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Seriously in need of help!!!


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Hi guys. I am in a serious predicament right now. I just released a new flash game on the internet, and my website is getting rediculous hits. However, I can't upload my OWN game to my site portal, because the file is 14MB, and I can't figure out how to tweak my php.ini file to allow this big upload!!


If anoyone could help i would be forever greatful.


so far I have changed:

max_upload_filesize: 20MB

max_execution_time: 100000 seconds

max_input_time: 100000 seconds

post_max_size: 20MB

memory_limit: 35MB

*(and I always remember to restart VPS, so that's not the problem)


still, I can't upload the damn file!!


here is the link to my php.ini file: http://ratubaworld.com/php_info.php



here is the link to the submission page: http://ratubaworld.com/game.new

(you are required to log in and then goto> submit. Please use this account to test: user name: sample /// password: sample)


what do I need to tweak to get this file to upload.


PLEASE HELP!!!!  :'(




p.s. I have uploaded files ~6MB before and It worked fine, so I know that the php upload works to a certain extent  :o

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Ok, I click upload, and the page starts thinking. The prograess bar will move all the way to the right, until it is full, but then it will just pause there. After waiting about 1-2 more minutes, the page reloads to just the blank 'Submit" page, with all of the fields left empty. So obviosuly it isn't getting throught he final stages of submission. perhaps it is taking too long and then just choses to abort? I have no idea.  ???


However, when the submit page works correctly, it will refresh to a new page that says "thank you, your file has been submitted" and the file will appear in the flash game portal page.


I am going to bed right now, because it's 3:30...so i won't be able to reply to anoyone's questions until tomorrow afternoon. But please, start a discussion, because this problem is crucial. The internet moves very quickly, and I need to get this game on my site before my traffic explodes.

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this is the page source code:

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<td colspan="2">

<strong>Submission Agreement:</strong>

<p style="padding-left:15px;"><input type="Checkbox" name="agrement" value="1" /> acknowledge and agree to the terms in the <a href="javascript:popup('http://www.ratubaworld.com/therms');" class="link1">agreement</a>.</p>

<hr />





<td colspan="2"><strong>Game info:</strong></td>



<td align="right"><span style="color:Red;">*</span>Game Type:</td>


<td align="left">

<select name="type">

<option value="Action">Action</option>

<option value="Adventure">Adventure</option>

<option value="Fighting">Fighting</option>

<option value="Casino">Casino</option>

<option value="Driving">Driving</option>


<option value="Puzzle">Puzzle</option>

<option value="First person shooting">First person shooting</option>

<option value="Sports">Sports</option>

<option value="Movie">Movie</option>






<td align="right"><span style="color:Red;">*</span>Title:</td>

<td align="left"><input class="input" type="Text" name="title" value="" /></td>



<td align="right"><span style="color:Red;">*</span>File(*.swf):</td>

<td align="left"><input type="File" name="swf" /></td>




<td align="right"><span style="color:Red;">*</span>Age rating:</td>

<td align="left">

<select name="age_rating">

<option value="everyone">everyone</option>

<option value="mature">mature</option>


<option value="adult">young adult</option>





<td align="right">Width:</td>

<td align="left"><input class="input" type="Text" name="width" value="500" /></td>




<td align="right">Height:</td>

<td align="left"><input class="input" type="Text" name="height" value="400" /></td>



<td align="right">Icon:</td>

<td align="left"><input type="File" name="icon" /><br/><small>Non-Animated GIF or PNG. Size: Must be 46x46 pixels. 20k filesize limit.</small></td>




<td align="right">Brief  Description:</td>

<td align="left"><input class="input" type="Text" name="brief_description" value="" /></td>



<td align="right">Author comments:</td>

<td align="left"><textarea id="comments" onkeyup="countChars(this, 'comments')" name="comments" cols="30" rows="5"></textarea><br/>Max length <strong>4000</strong> chars. <span id="comments_remain" style="color:Red;font-weight:bold;"></span> left.</td>



<tr><td> </td></tr>

<tr><td colspan="2" align="center"><input type="Submit" value="Submit" name="submit" /></td></tr>



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var remain = 0;

var count = 0;

var chars = 0;

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chars = field.value;


remain = maxleng-count;

if(remain < 0){

var txt = chars.match(/.{4000}/i);

field.value = txt;

remain = 0;


document.getElementById(id+"_remain").innerHTML = remain;


var field = document.getElementById("comments");

countChars(field, 'comments');




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<td width="462" class="footer_md" valign="top" style="padding-top:40px;font-size:11px;color:Navy;" align="center">

<strong>All material is © 2006 <a href="http://www.ratubaworld.com" class="link1">www.ratubaworld.com</a>, Grant Cerulo & affiliates

Ratuba<SUP style="font-size:7px;">TM</SUP> Games and Ratuba<SUP style="font-size:7px;">TM</SUP> Productions are divisions of Ratuba<SUP style="font-size:7px;">TM</SUP> World</strong>



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<td align="left" valign="top"><img src="http://www.ratubaworld.com/img/footer/cor_r_2.gif" alt="" width="16" height="38" border="0"></td>

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seriously, use [ code ] [ /code ]


Try doing




This will allow the time to process the script for 1,000 seconds.


What is happening is PHP is timing out because it's default is like 60 seconds or something.


Give that a shot.

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I couldn't find the variable in the source code. Where exactly is that...


but regardless, on that link I read:

void set_time_limit ( int $seconds )


Set the number of seconds a script is allowed to run. If this is reached, the script returns a fatal error. The default limit is 30 seconds or, if it exists, the max_execution_time value defined in the php.ini.


so if my max_execution_time is 500000 in the ini file, it would override the set_time_limit on the page, wouldn't it?

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Yes it would. That is alot of seconds and the reason I put the set_time_limit(); option is because you do not want to have that set for every file, due to the fact that if you accidently create an infinate loop there is nothing to kill that process, it will loop until 500000 seconds is reached and mess up your server's processing time.


set_time_limit(); is definately the safer choice and place it where you know that it could take a long time to process due to something (IE uploading a file).



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ok, so I just copy and paste that code directly into my php file?


what should i change the max_execution_time  and max_input_time back down to...like 10,000? The default I think is 30 but my website revolves around people uploading their flash files to the portal


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ok. to tell you the truth, I don't know how to do that.

Yo would you be up to helping me figure this out if I give u my ftp log in account and password? If you can get this file to upload, I'll offer u some money via paypal..like $15?


This guy I hired on elance.com programmed my entire site back in September, and it has worked fine, but I can hardly ever get ahold of him, and we only communicate via email. It would seriously help me out a lot if someone else could just go through and look at everything, cuz I have little to no php knowledge. my extent is changing variables in the ini file :-X


do you have aim or msn?

my aim is: grantisplantis

msn is quailman@comcast.net

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I do, however my hands are tied (in class right now) I will contact you later tonight at like 9:00pm Mountain Standard Time.


No money is needed, it will be fairly simple.


email frost [-at-] aeonity [-dot-] com

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