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Not posting to MySQL


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I need help, please.  The code in question, adds admins with different queries of the database.  I am not getting the data to populate the Agency field upon Posting.  I am getting the error:  Sorry, required agency name.(find the face)  Below is the database:


  Field Type Attributes Null Default Extra Action 
  id tinyint(3)  No 0                
  agency varchar(15)  No                 
  user_name varchar(15)  No                 
  password varchar(15)  No                 
  role varchar(15)  No admin                


Below is the form:


if (!isset($_SESSION['user_name'])) {
        header("Location: Login.php?url=" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);

if ($_SESSION['admin_role'] <> "super_admin") {
<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">
        alert("You are not authorized to perform this operation.\nPlease contact the super-admin for requesting authorization.");
        location.href = 'Profile_Admin.php';

include_once ("../../config.php");
<title>My New Agency</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="stylesheet.css">

<h1>My Admin Panel</h1>

<h2>Add New Agency</h2>
include "html_includes/AdminMenu.inc";

<div class="ContentsBox" id="Contents" style="width: 400">
    $agency = $_POST["agency"];

        $insertQuery = "INSERT INTO users set agency = '$agency'";
        //echo mysql_error(). "  ". $insertQuery;

        if ($result = mysql_query($insertQuery))
            // It worked, give confirmation
            echo '<font color=red><b>New agency added successfully.<br><br></b></font>';
            // It hasn't worked so stop. Better error handling code would be good here!
            echo "<font color=red><b>Sorry, there was an error adding the agency  >:(name.<br><br></b></font>";
       echo "<font color=red><b>Sorry, required agency name.<br><br></b></font>";


<h3>Enter New Agency</h3>
<table class="Input">
<form name=AddAgency action=<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ?> method=post>
<td>Agency Name:</td>
<td><input type=text size=20 maxlength=20 name=agency></td>
<td align=right><input type=submit value=Add name=btnAdd></td>

    $aid    = $_POST["id"];
    $agency = $_POST["agency"];

        $editQuery = "update users set agency = '$agency' where id=$aid";
        //echo mysql_error(). "  ". $insertQuery;

        if ($result = mysql_query($editQuery))
            // It worked, give confirmation
            echo '<font color=red><b>Agency name update successfully.<br><br></b></font>';
            // It hasn't worked so stop. Better error handling code would be good here!
            echo "<font color=red><b>Sorry, there was an error to modify agency name.<br><br></b></font>";
       echo "<font color=red><b>Sorry, required agency name.<br><br></b></font>";

    $aid    = $_POST["id"];
    $agency = $_POST["agency"];

    $delQuery1 = "delete from users where id=$aid";
    $delQuery2 = "delete from users where agency='$agency'";
    $delQuery3 = "delete from subdomain_approval where agency='$agency'";
    $delQuery4 = "delete from subdomain_hold where agency='$agency'";
    $delQuery5 = "delete from subdomain_submission where agency='$agency'";

    if($result1 = mysql_query($delQuery1))
        echo "<font color=red size=1><b>1. Agency name '".$_POST["agency"]."' deleted successfully.<br></b></font>";
        echo "<font color=red size=1><b>1. Sorry, there was an error to delete agency.<br></b></font>";
    if($result2 = mysql_query($delQuery2))
        echo "<font color=red size=1><b>2. Admin for '".$_POST["agency"]."' agency deleted successfully.<br></b></font>";
        echo "<font color=red size=1><b>2. Sorry, there was an error to delete admin for this agency.<br></b></font>";
    if($result3 = mysql_query($delQuery3))
        echo "<font color=red size=1><b>3. Approval Table Data for '".$_POST["agency"]."' Agency deleted successfully.<br></b></font>";
        echo "<font color=red size=1><b>3. Sorry, there was an error to delete Approval for this agency.<br></b></font>";
    if($result4 = mysql_query($delQuery4))
        echo "<font color=red size=1><b>4. Hold Table Data for '".$_POST["agency"]."' Agency deleted successfully.<br></b></font>";
        echo "<font color=red size=1><b>4. Sorry, there was an error to delete Hold/Edit for this agency.<br></b></font>";
    if($result5 = mysql_query($delQuery5))
        echo "<font color=red size=1><b>5. Submission Data for '".$_POST["agency"]."' Agency deleted successfully.<br></b></font>";
        echo "<font color=red size=1><b>5. Sorry, there was an error to delete Submission for this agency.<br></b></font>";

    echo "<br>";


<h3>List of Agencies</h3>
<table class="Input">
$query0 = "select * from users order by agency";
$result0 = mysql_query($query0);
    $cnt = 1;
<td><?php echo $cnt; ?></td>
<form name=AddAgency action=<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ?> method=post>
<td><input type=hidden name=id value="<?php echo $row0["id"]; ?>">
<input type=text size=20 maxlength=20 name=agency value="<?php echo $row0["agency"]; ?>"></td>
<td align=right><input type=submit value=Edit name=btnEdit></td>
<td align=right><input type=submit value=Del name=btnDel onClick="return confirm('Are you sure to delete agency name?')"></td>
<td align=right><input type=button value="Add New Admin" onClick="javascript: location.href='add_admin.php?ag=<?php echo $row0["agency"]; ?>';"></td>
    echo "<tr><th colspan=5>No agency found in list.</th></tr>";



And Below is the include Adminmenu.ini


echo "   <b>Agency: <font color=red>".$_SESSION['agency']."</font></b>";

<div class="MenuBox">
                        <tr><td class="Header"><a>Profile Management</a></td></tr>
                        <span class="MenuItems">
                                <tr><td><a class="ButtonLinks" href="Profile_Admin.php">Profile Admin Console</a></td></tr>



<div class="MenuBox">
                        <tr><td class="Header"><a>User Management</a></td></tr>
                        <span class="MenuItems">
if ($_SESSION['admin_role'] == "super_admin") {
                                <tr><td><a class="ButtonLinks" href="add_agency.php">Add new agency</a></td></tr>
                                <tr><td><a class="ButtonLinks" href="add_admin.php">Add new admin</a></td></tr>
                                <tr><td><a class="ButtonLinks" href="change_password.php">Change Password</a></td></tr>
                                <tr><td><a class="ButtonLinks" href="logout.php">Logout</a></td></tr>



<div class="DayTimeBox">
                <script language="javascript">
                        function calcTime()
                                var currentTime = new Date();
                                var hours = currentTime.getHours();
                                var minutes = currentTime.getMinutes();
                                var seconds = currentTime.getSeconds();

                                if (hours < 10)
                                        hours = "0" + hours;
                                if (minutes < 10)
                                        minutes = "0" + minutes;
                                if (seconds < 10)
                                        seconds = "0" + seconds;

                                var clockLocation = document.getElementById('Clock');
                                clockLocation.innerHTML = hours + ":" + minutes + ":" + seconds;
                                setTimeout("calcTime()", 1000);


And here is the form:


Sorry, required agency name.

Enter New AgencyAgency Name:   

List of Agencies1      


Thanks for any help!



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Thanks for the try, but I am still getting the same error after making your suggested  change.


if (!isset($_SESSION['user_name'])) {
        header("Location: Login.php?url=" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);

if ($_SESSION['admin_role'] <> "super_admin") {
<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">
        alert("You are not authorized to perform this operation.\nPlease contact the super-admin for requesting authorization.");
        location.href = 'Profile_Admin.php';

include_once ("../../Newconfig.php");
<title>Russian Sweets New Agency</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="stylesheet.css">

<h1>Russian Sweets Admin Panel</h1>

<h2>Add New Agency</h2>
include "html_includes/AdminMenu.inc";

<div class="ContentsBox" id="Contents" style="width: 400">
    $agency = $_POST["agency"];

        $insertQuery = "INSERT INTO users set (agency) = ('$agency')";
        //echo mysql_error(). "  ". $insertQuery;

        if ($result = mysql_query($insertQuery))
            // It worked, give confirmation
            echo '<font color=red><b>New agency added successfully.<br><br></b></font>';
            // It hasn't worked so stop. Better error handling code would be good here!
            echo "<font color=red><b>Sorry, there was an error adding the agency name.<br><br></b></font>";
       echo "<font color=red><b>Sorry, required agency name.<br><br></b></font>";


<h3>Enter New Agency</h3>
<table class="Input">
<form name=AddAgency action=<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ?> method=post>
<td>Agency Name:</td>
<td><input type=text size=20 maxlength=20 name=agency></td>
<td align=right><input type=submit value=Add name=btnAdd></td>

    $aid    = $_POST["id"];
    $agency = $_POST["agency"];

        $editQuery = "update users set agency = '$agency' where id=$aid";
        //echo mysql_error(). "  ". $insertQuery;

        if ($result = mysql_query($editQuery))
            // It worked, give confirmation
            echo '<font color=red><b>Agency name update successfully.<br><br></b></font>';
            // It hasn't worked so stop. Better error handling code would be good here!
            echo "<font color=red><b>Sorry, there was an error to modify agency name.<br><br></b></font>";
       echo "<font color=red><b>Sorry, required agency name.<br><br></b></font>";

    $aid    = $_POST["id"];
    $agency = $_POST["agency"];

    $delQuery1 = "delete from users where id=$aid";
    $delQuery2 = "delete from users where agency='$agency'";
    $delQuery3 = "delete from subdomain_approval where agency='$agency'";
    $delQuery4 = "delete from subdomain_hold where agency='$agency'";
    $delQuery5 = "delete from subdomain_submission where agency='$agency'";

    if($result1 = mysql_query($delQuery1))
        echo "<font color=red size=1><b>1. Agency name '".$_POST["agency"]."' deleted successfully.<br></b></font>";
        echo "<font color=red size=1><b>1. Sorry, there was an error to delete agency.<br></b></font>";
    if($result2 = mysql_query($delQuery2))
        echo "<font color=red size=1><b>2. Admin for '".$_POST["agency"]."' agency deleted successfully.<br></b></font>";
        echo "<font color=red size=1><b>2. Sorry, there was an error to delete admin for this agency.<br></b></font>";
    if($result3 = mysql_query($delQuery3))
        echo "<font color=red size=1><b>3. Approval Table Data for '".$_POST["agency"]."' Agency deleted successfully.<br></b></font>";
        echo "<font color=red size=1><b>3. Sorry, there was an error to delete Approval for this agency.<br></b></font>";
    if($result4 = mysql_query($delQuery4))
        echo "<font color=red size=1><b>4. Hold Table Data for '".$_POST["agency"]."' Agency deleted successfully.<br></b></font>";
        echo "<font color=red size=1><b>4. Sorry, there was an error to delete Hold/Edit for this agency.<br></b></font>";
    if($result5 = mysql_query($delQuery5))
        echo "<font color=red size=1><b>5. Submission Data for '".$_POST["agency"]."' Agency deleted successfully.<br></b></font>";
        echo "<font color=red size=1><b>5. Sorry, there was an error to delete Submission for this agency.<br></b></font>";

    echo "<br>";


<h3>List of Agencies</h3>
<table class="Input">
$query0 = "select * from users order by agency";
$result0 = mysql_query($query0);
    $cnt = 1;
<td><?php echo $cnt; ?></td>
<form name=AddAgency action=<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ?> method=post>
<td><input type=hidden name=id value="<?php echo $row0["id"]; ?>">
<input type=text size=20 maxlength=20 name=agency value="<?php echo $row0["agency"]; ?>"></td>
<td align=right><input type=submit value=Edit name=btnEdit></td>
<td align=right><input type=submit value=Del name=btnDel onClick="return confirm('Are you sure to delete agency name?')"></td>
<td align=right><input type=button value="Add New Admin" onClick="javascript: location.href='add_admin.php?ag=<?php echo $row0["agency"]; ?>';"></td>
    echo "<tr><th colspan=5>No agency found in list.</th></tr>";




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Thanks again... no... it did not work and I am getting the same error.


        $insertQuery = "INSERT INTO users set (agency) VALUES ('$agency')";
        //echo mysql_error(). "  ". $insertQuery;

        if ($result = mysql_query($insertQuery)


The form posted before with the way I had it originally.  I changed the database, adding the old to the new, and I changed the variable names.  I had agency_name and I changed it to agency.  I also changed agency_id to id.  Might have been something else too.  Then, I got the error.

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Here is the previous coding done that works. It posts just fine to the following table.



   Indexes:   Keyname Type Cardinality Action Field 
PRIMARY  PRIMARY 2       id  
agency_name  UNIQUE None       agency_name  




if (!isset($_SESSION['user_name'])) {

        header("Location: Login.php?url=" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);



if ($_SESSION['admin_role'] <> "super_admin") {




<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">

        alert("You are not authorized to perform this operation.\nPlease contact the super-admin for requesting authorization.");

        location.href = 'Profile_Admin.php';





include_once ("../../config.php");


<title>My New Agency</title>

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="stylesheet.css">




<h1>My Admin Panel</h1>


<h2>Add New Agency</h2>


include "html_includes/AdminMenu.inc";



<div class="ContentsBox" id="Contents" style="width: 400">




    $agency = $_POST["agency_name"];




        $insertQuery = "INSERT INTO agencies set agency_name = '$agency'";

        //echo mysql_error(). "  ". $insertQuery;


        if ($result = mysql_query($insertQuery))


            // It worked, give confirmation

            echo '<font color=red><b>New agency added successfully.<br><br></b></font>';


            // It hasn't worked so stop. Better error handling code would be good here!

            echo "<font color=red><b>Sorry, there was an error adding the agency name.<br><br></b></font>";



      echo "<font color=red><b>Sorry, required agency name.<br><br></b></font>";






<h3>Enter New Agency</h3>

<table class="Input">

<form name=AddAgency action=<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ?> method=post>


<td>Agency Name:</td>

<td><input type=text size=20 maxlength=20 name=agency_name></td>

<td align=right><input type=submit value=Add name=btnAdd></td>








    $aid    = $_POST["agency_id"];

    $agency = $_POST["agency_name"];




        $editQuery = "update agencies set agency_name = '$agency' where id=$aid";

        //echo mysql_error(). "  ". $insertQuery;


        if ($result = mysql_query($editQuery))


            // It worked, give confirmation

            echo '<font color=red><b>Agency name update successfully.<br><br></b></font>';


            // It hasn't worked so stop. Better error handling code would be good here!

            echo "<font color=red><b>Sorry, there was an error to modify agency name.<br><br></b></font>";



      echo "<font color=red><b>Sorry, required agency name.<br><br></b></font>";






    $aid    = $_POST["agency_id"];

    $agency = $_POST["agency_name"];


    $delQuery1 = "delete from agencies where id=$aid";

    $delQuery2 = "delete from users where agency='$agency'";

    $delQuery3 = "delete from subdomain_approval where agency='$agency'";

    $delQuery4 = "delete from subdomain_hold where agency='$agency'";

    $delQuery5 = "delete from subdomain_submission where agency='$agency'";


    if($result1 = mysql_query($delQuery1))


        echo "<font color=red size=1><b>1. Agency name '".$_POST["agency_name"]."' deleted successfully.<br></b></font>";


        echo "<font color=red size=1><b>1. Sorry, there was an error to delete agency.<br></b></font>";


    if($result2 = mysql_query($delQuery2))


        echo "<font color=red size=1><b>2. Admin for '".$_POST["agency_name"]."' agency deleted successfully.<br></b></font>";


        echo "<font color=red size=1><b>2. Sorry, there was an error to delete admin for this agency.<br></b></font>";


    if($result3 = mysql_query($delQuery3))


        echo "<font color=red size=1><b>3. Approval Table Data for '".$_POST["agency_name"]."' Agency deleted successfully.<br></b></font>";


        echo "<font color=red size=1><b>3. Sorry, there was an error to delete Approval for this agency.<br></b></font>";


    if($result4 = mysql_query($delQuery4))


        echo "<font color=red size=1><b>4. Hold Table Data for '".$_POST["agency_name"]."' Agency deleted successfully.<br></b></font>";


        echo "<font color=red size=1><b>4. Sorry, there was an error to delete Hold/Edit for this agency.<br></b></font>";


    if($result5 = mysql_query($delQuery5))


        echo "<font color=red size=1><b>5. Submission Data for '".$_POST["agency_name"]."' Agency deleted successfully.<br></b></font>";


        echo "<font color=red size=1><b>5. Sorry, there was an error to delete Submission for this agency.<br></b></font>";



    echo "<br>";





<h3>List of Agencies</h3>

<table class="Input">


$query0 = "select * from agencies order by agency_name";

$result0 = mysql_query($query0);



    $cnt = 1;





<td><?php echo $cnt; ?></td>

<form name=AddAgency action=<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ?> method=post>

<td><input type=hidden name=agency_id value="<?php echo $row0["id"]; ?>">

<input type=text size=20 maxlength=20 name=agency_name value="<?php echo $row0["agency_name"]; ?>"></td>

<td align=right><input type=submit value=Edit name=btnEdit></td>

<td align=right><input type=submit value=Del name=btnDel onClick="return confirm('Are you sure to delete agency name?')"></td>

<td align=right><input type=button value="Add New Admin" onClick="javascript: location.href='add_admin.php?ag=<?php echo $row0["agency_name"]; ?>';"></td>







    echo "<tr><th colspan=5>No agency found in list.</th></tr>";









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