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Newbie with small admin problem


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Hey all, I installed a quick modification to help prevent spam on my phpbb boards...


Well, it works fine, but I would like to be able to change the settings of it from the admin page.


Basically I have modded the profile_add_body.tpl file and added the following code above the visual confirmation...


    <td class="row1"><span class="gen">What Realm of DAoC does Fenris Belong? (lower case) *</span></td>
    <td class="row2">
        <input type="text" class="post" style="width: 200px" name="math_question" size="45" maxlength="45" value="" />


in the includes/usercp_register.php file i changed the code around line 260 or so from the original to this


else if ( $mode == 'register' )
	if ( empty($username) || empty($new_password) || empty($password_confirm) || empty($email) )
		$error = TRUE;
		$error_msg .= ( ( isset($error_msg) ) ? '<br />' : '' ) . $lang['Fields_empty'];
	if (!isset($_POST['math_question']) || $_POST['math_question'] != 'midgard')
	{$error = TRUE;
	$error_msg .= (isset($error_msg) ? '<br />' : '') . "Incorrect answer to simple question...";


My question is... where do i load the answer 'midgard' (of course will change to a variable) and the question to be changed or edited from teh admin panel?


Any help on this is appreciated.

I am running version phpBB 2.0.18

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yes... i figured that much, my question is, does anyone know what files I should input this code?  I know how to query a db and write/read from a flat file... the problem is, this code is a bit over my head and I need to know where to go to make changes etc. in phpbb

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