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PHP Custom Cpanel Help


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Okay, 1st off I don't want to offend anyone by asking this or try to make anyone upset by asking this. But basically I don't know much about php at all, I know a tiny bit and about as much asp as I know php. I know a bit of MySQL which will take part in what I'm trying to do but I need some assistence from anyone who is willing to lend me a hand. Basically I'm looking to make a very basic user cpanel where a person could login and edit sections like news, header's and other random content from just some basic dialogue and buttons. Being able to edit/delete content area's or move them up and down would be ideal but not necessary for what I need it for. If anyone is willing to take the time to help me write this or if you feel very giving teach me how(laughs) I would much appreciate it. Thanks in advance for anyone who offer's me some help or advice. Please don't flame me or insulting me, try to keep it clean please. If you feel the need to complain about what I wrote PM it to me. Thanks again.



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If you can come up with some code, even if it doesn't do what you want it to, then it's much easier to get people to fix it.  People like having a first draft to work with.


If you're totally lost about where to start, I would look at the following:


1. Processing forms

2. Storing and retreiving data from mysql (in response to a form request)


Start with something simple, like just logging in and logging out, and perhaps editing one type of information (like the user's name).  Then once you've got that, start adding in more things to edit.


If you get stuck while doing the above, post the code you have so far and explain what it does now, and what you want it to do.


If you haven't already, try using sessions.  They will be a huge help.

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Well that's the thing. My knowledge of php is VERY limited, I know this is a website with some real "php whiz's" on it. What I'm looking for is like a rough script to start with. Like I know how to set variables and stuff but as far as putting together a script myself then let other's correct it would prolly make you all cry and laugh at how bad I am at php lol, maybe I'll just postpone it until I can learn more about php. Thanks again.



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