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HI all,

I've created a login script with cookie and SID enabled which I though was working fine, untill I sent a link to someone in a different country who was automatically logged into my account!


I've made the login code as basic as I can now, and I'm doing some debugging.  Each time a page is requested, the checkLogin() method is called, which should check if a session is currently running.  As a debug, I've got the page to mail me each time a check is made with the session ID's.  Strangely, I've found that if I log in. then log out, then log back in again, the session ID stays the same.  Should the logout not destroy the session and so when I log in again a new one is created?


The following is the checkLogin code:


$loggedIn = false;


    function checkLogin(){ 

        if ((!isset($_SESSION['id'])) || (!isset($_SESSION['auth'])) || (!isset($_SESSION['user'])) || (!isset($_SESSION['email']))){
            global $loggedIn;
            //echo "not set";
            $loggedIn = false;
            if ($_SESSION['auth'] == "yes"){
                global $ses_id, $ses_user, $ses_email, $loggedIn;
                $ses_id = $_SESSION['id'];
                $ses_email = $_SESSION['email'];
                $ses_user = $_SESSION['user'];
                $loggedIn = true;
\\debug code:
$text = "session id: " . session_id() . "\nSID: " . SID . "\n\n ses_id: " . $ses_id . "\nses_email: " . $ses_email . "\nses_user " . $ses_user . "\nauth: " . $_SESSION['auth'] . "\nFROM: " . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
                mail("[email protected]", "Login Occurred",$text,"From: noreply@x");
                $loggedIn = false;


The code which is executed when a user logs in is:


  if ($number > 0 && ($row['confirm'] == 'yes')){
        $_SESSION['auth'] = "yes";
        $_SESSION['id'] = $row["user_num"];
        $_SESSION['user'] = $postUsername;
        $_SESSION['email'] = $row["email"];

        header ('Location: x.php');


with the logout script as follows:

require 'functions.php';

header('Location: login.php');


So, two questions really:


1) Does this code only rely on cookies being set now, or can it be used with the SID URL param?

2) Should the session ID be changing when a user logs out then logs in again?


Thanks in advance




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Sessions are really intriguing. I am still trying to figure out the ins and outs. What seems to be happening is your session is staying in the cookie. Here is a snippet I pulled from http://us2.php.net/manual/en/function.session-destroy.php


// Initialize the session.
// If you are using session_name("something"), don't forget it now!

// Unset all of the session variables.
$_SESSION = array();

// If it's desired to kill the session, also delete the session cookie.
// Note: This will destroy the session, and not just the session data!
if (isset($_COOKIE[session_name()])) {
   setcookie(session_name(), '', time()-42000, '/');

// Finally, destroy the session.


They key here is the $_COOKIE part to kill the session cookie. Once that happens the session should be destroyed completely. Best of Luck



excellent, I'll try that in a bit. thanks


You don't happen to know what happens when the session times out on the server do you?  That bit is intriguing me!  A user closes his/her browser window, but the server doesn't know that, so there must be a timeout.  If that's the case, is the session data removed?  And how is the cookie altered then?







If you want to destroy a session then you realy need to unset() the varable or session first,

Even theo meny users dont but with all that i do and read the

best code pratice is to unset() then session_destroy() ok mate.


is there any benefit of using unset() over $_SESSION = array();?


Also, what does the server do at timeout?


Thanks again




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