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This is probably piece of cake for you guys, but I cannot make it work:


I need to replace the text "<table> bla.bla.</table>" in the following code with the contents of the file conditions.html. My aim is to make the code clear, and to put the html-code into the separate file conditions.html rather than just writing it inside the current text area "<table> bla.bla.</table>":


define('TEXT_INFORMATION', '<table> bla.bla.</table>');


I have tried with


define('TEXT_INFORMATION', include(conditions.html);


and a number of other variations, but nothing seems to work.


Thanks for any help



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$replace = file_get_contents('conditions.html');

define('TEXT_INFORMATION', $replace);



Note you can use fopen + fread etc. Basically you do not want to include the file, just read the contents and put them into a string. This should do just that.




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Thanks for your fast reply Frost 8) But when pasting this code into my file I get this error message:


Warning: file_get_contents(conditions.html) [function.file-get-contents]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/public_html/includes/languages/conditions.php on line 15


The file conditions.html exists in the mentioned directory, and with the include command I succeeded earlier in getting the file outputted, however not as it was supposed to  ???



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Well you need to make sure you have the path specified too. If that file is not contained within the directory you are running the script the path needs to be specified.




script.php is located in /home/public_html/includes

conditions.html is located in /home/public_html/includes/languages


In order for script.php to read from conditions.html you need to do this:

$replace = file_get_contents('/languages/conditions.html');


$replace = file_get_contents('/home/public_html/includes/languages/conditions.html');



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That's a bit strange. The file conditions.html is located in the exact same directory as the file conditions.php. The latter contains the script, so I should not need to specify the path.


If I try this code:

define('TEXT_INFORMATION', include('conditions.html'));

Then the result is that the contents of conditions.html is shown on top of the website when I address conditions.php via the url. This proves that conditions.html exists in the same directory as conditions.php, or?



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