && !empty($_SESSION['Uploaded_Files']) && empty($_SESSION['Error']) )
	foreach( $_SESSION['Uploaded_Files'] as $Temp_Array )
		if( $Temp_Array == basename( $_FILES['Picture']['name'] ) )
			$_SESSION['Error'] .= "This file, <i>" . $Temp_Array . "</i>, has already been uploaded, and can't be uploaded again. <BR>";


//Does the actual action of uploading the file. Calls the function "$Save_Uploaded_File"
if( empty($_SESSION['Error']) ) // && ($_FILES['Picture']['name'] == $_SESSION['Uploaded_Files'][$_SESSION['Uploaded_Files_Number']]) )
	Save_Uploaded_File( $UPLOAD_TEMP );

//This deletes the file in the upload temp folder, if the user chooses so.
else if( empty($_SESSION['Error']) && isset( $_REQUEST['Action']) )
if( empty($_REQUEST['File'] ) || $_REQUEST['Action'] != "Delete" )
	$_SESSION['Error'] = "No file selected to be deleted";
else if( !file_exists( $UPLOAD_TEMP . "/" . $_REQUEST['File'] ) )
	echo array_search( $_REQUEST['File'], $_SESSION['Uploaded_Files'] );
	$_SESSION['Error'] = "File not found.";
	array_splice( $_SESSION['Uploaded_Files'], array_search( $_REQUEST['File'], $_SESSION['Uploaded_Files'] ), 1 );
	echo "<BR>" . count( $_SESSION['Uploaded_Files']) . " - " . $_REQUEST['File'] . "<BR>";
	reset( $_SESSION['Uploaded_Files']) ;
	echo "<BR>Array Before array_search and array_slice<BR><BR>";
	$i = 0;		//to be removed later
	foreach( $_SESSION['Uploaded_Files'] as $Temp_Array )
		echo $Temp_Array . $i . " has been uploaded <FONT>[<A HREF=\"" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?Action=Delete&File=" . $Temp_Array . "\">delete</A>]</FONT><BR>" ;

	echo "Array Search found <B>" . $_REQUEST['File'] . "</B> at location <B>" . array_search( $_REQUEST['File'], $_SESSION['Uploaded_Files'] ) . "</B>";
	array_splice( $_SESSION['Uploaded_Files'], array_search( $_REQUEST['File'], $_SESSION['Uploaded_Files'] ), 1 );
	//echo array_search( $_REQUEST['File'], $_SESSION['Uploaded_Files'] );
	//array_splice( $_SESSION['Uploaded_Files'], array_search( $_REQUEST['File'], $_SESSION['Uploaded_Files'] ), 1 );
	unlink( $UPLOAD_TEMP . "/" . $_REQUEST['File'] );


$main_table = "

<FORM ENCTYPE=\"multipart/form-data\" ACTION=\"" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "\" METHOD=POST >
	<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=\"MAX_FILE_SIZE\" VALUE=\"10000000\">
	<TR><TD>Upload your files here (jpeg, doc, zip, etc)		</TD><TD>: <INPUT NAME=\"Picture\" SIZE=50 TYPE=file><br></TD></TR>

	<input type=hidden name=\"_submit_check\" value=\"UPLOAD1\"/> 
	<TR><TD><INPUT TYPE=submit VALUE=\"Upload File\"></TD></TR>


<TITLE>File Upload</TITLE>



if( $_SESSION['Error'] )
echo "<FONT COLOR=RED><B>" . $_SESSION['Error'] . "</B></FONT>";
$_SESSION['Error'] = NULL;

echo $main_table;
//To display the files uploaded. Will add "delete" function in future!

echo "<BR CLEAR=LEFT><BR>";

//this is to display the files that has been uploaded previously In future, will add a 'delete' link here
if( !empty($_SESSION['Uploaded_Files']) )
$i = 0;		//to be removed later
foreach( $_SESSION['Uploaded_Files'] as $Temp_Array )
	echo $Temp_Array . $i . " has been uploaded <FONT>[<A HREF=\"" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?Action=Delete&File=" . $Temp_Array . "\">delete</A>]</FONT><BR>" ;




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Can you put the following code in:


		print "<pre>";var_dump($_SESSION['Uploaded_Files']);print"</pre>";
	echo array_search( $_REQUEST['File'], $_SESSION['Uploaded_Files'] );


to verify that the array is what you think it should be?  I'm assuming that's the call to array_search() you are interested in.

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I have added it in already. The main part of the code that creates this problem is :




echo "<BR>Array has " . count( $_SESSION['Uploaded_Files']) . " values. File to be deleted is " . $_REQUEST['File'] . "<BR>";

reset( $_SESSION['Uploaded_Files']) ;

print "<pre>";var_dump($_SESSION['Uploaded_Files']);print"</pre>";



echo "<BR>Array Before array_search and array_slice<BR><BR>";

$i = 0; //to be removed later

foreach( $_SESSION['Uploaded_Files'] as $Temp_Array )


echo $Temp_Array . $i . " has been uploaded <FONT>[<A HREF=\"" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?Action=Delete&File=" . $Temp_Array . "\">delete</A>]</FONT><BR>" ;





echo "<BR>Array_Search returned value : " . array_search( $_REQUEST['File'], $_SESSION['Uploaded_Files'] );

echo "<BR>Array Search found <B>" . $_REQUEST['File'] . "</B> at location <B>" . array_search( $_REQUEST['File'], $_SESSION['Uploaded_Files'] ) . "</B>";

array_splice( $_SESSION['Uploaded_Files'], array_search( $_REQUEST['File'], $_SESSION['Uploaded_Files'] ), 1 );

//echo array_search( $_REQUEST['File'], $_SESSION['Uploaded_Files'] );

//array_splice( $_SESSION['Uploaded_Files'], array_search( $_REQUEST['File'], $_SESSION['Uploaded_Files'] ), 1 );

unlink( $UPLOAD_TEMP . "/" . $_REQUEST['File'] );




error_reporting(E_ALL); //remove later


//include 'Protected/Functions.php';		//This is where all of the functions are stored!
//include 'Protected/Database.php';			//This is where the database connections and variables are stored
$UPLOAD_TEMP = "Upload_Temp";

if( isset( $_SESSION['Uploaded_Files'] ) || !session_is_registered('Uploaded_Files') )
$Uploaded_Files = array();

if( isset( $_SESSION['Uploaded_Files_Number'] ) || !session_is_registered('Uploaded_Files_Number') )
$Uploaded_Files = 0;

if( isset( $_SESSION['Error'] ) || !session_is_registered('Error') )
$Error = 0;

if( !$_SESSION['Auth'] || !$_SESSION['User'] )
echo "This is a private site. Please login to proceed...<BR>";
//header("Location: http://$_SERVER[sERVER_ADDR]/$LOGIN_PAGE");
echo "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"3;URL=http://" . $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] . "/" . $LOGIN_PAGE . "\">";

// Upload files	********************************************************************************************************

//This function does the actual work of saving the file into the $Target_Path

function Save_Uploaded_File( $UPLOAD_TEMP )

$File_Upload_Error = array(
				"There is no error, the file uploaded with success",
				"The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini",
				"The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form",
				"The uploaded file was only partially uploaded",
				"No file was uploaded",
				"Missing a temporary folder"

$Target_Path = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/" . $UPLOAD_TEMP . "/";

$Target_Path = $Target_Path . basename( $_FILES['Picture']['name']); 

if( move_uploaded_file($_FILES['Picture']['tmp_name'], $Target_Path) )
	//echo "<BR>The file ".  basename( $_FILES['Picture']['name']). " has been uploaded";		//to be removed
	$_SESSION['Uploaded_Files'][$_SESSION['Uploaded_Files_Number']] = basename( $_FILES['Picture']['name'] );
	$_SESSION['Error'] .= "There was an error uploading the file!" . $File_Upload_Error[$_FILES['Picture']['error']] . ". Please try again<BR>";



//Checks whether the 'file submit' button is selected
if( empty($_SESSION['Error']) && isset($_REQUEST['_submit_check']) )

if( empty($_FILES['Picture']['name'] ) )
	$_SESSION['Error'] = "No file was selected to be uploaded";

//check if file has already been uploaded into the drive, and if so, will write to the $_SESSION['Error']
if( !empty($_FILES['Picture']['name']) && !empty($_SESSION['Uploaded_Files']) && empty($_SESSION['Error']) )
	foreach( $_SESSION['Uploaded_Files'] as $Temp_Array )
		if( $Temp_Array == basename( $_FILES['Picture']['name'] ) )
			$_SESSION['Error'] .= "This file, <i>" . $Temp_Array . "</i>, has already been uploaded, and can't be uploaded again. <BR>";


//Does the actual action of uploading the file. Calls the function "$Save_Uploaded_File"
if( empty($_SESSION['Error']) ) // && ($_FILES['Picture']['name'] == $_SESSION['Uploaded_Files'][$_SESSION['Uploaded_Files_Number']]) )
	Save_Uploaded_File( $UPLOAD_TEMP );

//This deletes the file in the upload temp folder, if the user chooses so.
else if( empty($_SESSION['Error']) && isset( $_REQUEST['Action']) )
if( empty($_REQUEST['File'] ) || $_REQUEST['Action'] != "Delete" )
	$_SESSION['Error'] = "No file selected to be deleted";
else if( !file_exists( $UPLOAD_TEMP . "/" . $_REQUEST['File'] ) )
	echo "<BR>Array_Search value when 'file not found' is : " . array_search( $_REQUEST['File'], $_SESSION['Uploaded_Files'] );
	$_SESSION['Error'] = "File not found.";
	array_splice( $_SESSION['Uploaded_Files'], array_search( $_REQUEST['File'], $_SESSION['Uploaded_Files'] ), 1 );
	echo "<BR>Array has " . count( $_SESSION['Uploaded_Files']) . " values. File to be deleted is " . $_REQUEST['File'] . "<BR>";
	reset( $_SESSION['Uploaded_Files']) ;
	print "<pre>";var_dump($_SESSION['Uploaded_Files']);print"</pre>";

	echo "<BR>Array Before array_search and array_slice<BR><BR>";
	$i = 0;		//to be removed later
	foreach( $_SESSION['Uploaded_Files'] as $Temp_Array )
		echo $Temp_Array . $i . " has been uploaded <FONT>[<A HREF=\"" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?Action=Delete&File=" . $Temp_Array . "\">delete</A>]</FONT><BR>" ;

	echo "<BR>Array_Search returned value : " . array_search( $_REQUEST['File'], $_SESSION['Uploaded_Files'] );
	echo "<BR>Array Search found <B>" . $_REQUEST['File'] . "</B> at location <B>" . array_search( $_REQUEST['File'], $_SESSION['Uploaded_Files'] ) . "</B>";
	array_splice( $_SESSION['Uploaded_Files'], array_search( $_REQUEST['File'], $_SESSION['Uploaded_Files'] ), 1 );
	//echo array_search( $_REQUEST['File'], $_SESSION['Uploaded_Files'] );
	//array_splice( $_SESSION['Uploaded_Files'], array_search( $_REQUEST['File'], $_SESSION['Uploaded_Files'] ), 1 );
	unlink( $UPLOAD_TEMP . "/" . $_REQUEST['File'] );


$main_table = "

<FORM ENCTYPE=\"multipart/form-data\" ACTION=\"" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "\" METHOD=POST >
	<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=\"MAX_FILE_SIZE\" VALUE=\"10000000\">
	<TR><TD>Upload your files here (jpeg, doc, zip, etc)		</TD><TD>: <INPUT NAME=\"Picture\" SIZE=50 TYPE=file><br></TD></TR>

	<input type=hidden name=\"_submit_check\" value=\"UPLOAD1\"/> 
	<TR><TD><INPUT TYPE=submit VALUE=\"Upload File\"></TD></TR>


<TITLE>File Upload</TITLE>



if( $_SESSION['Error'] )
echo "<FONT COLOR=RED><B>" . $_SESSION['Error'] . "</B></FONT>";
$_SESSION['Error'] = NULL;

echo $main_table;
//To display the files uploaded. Will add "delete" function in future!

echo "<BR CLEAR=LEFT><BR>";

//this is to display the files that has been uploaded previously In future, will add a 'delete' link here
if( !empty($_SESSION['Uploaded_Files']) )
$i = 0;		//to be removed later
foreach( $_SESSION['Uploaded_Files'] as $Temp_Array )
	echo $Temp_Array . $i . " has been uploaded <FONT>[<A HREF=\"" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?Action=Delete&File=" . $Temp_Array . "\">delete</A>]</FONT><BR>" ;




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