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Hello all,


I've got a rather nooby question for you all but I never really mastered arrays.


Basically I have a very long array of integers. What I want to do is have MySQL fetch a number and then search through that array stoping at a number which is bigger than the number fetched then reporting the number it is bigger than and the number it is smaller than.


Any help would be much appreciated!


PS: Also, would there be a way to do this for every value in an array. IE have an array of column names and then for every column name get the value and pan through the array.


PSS: In addition after all that is done could it report the position in the array of the last value it was bigger than?



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Best I can do is give you some good reading. Hope it helps some.












Reading all of these, should give you a good idea of what to do, I'm still learning myself so sorry I couldn't be more help.

How I came to this was looking at arrays in php.net and found the function array_search looked at it and it told me what it did. php.net solves all your answers! http://us3.php.net/manual/en/function.array-search.php


// Part 1:
$array = array(2,1,3,4,6,5,7,8,9,10);
$numToFind = 5;

$index = array_search($numToFind, $array);
$lower = $array[$index - 1];
$higher = $array[$index + 1];

print "The index of " . $numToFind . " is " . $index . " and the lower Num is " . $lower . " and the higher num is " . $higher . "!";



I will look into the second question now once I figure out what you are trying to say.



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