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Hey guys,

Does anyone know how to redirect a user to a specific page based on a login?

Essentially, there are only 3 separate pages involved, ie bob, sue and mary's.

When they enter their username and password I want them to be redirected to the appropriate corresponding page. This is the code I have below, but I am getting a parse error on line 11 (which is just a curly bracket -if the syntax was wrong i would have thought the parse error would be earlier on in the script).

Any suggestions?




if (!isset($username['bob']) || !isset($password['bob']))


header( "Location: http://www.somesite.com/bob.html" );


elseif (!isset($username['sue']) || !isset($password['sue']))


header( "Location: http://www.somesite.com/sue.html" );


else (!isset($username['mary']) || !isset($password['mary']))


header( "Location: http://www.somesite.com/ciara.html" );



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for else you must not set a condition. And also: Break executing the script by exit;


if (!isset($username['bob']) || !isset($password['bob']))
header( "Location: http://www.somesite.com/bob.html" );
elseif (!isset($username['sue']) || !isset($password['sue']))
header( "Location: http://www.somesite.com/sue.html" );
header( "Location: http://www.somesite.com/ciara.html" );

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Thanks Lumio, well that kinda works, insofar as a page is displayed but it is only the else statement that is calling the page. The first two don't get called when their username and password are entered, so it is always the same person's page loading.

Should it have to connect to the db to verify the username password combo? I personally don't see why, as I thought I was just telling it to pull one of three pages linked to one of three user/pswd combos.


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if (!isset($username['bob']) || !isset($password['bob']))
header( "Location: http://www.somesite.com/bob.html" );
You're telling if $username['bob'] is not set or $password['bob'] is not set, it should redirect to bob.html
Thats because of "!".
And it would be the best to make those requests by db.
For instance:
[code]SELECT `username` FROM `users` WHERE `username` = 'bob' AND `password` = 'bob' LIMIT 1;

If there is one row:

   $result = mysql_query("SELECT `username` FROM `users` WHERE `username` = 'bob' AND `password` = 'bob' LIMIT 1;");
   if (mysql_num_rows($result)) {
      header( "Location: http://www.somesite.com/bob.html" );

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