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find the parse errors #2


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i am posting a geocoding script that i found online that gives me parse errors like crazy. I need this to work. I can't figure out the problem.


The first error i get is:

Parse error: parse error in /Library/WebServer/Documents/bar/ver2/geocode/geo.php on line 3


I am also using PHP 4.1.2 if that makes a difference.


When I fix the obvious one which i belive is the address input value:

Address: <input type="text" size="40" name="address" value="<?=$_REQUEST[" />">


Address: <input type=text" size="40" name="address" value="<? $_REQUEST["address] ?>">


I get a parse error on line 10


Here it is:


define("DEBUG", false);
// ===== Database parameters
$db["user"] = "username";
$db["pass"] = "password";
$db["host"] = "localhost";
$db["database"] = "dbname";
<form name="mainform" action="geocode.php" method="get">
Address: <input type="text" size="40" name="address" value="<?=$_REQUEST[" />">
<input type="submit" name="geo" value="Geocode" />
</form> <hr />
if ( array_key_exists("geo", $_REQUEST) ) {
?><?php// ====================================================================
// ==================================================================== PHP Functions
// ====================================================================
// ==================================================================== show results
function showresults() {
$address = $_REQUEST["address"];
// === Parse the address into it's various parts.
$paddr = parse_address($address);
// === Query the database for matching streets.
$rsary = find_address($paddr);
if ( !$rsary || count($rsary)> 1 ) {
echo "No records found or more than one street segment matched. Be more specific.
// === Geocode the address.
$latlon = geocode_address($rsary[0], $paddr);
// === Display the lat/lon and a google maps link
echo $latlon["lat"] . ", " . $latlon["lon"];
echo "
<a href="http://blog.tooleshed.com/%5C%22http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&q=%22">Google Map</a>";
// ==================================================================== geocode
function geocode_address($data, $addr) {
$house_number = $addr["number"];
$from_number = $data["from_addr"];
$to_number = $data["to_addr"];
// === Convert the linedata string into an array of lat/lon pairs
$chain = parse_linedata($data["linedata"]);
// === Find the proportion between our house number and the fr/to numbers of the street segement
$prop = ($house_number - $from_number) / ($to_number - $from_number);
debug("house: $house_number fr: $from_number to: $to_number prop: $prop");
if ( count($chain) <2 ) {
die("Error, linedata field bad: " . $data["linedata"] . "
if ( count($chain) == 2 ) {
// === Using linear interpolation, we can calculate the lat/lon of our house on the street segment
$house = lerp($chain[0], $chain[1], $prop);
} else {
// === The chain has more than two points, so a more complex calculation is required.
$house = calc_position($chain, $prop);
return $house;
// ==================================================================== calc_position
function calc_position($chain, $prop) {
$total_dist = 0;
// First calculate the distance between each set of points
// and the total distance of our entire street segment
for ($i=0; $i
$dist = calc_dist($chain[$i], $chain[$i+1]);
$p2p_dist[$i] = $dist;
$total_dist += $dist;
debug("Distance from Point $i to " . ($i+1) . " = $dist  ($total_dist)");
// Now that we have the total distance we can figure out where
// on the segment our address will be using the proportion.
$house_dist = $total_dist * $prop;
// Next we need to determine between which two set of points
// our house_dist lies.
$part_dist = 0;
while ($part_dist <$house_dist) {
$part_dist += $p2p_dist[$i++];
// Now we need to find the proportion at the partial distance level
$part_from = $part_dist - $p2p_dist[$i];
$part_prop = ($house_dist - $part_from) / ($part_dist - $part_from);
debug("i: $i house_dist: $house_dist part_dist: $part_dist, part_from: $part_from, part_prop: $part_prop");
// And with that we can now do the interpolation betwen the points at
// that sub-part of the street segment.
$house = lerp($chain[$i], $chain[$i+1], $part_prop);
return $house;
// ==================================================================== calc_dist
// Calculates the distance between two lat/lon points
// See: http://www.meridianworlddata.com/Distance-Calculation.asp
function calc_dist($fr, $to) {
$lat1 = deg2rad($fr["lat"]);
$lon1 = deg2rad($fr["lon"]);
$lat2 = deg2rad($to["lat"]);
$lon2 = deg2rad($to["lon"]);
$d = 3963 * acos( sin($lat1)*sin($lat2) + cos($lat1)*cos($lat2)*cos($lon2 - $lon1) );
return $d;
// ==================================================================== lerp
// Performs linear interpolation on the lat and lon
function lerp($fr, $to, $prop) {
$frlat = $fr["lat"];
$frlon = $fr["lon"];
$tolat = $to["lat"];
$tolon = $to["lon"];
$point["lat"] = $frlat + ($prop * ($tolat - $frlat));
$point["lon"] = $frlon + ($prop * ($tolon - $frlon));
return $point;
// ==================================================================== parse_linedata
function parse_linedata($linedata) {
// === Explode the linedata string of lat/lon's into an array:
/* Example returned array:
[0] => Array
[lon] => -122.628906
[lat] => 45.53354
[1] => Array
[lon] => -122.627906
[lat] => 45.53354
foreach ( explode(",", $linedata) as $latlon) {
list($lon, $lat) = explode(" ", $latlon);
$ll[] = array("lon" => ($lon/1000000), "lat" => ($lat/1000000));
return $ll;
// ==================================================================== find_address
// Build a query to find the street in the database
function find_address($addr) {
global $db;
$number = $addr["number"];
$dsn = "mysql://" . $db["user"] . ":" . $db["pass"] . "@" . $db["host"] . "/" . $db["database"];
$dbConn = ADONewConnection($dsn);
$dbConn->debug = DEBUG;
if (!$dbConn) { echo("Connection failed");  exit; }
$q = "  select cc_id, linedata, fedirp, fename, fetype, fedirs,
if(fraddl % 2 = $number % 2, fraddl, fraddr) as from_addr,
if(fraddl % 2 = $number % 2, toaddl, toaddr) as to_addr
from completechain ";
$q .= "where fename = " . $dbConn->qstr($addr["name"]) . " ";
// === Build the Where clause
$wh = "";
if ( array_key_exists("prefix", $addr) ) {
$wh .= "and fedirp = " . $dbConn->qstr($addr["prefix"]) . " ";
if ( array_key_exists("type", $addr) ) {
$wh .= "and fetype = " . $dbConn->qstr($addr["type"]) . " ";
if ( array_key_exists("suffix", $addr) ) {
$wh .= "and fedirs = " . $dbConn->qstr($addr["suffix"]) . " ";
$wh .= "and (
(fraddr <= $number and toaddr>= $number) OR
(fraddl <= $number and toaddl>= $number)
// === Add the where to the query
$q .= $wh;
$rs = $dbConn->GetAll($q);
return $rs;
// ==================================================================== parse_address
function parse_address($address="") {
$apts = "Apt|Apartment|Suite|Ste|Unit|Bldg|Building|Room|Rm|#";
$out["address_type"] = "Presumed Standard";
$out["raw_address"] = $address;
$original = $address;
//remove any unit or apt # from the end
//a number alone at the end is not enough, we need at least # or one of the descriptors in ()
if( preg_match('/(\s+(' . $apts . ')\s*)+#?[-a-z0-9]+$/i', $address, $matches)){
$out["raw_unit"] = $matches[0];
$out["unit"] = preg_replace('/(\s+(' . $apts . ')\s*)+#?/i','',$matches[0]);
//break raw unit down
$address = substr($address, 0, strlen($address)-strlen($matches[0]));
//parse suffix direction (SW)
$dirs = implode("|", array_keys($dir));
if(preg_match('/\s+(' . $dirs . ')$/i', $address, $matches)){
$out["raw_suffix"] = trim($matches[0]);
$out["suffix"] = $dir[$out["raw_suffix"]];
$address=substr($address, 0, strlen($address)-strlen($matches[0]));
//remove type of street
$types = implode("|", array_keys($type));
if(preg_match('/\s+(' . $types . ')$/i', $address, $matches)){
$out["raw_type"] = trim($matches[0]);
strlen($out["raw_type"])> 3 || strtolower($out["raw_type"]) == 'way'
|| strtolower($out["raw_type"]) == 'bvd' ? $typeDefinite = false : $typeDefinite = true;
$out[type] = $type[strtolower($out["raw_type"])];
$address = substr($address, 0, strlen($address)-strlen($matches[0]));
//remove number and fraction
if(preg_match('/^[0-9]+(\s+[0-9]+\/[0-9]+)*/', $address, $matches)){
$address = substr($address, strlen($matches[0]), strlen($address)-strlen($matches[0]));
$out["fraction"] = $mmatch[0];
$matches[0] = substr($matches[0], 0, strlen($matches[0])-strlen($mmatch[0]));
$out[number] = trim($matches[0]);
$numberFormat = 'standard';
} else {
$numberFormat = 'irregular';
//account for possible P.O. Boxes and Rural Routes
if(preg_match('/^(POB\s+|P\s*O\s*Box|Post Office Box|Postal Box|Box|Boite Postal)\s*[0-9a-z]+(-[0-9a-z]+)*/i', $address, $matches)) {
$out["raw_po_box"] = $matches[0];
preg_match('/[0-9a-z]+(-[0-9a-z]+)*$/i', $matches[0], $mmatch);
$out["po_box"] = strtoupper($mmatch[0]);
$out["address_type"] = "Post Office Box";
if(preg_match('/(Rrte|RR|Rural Route|Rt|Rte|Route)\s+[0-9]+\s+(Box|Bx)\s+[0-9]+/i', $address, $matches)){
$out["raw_route"] = $matches[0];
$matches = explode('b',strtolower($matches[0]));
$out["route_number"] = preg_replace('/[^0-9]+/', '', $matches[0]);
$out["route_box_number"] = preg_replace('/[^0-9]+/', '', $matches[1]);
$out["address_type"] = "Rural Route";
//Account for HC nomenclature -- for drawmack
if(preg_match('/(HC|Highway County|Hwy Cty|Hwy County)\s+[0-9]+\s+(Box|Bx)\s+[0-9]+/i',$address,$matches)){
$matches=explode('b', strtolower($matches[0]));
$out["hc_number"] = preg_replace('/[^0-9]+/', '', $matches[0]);
$out["hc_box_number"] = preg_replace('/[^0-9]+/', '',$matches[1]);
$out["address_type"] = "Highway County Route";
//Account for * | Star Route
$out["address_type"]="Star Route";
Note on the above 4 nodes: we don't check that an address only partially
conforms, such as Rte 1 (no box number), and perhaps we should.  Perhaps
"Route 1" is even OK in some areas
//what remains is the prefix direction, and street, several analyses to make here
note that if there is still an address left over yet we pulled a PO Box above
or a Rural Route, then either something is wrong or our code missed something,
this should be flagged.
$address = trim($address);
if(preg_match('/^(' . $dirs . ')\s+/i', $address, $matches)){
$out["prefix"] = $dir[trim($matches[0])];
strlen($matches[0])> 2 ? $out["raw_prefix"] = $matches[0] : '';
$address = substr($address, strlen($matches[0]), strlen($address)-strlen($matches[0]));
//presume all else is the name
$out["name"] = trim($address);
//present the array visibly in a logical order -- not required for operation but nice
foreach($order as $v){
isset($out[$v]) ? $ret[$v] = $out[$v] : '';
return $ret;
// =========================== Utility functions
function debug($s) {
if ( DEBUG ) {
if ( is_array($s) || is_object($s) ) {
} else {
echo "
function view($obj) {
echo "
<pre>"; print_r($obj); echo "</pre>

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// === Display the lat/lon and a google maps link
echo $latlon["lat"] . ", " . $latlon["lon"];
echo "
<a href="http://blog.tooleshed.com/%5C%22http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&q=%22">Google Map</a>";


should be


// === Display the lat/lon and a google maps link
echo $latlon["lat"] . ", " . $latlon["lon"];
echo "
<a href=\"http://blog.tooleshed.com/%5C%22http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&q=%22\">Google Map</a>";


Those double quotes need to be escaped.



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is this correct please

function calc_position($chain, $prop) {
$total_dist = 0;
// First calculate the distance between each set of points
// and the total distance of our entire street segment
for ($i=0; $i $dist=calc_dist( $chain[$i] , $chain[$i+1] ){
$p2p_dist[$i] = $dist;
$total_dist += $dist;
debug("Distance from Point $i to " . ($i+1) . " = $dist  ($total_dist)");


line 43-82 function calc_position

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i have read the article yes. that is where i got the code from and how i got to step 2. the first file they give you had tons of errors but i hacked it  a bit until i loaded the data in. the second script i cannot get to work which is the reason for my post in the first place

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