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How to set default size for php page?


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Ive had this problem where when i create a page with lets say frontpage and I view it on my computer, it looks fine and centered. But when i access my site from another computer with a different sized monitor, it looks a lot different and uncentered. How do I get my page to look the same on every computer no matter the size? Thank You.

(sorry i dont know wether this topic belongs here or not)

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It is impossible, but a first step is to toss frontpage. Seriously go with Dreamweaver or even Notepad work 1000x better than frontpage.


For the most part you would either have to do a screen res check with javascript and display a stylesheet that fits it.


Either way this is an HTML question, not really a php question as PHP really has nothing to do with it.



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If you do not know the difference than you do not need to know. If you want to know search google for "frontpage sucks" http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=frontpage+sucks&btnG=Google+Search


I am sure you will find plenty of good articles on why it sucks.


All in all, learn html (not hard at all) and CSS and than code your own pages via Notepad. Notepad has never failed me once.




On top of that this is not a php related question, probably should be directed to a Frontpage forum or HTML forum. Even though the page me be "php" the flaw is in the design via html coding.



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To see what is wrong with Frontpage, then view your source. Frontpage is a Microsoft product and does not follow the rules for creating pages. It adds sooooo much extra junk that trying to mess with the code inside is almost impossible. I stripped a frontpage designed page and I took out almost 80% of the code because it was not necessary. I was able to duplicate it with a couple of css styles implemented by way of class="classname"


Seriously, for the good of the web development community drop frontpage. Dreamweaver is good as it does not add all the extra crap that Frontpage does. I use it myself. I mainly use it for creation of the html pieces and then go to code view for the real work.


If you want the page centered, then I would use an align="center" applied to the topmost <div> or <table> to make it stay centered in all browsers/pc's/resolutions.

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