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MySQL, phpMyAdmin and Greek


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Hi all,


I am trying to save Greek strings on my MySql database but although that the values appear correct when i retrieve them from the database when i do a "browse" in my tables the Greek values appear as strings on coded characters such as (Λαστιχα). I have try to change the Collation of the Greek fields to greek_bin and greek_latin_ci but i still have the same problem. Is there any solution??


I am using MySQL client version: 5.0.33 and PhpMyAdmin version 2.92


Thank You in Advance  ;)


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It's likely you are storing them that way.  Try the following (for a post variable named "var"):


$var_decoded = urldecode($_POST['var']);
$var_escaped = mysql_real_escape_string($var_decoded);


Then put $var_escaped in the database.


Do you know what encoding your data is in?  UTF8?

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I have try this and i get a result look like this ÁíôñÝáò. The variable that i try to store was Αντρέας. So the encoding has changed but not to the required... The encoding of my data is UTF-8...


Thank you btherl ,any further suggestions... 


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Oops.. it looks like php can't handle those types of entites.  And I was using the wrong function too.. Anyway, back to the problem :)


I found this function on the php website


   function utf8_replaceEntity($result){
       $value = (int)$result[1];
       $string = '';
       $len = round(pow($value,1/8));
           $part = ($value & (255>>2)) | pow(2,7);
           if ( $i == 1 ) $part |= 255<<(8-$len);
           $string = chr($part) . $string;
           $value >>= 6;
       return $string;

   function utf8_html_entity_decode($string){
       return preg_replace_callback(


If you feed your string into that, it will convert the data from html entities into utf8.  I tested it here, and with the sample string you gave it produces greek characters.  If you have any trouble with it let me know.


You should call utf8_html_entity_decode($str) to do the decoding.

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Hi btherl


I must do something wrong because the variable that supposes to have the decode value is empty...


 function utf8_replaceEntity($result){
       $value = (int)$result[1];
       $string = '';
       $len = round(pow($value,1/8));
           $part = ($value & (255>>2)) | pow(2,7);
           if ( $i == 1 ) $part |= 255<<(8-$len);
           $string = chr($part) . $string;
           $value >>= 6;
       return $string;

   function utf8_html_entity_decode($string){
       return preg_replace_callback('/&#38;#([0-9]+);/u', 'utf8_replaceEntity',$string);

$myname = utf8_html_entity_decode($name);


I pass the variable $name to the function which is a Greek string and then try to store the result of the decoding in the variable $myname but the variable $myname appears to be empty when i try to use it...


Any ideas.....  ???

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