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So i've got this server running a Progress DB.  I need to connect to it using PHP to pull customer/product data.  My web server is running FC6 with Apache and PHP.  I got iODBC installed and connecting to the database and created a simple page to create a connection:


      $conn = odbc_connect(DSN, NAME, PASS) or die ("error connecting");


I just want to see if the page will run successfully.  It seems to except for one small thing.  When I run the file in a web browser it asks if I want to save it.  Any ideas why this would be happening?

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Probably should have been more specific.

the code:

$fname = "./dled.php";
$handle = fopen($fname, "r");
$contents = fread($handle, filesize($fname));
echo $contents;



Warning: fread() [function.fread]: Length parameter must be greater than 0


so technically nothing

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Are you using the Merant ODBC driver? Its quirky at best. I don't think I ever found a PROGRESS ODBC driver for *nix. Mine is set up on a Windows box, but it works.


1) Set up a system DSN. Set the isolation level to "READ UNCOMMITED" or it will lock other users out when  you are querying tables.

2)  In php try something like this

$dsn = 'PROGRESS';

$user = 'odbcuser';

$pw = 'password';

$odbc_con  = odbc_connect($dsn,$user,$pw,SQL_CUR_USE_ODBC) or die(odbc_error());

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Frost: those two websites as well as http://jehiah.cz/archive/compiling-shared-php-modules are what I used to set up PHP.  I had lampp installed and didn't want to recompile php/apache.


boo:  after that, page comes up blank.


artacus:  I'm using the ODBC driver from the progress website (progress.com i think).  You have to have aaccount with them to log in and all that fancy stuff in order to get it tho.  I had to get the driver from the provider of a seperate piece of software (the one connecting to this godforsaken database in the firstplace).


P.S.  Thank you all for your help

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