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Can anyone spot the error?


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Hi Freaks!


I have a page with (technically) 3 forms on the same page, I say technically because of which "forms_view.php?body=________" you are on determines which form you are actually seeing.


For some reason I can only get 2 out of the 3 post querys to function, and I've tried EVERYTHING...

Moving the order of them around, moving them to different locations on the page, renaming the querys, everything, still the last one (query3) will not work...


Can anyone spot the error?

if (isset($_POST['edit'])){
$query = "UPDATE EZFinancing_Apps SET
status = '{$_POST['status']}',
apScore = '{$_POST['apScore']}',
coapScore = '{$_POST['coapScore']}',
Citi = '{$_POST['Citi']}',
AL = '{$_POST['AL']}',
UCF = '{$_POST['UCF']}'
where id = '$id'"; 
if ($result = mysql_query ($query)) {header('Location: forms_view.php?id=' . $id );}

if ($_POST['cmnts']){
$post_comments = addslashes(escape_data($_POST['cmnts']));
$query2 = "INSERT INTO EZFinancing_Notes SET
App_id = '$id',
comments = '$post_comments',
posted = NOW()"; }
if ($result = mysql_query ($query2)) {header('Location: forms_view.php?id='.$id.'&body=Notes');}

if ($_POST['vehYear']){
$query3 = "INSERT INTO EZFinancing_Figures SET
App_id = '$id',
year = '{$_POST['year']}',
make = '{$_POST['make']}',
model = '{$_POST['model']}',
A = '{$_POST['A']}',
B = '{$_POST['B']}',
C = '{$_POST['C']}',
D = '{$_POST['D']}',
E = '{$_POST['E']}',
F = '{$_POST['F']}',
G = '{$_POST['G']}',
H = '{$_POST['H']}',
I = '{$_POST['I']}',
J = '{$_POST['J']}',
K = '{$_POST['K']}',
L = '{$_POST['L']}',
M = '{$_POST['M']}',
O = '{$_POST['O']}',
1 = '{$_POST['1']}',
2 = '{$_POST['2']}',
amtFin = '{$_POST['amtFin']}',
finChrg = '{$_POST['finChrg']}',
totalPymts = '{$_POST['totalPymts']}',
totalPrce = '{$_POST['totalPrce']}',
finRsrve = '{$_POST['finRsrve']}',
price = '{$_POST['price']}',
weekly = '{$_POST['weekly']}',
monthly = '{$_POST['monthly']}'"; }
if ($result = mysql_query ($query3)) {header('Location: forms_view.php?id='.$id.'&body=Notes');} else {echo mysql_error();}

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Your insert SQL is incorrect. It should follow this template:

$query3 = "insert into EZFinancing_Figures (App_id,year,make,model) values ('{$id}','{$_POST['year']}','{$_POST['make']}','{$_POST['model']}')";


Also you should mysql_real_escape_string() all $_POST vars before putting them in the db.

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Also you should mysql_real_escape_string() all $_POST vars before putting them in the db.


Can you please explain, or show me an example, I do not know what that means?



BTW: Thank you, your code solved my problem... Should I rewrite the 2 other querys (or is it "queries,") the same way?

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