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Deleting SQL Stuff If more than X days old


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Ok is there some snipet of code I can throw in with my cron to delete news posts that are more than "X" days old, X being the number of my choice? I did a search but was probably searching wrong phrases as I didnt find anything but one post, and that post did not have an answer.

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Is this going to be part of the query? If so it should be something like this.


$oldTime = mysql_query("DELETE FROM table WHERE entereddate < " .time()-3600*24*$x); 


Now I am not sure if it should be greater than or less than < or > so before you go and do mass quantities test on a test database.

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/* Delete news items */
mysql_query("DELETE FROM newsinf WHERE mseen=1", $db);


THat is what I currently have, so its deleting stuff when the cron is run only if it has been read,so I need to change that to instead delete only if its X days old, how would I incorporate what you have stated into what I have.

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Field  	Type  	Collation  	Attributes  	Null  	Default  	Extra  	Action
rtime 	int(17) 			No 	0 		Browse 	Change 	Drop 	Primary 	Index 	Unique 	Fulltext
ntype 	tinyint(1) 			No 	1 		Browse 	Change 	Drop 	Primary 	Index 	Unique 	Fulltext
mseen 	tinyint(1) 			No 	0 		Browse 	Change 	Drop 	Primary 	Index 	Unique 	Fulltext
tox 	int(12) 			No 	0 		Browse 	Change 	Drop 	Primary 	Index 	Unique 	Fulltext
toy 	tinyint(2) 			No 	0 		Browse 	Change 	Drop 	Primary 	Index 	Unique 	Fulltext
toz 	tinyint(2) 			No 	0 		Browse 	Change 	Drop 	Primary 	Index 	Unique 	Fulltext
message 	text 	latin1_swedish_ci 		Yes 	NULL 		Browse 	Change 	Drop 	Primary 	Index 	Unique 	Fulltext
nid 	bigint(20) 			No 		auto_increment 	Browse 	Change 	Drop 	Primary 	Index 	Unique 	Fulltext

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So rtime must be the created time. Try this:


$oldTime = mysql_query("DELETE FROM newsinf WHERE rtime < " .time()-3600*24*$x); 


Like I said, I am unsure if it should be > or < so test it out on a test DB or test it out using this:


$oldTime = mysql_query("SELECT nid, rtime FROM newsinf WHERE rtime < " .time()-3600*24*$x); 

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($oldTime)) {
      print $row['nid'] . "-ID : " . date('Y-m-d', $row['rtime']) . "-Date to be deleted<br />";


Make sure it is deleting the right data. If not switch the < to > and test it again.

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All I get is this


Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/battle/domains/battlefordomination.com/public_html/removedDIRECTORY/newstickerxyz.php on line 13


Here is the full .php


$db = mysql_connect("localhost","db","pw");
mysql_select_db("battlenew", $db);

$bDelete = false;


$oldTime = mysql_query("SELECT nid, rtime FROM newsinf WHERE rtime < " .time()-3600*24*$x); 

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($oldTime)) {
      print $row['nid'] . "-ID : " . date('Y-m-d', $row['rtime']) . "-Date to be deleted<br />";

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$oldTime = mysql_query("SELECT nid, rtime FROM newsinf WHERE rtime < " .time()-3600*24*$x) OR DIE(mysql_error()); 

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($oldTime)) {
      print $row['nid'] . "-ID : " . date('Y-m-d', $row['rtime']) . "-Date to be deleted<br />";


What error message do you get?

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$oldTime = mysql_query("SELECT nid, rtime FROM newsinf WHERE rtime < '" .time()-3600*24*$x."'") OR DIE(mysql_error()); 

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($oldTime)) {
      print $row['nid'] . "-ID : " . date('Y-m-d', $row['rtime']) . "-Date to be deleted<br />";


Try that.

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$oldTime = mysql_query("SELECT nid, rtime FROM newsinf WHERE rtime < unix_timestamp(now() - (3600*24*".$x."))") OR DIE(mysql_error()); 

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($oldTime)) {
      print $row['nid'] . "-ID : " . date('Y-m-d', $row['rtime']) . "-Date to be deleted<br />";


Try that.

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so it would be like this?


$oldTime = mysql_query("SELECT nid, rtime FROM newsinf WHERE rtime < unix_timestamp(now() - (3600*24*".$x.") AND mseen=1)") OR DIE(mysql_error()); 

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($oldTime)) {
      print $row['nid'] . "-ID : " . date('Y-m-d', $row['rtime']) . "-Date to be deleted<br />";

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You do not need the extra paran after mseen =1, that will cause an error


$oldTime = mysql_query("SELECT nid, rtime FROM newsinf WHERE rtime < unix_timestamp(now() - (3600*24*".$x.")) AND mseen=1") OR DIE(mysql_error()); 


That should do her.

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Ok i changed the < to > and got it to print out the following, so somthing is working correctly its just not deleteing.



475-ID : 2007-03-22-Date to be deleted
476-ID : 2007-03-22-Date to be deleted
477-ID : 2007-03-22-Date to be deleted
478-ID : 2007-03-22-Date to be deleted
479-ID : 2007-03-22-Date to be deleted
481-ID : 2007-03-22-Date to be deleted
482-ID : 2007-03-22-Date to be deleted
483-ID : 2007-03-22-Date to be deleted
484-ID : 2007-03-22-Date to be deleted
486-ID : 2007-03-22-Date to be deleted
488-ID : 2007-03-22-Date to be deleted
489-ID : 2007-03-22-Date to be deleted
490-ID : 2007-03-22-Date to be deleted
491-ID : 2007-03-22-Date to be deleted
492-ID : 2007-03-22-Date to be deleted
493-ID : 2007-03-22-Date to be deleted
494-ID : 2007-03-22-Date to be deleted
495-ID : 2007-03-22-Date to be deleted
496-ID : 2007-03-22-Date to be deleted
497-ID : 2007-03-22-Date to be deleted
498-ID : 2007-03-22-Date to be deleted
499-ID : 2007-03-22-Date to be deleted
500-ID : 2007-03-22-Date to be deleted
501-ID : 2007-03-22-Date to be deleted
502-ID : 2007-03-22-Date to be deleted
503-ID : 2007-03-22-Date to be deleted
504-ID : 2007-03-22-Date to be deleted
505-ID : 2007-03-22-Date to be deleted
506-ID : 2007-03-22-Date to be deleted
507-ID : 2007-03-22-Date to be deleted
509-ID : 2007-03-22-Date to be deleted
514-ID : 2007-03-22-Date to be deleted
520-ID : 2007-03-22-Date to be deleted
522-ID : 2007-03-22-Date to be deleted
542-ID : 2007-03-22-Date to be deleted
543-ID : 2007-03-22-Date to be deleted
547-ID : 2007-03-22-Date to be deleted
563-ID : 2007-03-22-Date to be deleted
564-ID : 2007-03-22-Date to be deleted
567-ID : 2007-03-22-Date to be deleted
568-ID : 2007-03-22-Date to be deleted
569-ID : 2007-03-22-Date to be deleted
571-ID : 2007-03-22-Date to be deleted


This is my current code

$db = mysql_connect("localhost","user","pw");
mysql_select_db("database", $db);

$bDelete = false;


$oldTime = mysql_query("SELECT nid, rtime FROM newsinf WHERE rtime > unix_timestamp(now() - (3600*24*".$x.")) AND mseen=1") OR DIE(mysql_error()); 

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($oldTime)) {
      print $row['nid'] . "-ID : " . date('Y-m-d', $row['rtime']) . "-Date to be deleted<br />";

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