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Hey guys im new to the forumns and figured since it seems like people here are very knowledgable, i'd see if anyone might be able to help me find my error in my php code.  I am pulling the images from a database and have verified they went in properly.  Below is the code i used to upload the photo(which works) and the code for retreiving the image (which is broken).  The photo is saved in a table named photo in a field named uploaded_photo.  any advice on what i should do or something to try would be greatly appreciated.




        <b> Add a Gallary</b>

            <form name="form1" method = "post" enctype = "multipart/form-data">


      Photographer name: <input type="text" name="authorname" size="40" />      <br />

      Upload File: <input type="file" name="filename" id = "filename" size="40" />    <br />

      File Type: <select name = "select">

                  <option value = "JPEG">JPEG</option>

                  <option value = "GIF">GIF</option>

                  <option value = "PNG">PNG</option>

                  <option value = "other">Other</option>


            <br />

      Photo Name: <input type = "text" name = "photoname" />          <br />

      Photo Description: <input type = "text" name = "photodescription" />

                                                                <br />


      <input type="submit" value = "submit" />

        <input type="reset" value = "reset"/>






include("connect.php") ;


$authname = $_POST['authorname'];

$phototype = $_POST['select'];

$photoitself = $_POST['filename'];

$photoname = $_POST['photoname'];

$photodesc = $_POST['photodescription'];


$image = fopen($_FILES['filename']['tmp_name'],"rb");

$readimage = fread($image,$_FILES['filename']['size']);

$newimage = mysql_escape_string($readimage);




$query ="INSERT INTO photo(photo_id, photo_type, photo_name, author_name, photo_description, uploaded_photo) VALUES(' ','$phototype','$photoname','$authname', '$photodesc', '$newimage')";

$result = mysql_query($query);







the code for retreviing the images is testbrowse.php:



include("imgheader.php") ;






<title>Sans Titre</title>

<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

<meta name="generator" content="HAPedit 3.1">



<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">









$query = "SELECT uploaded_photo FROM photo";

$results = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()) ;


// need to fetch the array to get this line to work:

$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($results);

$news = ImageCreateFromString($row['uploaded_photo'])  ;

$final = imagejpeg($news);

echo $final;




when calling testbrowse.php, all i get is the box with the red x inside for a broken image link.  I've been searching for answers through google however after 3 days and finding nothing i figured maybe i'd ask my fellow phpers. Thanks in advance

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is your image path returning correctly?


looks to me like the code for for test.php is trying to reference a graphic within the same directory as the script.


this line specifically

$news = ImageCreateFromString($row['uploaded_photo'])   ; //is looking for the graphic in the root directory of test.php


should maybe read


$img_path = 'directory path/on server/';//location where images are stored on server
$img_location = '' . $img_path . '' . $row['uploaded_photo'] . ''; //build link to photo

$news = ImageCreateFromString($img_location); //make image based of path instead of only image name


there maybe a way to simplify this but I broke it down so I could explain it.



hey severn,


i appreciate your help and can see how that would work however there is a little issue with the code you provided.  When i upload the file to the database, it stores them in the databse as the blob and not in a directory on the file server.  I guess i would like to know how i would go about storing the images on my file server or a workaround for having the images just stored in the database.  Is there a way to find the file location (such as a php command for the server side)? 

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