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Creating Register Script


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So I've been coding a register script, and I've reached an error.

Nothing displays on the webserver.

Just a blank page.


If anyone could help, that would be great.


That is the code.

You can preview it live at: http://nordaea.phpnet.us/register.php



if ($_GET['act'] == "agree") {

	if ($_GET['act'] == "submit") {
// For register_global on PHP settings
$name = $_POST['name'];
$username = $_POST['username'];
$email = $_POST['email'];
$password = $_POST['password'];
$password_verify = $_POST['password_verify'];
$birthdate = $_POST['birthdate'];
$birthmonth = $_POST['birthmonth'];
$birthyear = $_POST['birthyear'];

// Check for empty fields
if ( empty($username) || empty($email) || empty($password) || empty($password_verify)  || empty($name) || empty($birthdate) || empty($birthmonth) || empty($birthyear)) {
    die ("Error! Please fill in <b>all</ b> fields, they are all required. <br /> <a href="register.php?act=agree">Go Back</a>");

// Check that email is valid
if (!(ereg ("^.+@.+\..+$", $email))) {
	die ("Error. $email appears to be invalid, please enter a valid email. <br /> <a href="register.php?act=agree">Go Back</a>");

//  Create 6 digit activation code
function randomstring($len)	{
	while($i<$len) {

	$str=$str.substr(uniqid (""),0,22);
	return $str;

// Now generate the 6-digit code
$code = randomstring(6);    // 6 for a 6-digit code
$code = substr("$code", 0, 6);

// Now email the user registration details
    $from = "accounts@nordaea.com";
    $subject = "Registration @ Nordaea"; 

    $headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n"; 
    $headers = "From: Nordaea<$from>\n";
    $headers .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\r\n"; 

    $message = "Hi $name, <br><br> Thank you for creating an account at Nordaea! Below is the information you registered with, and the information required to activate your account: <br>";
    $message .= "Username: $username<br> Password: $password <br> ";
    $message .= "First to access your account, you must activate it, please paste the following link into your web broswer: <strong>http://nordaea.com/register.php?act=activate&code=$code</strong> to activate your account.<br><br>";
    $message .= "If you have any problems whatsoever activating your account, please reply to this email with your problem, please be as detailed as possible.";
if (mail($email,$subject,$message,$headers)) {    // if mail is successful
        // Store data into database
        $insert = "insert into membership (name, username, email, password, password_verify, birthdate, birthmonth, birthyear) VALUES (So yes, according to the PHP tutorials i read, values go here, but I have NO idea how to do it properly.)";
        $query = mysql_query($insert) or die     ("Could not execute: $query." . mysql_error());
        if ($query) {
            echo "<p>Thank you $name. Please check your email, information about how to activate your account has been sent to $email, if you cannot find the email in your inbox be sure to take a look at your junk mails.</p>";

}	echo "
	<center><form action='register.php?act=submit' method='post'>
	Username: <input type='text' name='username' maxlength='15'><br />
	Password: <input type='password' name='password' maxlength='16'> <br />
	Verify Password: <input type='password' name='password_verify' maxlength='16'> <br />
	Email: <input type='text' name='email' maxlength='40'> <br />
	Your Name: <input type='text' name='name' maxlength='18'> <br />
	Date of Birth: 
	<select name='birthdate'>
	for ($date = 01; $date < 32; $date++) {
		echo "<option value=".$date.">".$date."</option>";
	echo "
	<select name='birthmonth'>
	for ($month = 01; $month < 13; $month++) {
		echo "<option value=".$month.">".$month."</option>";
	echo "
	<select name='birthyear'>
	for ($year = 1900; $year < 2007; $year++) {
		echo "<option value=".$year.">".$year."</option>";
	echo "
	</select><br />
	<input type=submit value=Register>
} else if ($_GET['act'] == "disagree") {
	echo '<table width="50%" border="0"><tr><td><b>Disagree to the Terms & Conditions</b><br>
	You may not be a member of Nordaea if you are not in full acceptance of the terms.
} else {
	echo <<<END
	<center><table width="50%" border="0"><tr><td>
	<b>Register at Nordaea</b><br />
	You must first read, understand and agree to the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy. By accepting this agreement, you also acknowledge that you are 13 years + or that you have parental consent to register an account at Nordaea.<br>
	<center><a href="register.php?act=agree">I agree to these terms and am 13 years + or have parental consent to create an account</ a><br>
	<a href="register.php?act=disagree">I do not agree to these terms</ a></center>

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change this

} else {
	echo <<<END
	<center><table width="50%" border="0"><tr><td>
	<b>Register at Nordaea</b><br />
	You must first read, understand and agree to the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy. By accepting this agreement, you also acknowledge that you are 13 years + or that you have parental consent to register an account at Nordaea.<br>
	<center><a href="register.php?act=agree">I agree to these terms and am 13 years + or have parental consent to create an account</ a><br>
	<a href="register.php?act=disagree">I do not agree to these terms</ a></center>


to this


} else { ?>
	echo <<<END		<center><table width="50%" border="0"><tr><td>
	<b>Register at Nordaea</b><br />
	You must first read, understand and agree to the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy. By accepting this agreement, you also acknowledge that you are 13 years + or that you have parental consent to register an account at Nordaea.<br>
	<center><a href="register.php?act=agree">I agree to these terms and am 13 years + or have parental consent to create an account</ a><br>
	<a href="register.php?act=disagree">I do not agree to these terms</ a></center>

<?	}



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It's still blank, have I done something wrong?

Here's the code now.


if ($_GET['act'] == "agree") {

	if ($_GET['act'] == "submit") {
// For register_global on PHP settings
$name = $_POST['name'];
$username = $_POST['username'];
$email = $_POST['email'];
$password = $_POST['password'];
$password_verify = $_POST['password_verify'];
$birthdate = $_POST['birthdate'];
$birthmonth = $_POST['birthmonth'];
$birthyear = $_POST['birthyear'];

// Check for empty fields
if (empty($username) || empty($email) || empty($password) || empty($password_verify)  || empty($name) || empty($birthdate) || empty($birthmonth) || empty($birthyear)) {
    die ("Error! Please fill in <b>all</ b> fields, they are all required. <br /> <a href="register.php?act=agree">Go Back</a>");

// Check that email is valid
if (!(ereg ("^.+@.+\..+$", $email))) {
	die ("Error. $email appears to be invalid, please enter a valid email. <br /> <a href="register.php?act=agree">Go Back</a>");

//  Create 6 digit activation code
function randomstring($len)	{
	while($i<$len) {

	$str=$str.substr(uniqid (""),0,22);
	return $str;

// Now generate the 6-digit code
$code = randomstring(6);    // 6 for a 6-digit code
$code = substr("$code", 0, 6);

// Now email the user registration details
    $from = "accounts@nordaea.com";
    $subject = "Registration @ Nordaea"; 

    $headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n"; 
    $headers = "From: Nordaea<$from>\n";
    $headers .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\r\n"; 

    $message = "Hi $name, <br><br> Thank you for creating an account at Nordaea! Below is the information you registered with, and the information required to activate your account: <br>";
    $message .= "Username: $username<br> Password: $password <br> ";
    $message .= "First to access your account, you must activate it, please paste the following link into your web broswer: <strong>http://nordaea.com/register.php?act=activate&code=$code</strong> to activate your account.<br><br>";
    $message .= "If you have any problems whatsoever activating your account, please reply to this email with your problem, please be as detailed as possible.";
if (mail($email,$subject,$message,$headers)) {    // if mail is successful
        // Store data into database
        $insert = "insert into membership (name, username, email, password, password_verify, birthdate, birthmonth, birthyear) VALUES (So yes, according to the PHP tutorials i read, values go here, but I have NO idea how to do it properly.)";
        $query = mysql_query($insert) or die     ("Could not execute: $query." . mysql_error());
        if ($query) {
            echo "<p>Thank you $name. Please check your email, information about how to activate your account has been sent to $email, if you cannot find the email in your inbox be sure to take a look at your junk mails.</p>";

}	echo "
	<center><form action='register.php?act=submit' method='post'>
	Username: <input type='text' name='username' maxlength='15'><br />
	Password: <input type='password' name='password' maxlength='16'> <br />
	Verify Password: <input type='password' name='password_verify' maxlength='16'> <br />
	Email: <input type='text' name='email' maxlength='40'> <br />
	Your Name: <input type='text' name='name' maxlength='18'> <br />
	Date of Birth: 
	<select name='birthdate'>
	for ($date = 01; $date < 32; $date++) {
		echo "<option value=".$date.">".$date."</option>";
	echo "
	<select name='birthmonth'>
	for ($month = 01; $month < 13; $month++) {
		echo "<option value=".$month.">".$month."</option>";
	echo "
	<select name='birthyear'>
	for ($year = 1900; $year < 2007; $year++) {
		echo "<option value=".$year.">".$year."</option>";
	echo "
	</select><br />
	<input type=submit value=Register>
} else if ($_GET['act'] == "disagree") {
	echo '<table width="50%" border="0"><tr><td><b>Disagree to the Terms & Conditions</b><br>
	You may not be a member of Nordaea if you are not in full acceptance of the terms.
} else { ?>
	echo <<<END		<center><table width="50%" border="0"><tr><td>
	<b>Register at Nordaea</b><br />
	You must first read, understand and agree to the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy. By accepting this agreement, you also acknowledge that you are 13 years + or that you have parental consent to register an account at Nordaea.<br>
	<center><a href="register.php?act=agree">I agree to these terms and am 13 years + or have parental consent to create an account</ a><br>
	<a href="register.php?act=disagree">I do not agree to these terms</ a></center>

<?	}

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