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Unable to solve Session Problem


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Just as a start, yes, I have searched these forums through previous session topics just to make sure I wasn't creating needless spam.


Situation:  All of my user-data is maintained by a PHP Class function called 'initialize:


class initialize
private static $sql;
private $userid;
private $getuser;

public function __construct($live=TRUE)
	if(self::$sql == NULL) self::$sql = new MySQL;
	if($live == TRUE)
		if($_SESSION['userid'] != NULL) 
			echo("Session Recognized.");
			$this->userid = $_SESSION['userid'];
			$user = self::$sql->fetch("SELECT * FROM user WHERE id = ".$this->userid);
			if($user->getnumrows != FALSE) $this->getuser = $user->getrow();
				echo("User Authentication Failed");
				$this->userid = NULL;
				$_SESSION['userid'] = NULL;
		else $this->userid = NULL;
		echo("USER ID: ".$this->userid);
//...continues with other methods/functions.


I am running this class on an index.php page with a CSS tab-strip.  I can log-in to the index page just fine, but when I try to 'reload' the page through navigation the tab-strip, I lose all session information and am kicked out to the login screen again...


...I'm a bit baffled honestly...


...here is the initialization of the index page


$action = @$_GET['action'];
$tab = @$_GET['tab'];
if(!$tab) $tab = "units";

$user = new initialize();
$query = $user->getconnection();
$validate = $user->getuserid();

//...page execution

If $validate returns NULL, I kick a person out of the index page and return them to the login screen...


The $user->getuserid(); method looks like:

public function getuserid()
return $this->userid;

...and is part of the initialize class.

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I would like to thank fert for taking so much time to enlighten me with his well-thought out reply...



...the problem...in case anyone was actually wondering...was that my $user->getnumrows command was supposed to be $user->getnumrows()



No, session_start() does not need to be at the top of the page before everything and yes, it can be instantiated in a class.

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