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I am really new to PHP and my first projects are working with PHP and txt files - I am not yet using MYSQL. I created a registeredusers.txt file that contains user names, emails, and passwords. The users will then fill in a login in page with their email address and password. This form will them process so that another PHP file will open and be available to them. I am having trouble writing the login script that will check the txt file to confirm they have a email address and password on file.  I am being told to write it in a function that will be placed in a pinc file that will be included on my loginprocess page.


Are there any tutorials that help with writing login functions that work with txt files rather than databases or can someone help me write a function that will work?


I appreciate any help.

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Sure -


It is being stored like this firstname:lastname:email:password


Here is the code that is putting the data into the registeredusers file:




//Escapes and enquotes variables

function clean($var){

    return trim(addslashes($var));


//Variable declaration


    $fname = clean($_POST['first_name']);

    $lname = clean($_POST['last_name']);

    $email = clean($_POST['email_address']);

    $pw = clean($_POST['password']);


//Declare the file

    $file = "/staff/seebetra/homepage/ciss225/registered_users.txt";


//Open File in append mode

$fp = fopen ($file, "a+");


//Append Data to file

fwrite($fp, $email);

fwrite($fp, ":");

fwrite($fp, $pw);

fwrite($fp, ":");

fwrite($fp, $fname);

fwrite($fp, ":");

fwrite($fp, $lname);


echo 'Done';


// Close the file






Thanks for looking at this!


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Something like this should do it... I think there shouldn't be a problem.



echo "<form action=\"".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."\" method=\"POST\">";
echo "Your Email: <input type=\"text\" name=\"email\"><br>";
echo "Your Pass: <input type=\"password\" name=\"pass\"><br>";
echo "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"Login!\">";
echo "</form>";

$email = trim($_POST['email']);
$pass = trim($_POST['pass']);

$file = "/staff/seebetra/homepage/ciss225/registered_users.txt";
$lines = file($file);
$logged = FALSE;
foreach($lines as $line)
if(preg_match("/^.+?:.+?:".preg_quote($email).":".preg_quote($pass)."$/s", trim($line)))
	list($first, $last, $f_email, $f_pass) = explode(":", trim($line));
	echo "Hello ".$first." ".$last."!";
	$logged = TRUE;
echo "Sorry, you didn't match!";





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