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Notice the bolded line in include file, I was wondering if someone could show me how to do that properly quit obviously i have the syntax wrong.



<td bgcolor="'.$row_color.'">

<td bgcolor="'.$row_color.'">

<td bgcolor="'.$row_color.'">

<td bgcolor="'.$row_color.'">
    <a><form method="POST" action="/replies.php">
    <input type="submit" value="'.$LeadID.'" name="getreplies">

<td bgcolor="'.$row_color.'">
    <a>echo [b]'include("status.php")[/b]';</a></td>


    // Add 1 to the row count


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< a >echo [ b ]'include("status.php")[ /b ]';< /a >< /td >


Shold Be:


< a >< b >'<? include("status.php"); ?>'< /b >< /a >< /td >


Although im not sure why your mixing HTML with BBC (Bulletin Board Code) lol [ b ] is < b > in html. Also dont know why you have a plain < a > tag, it should be something like < a href="poo.php" >stuff< /a >



Edit: My bad, it looks like your inside a .php file, not an HTML. Looks like the proper code would be this:

< a >echo [ b ]'".include("status.php")."[ /b ]';< /a >< /td >

(you forgot to end the echo with " then concatenate the include with . and then concatenate to the other half of string by . and " you did it before in that code you posted with the variables, it should be done the same.


Do you use Notepad to edit this? Code Highlighting helps ALOT and i reccomend PSPad. It will look wierd if you leave a string open, so you'll notice this stuff.


Edit #2: You seemed to have left your single quotes above outside of the double quotes... for echo statements i would use double quotes, and all your html you echo out whill need to use single quotes. Otherwise the double quotes in the html will end the string output and start parsing whats next on the server as php. Im surprised its even running your code for you heh.

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