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[SOLVED] {it was me not checking my code correctly} PHP instalation

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I am currently trying to install PHP5 onto my computer at home so I don't have to ride my push bike the 20kms to uni when I want to work on my assignments.I am running this on Windows XP and Apache 2.2.4


I have followed the directions on installing and configuring MySQL, worked a treat;


next I followed the directions for installing and configuring Apache, worked a treat;


then I followed the directions for installing and configuring PHP5, this is where the trouble starts...

I downloaded it easy enough then following the guidance of my text book (PHP5 fast & easy web development by Julie Meloni)it states the following steps


1st rename the php.ini.dist file to php.in and move to c:\windows\, yep done that,


2nd move php5ts.dll to c:\windows\system or where you usually but your .dll files, yep done that,

3rd Configuring apache to use php, I am configuring to use the module version.

It says to edit the Apache htpd.conf configuration file


a. It tells me to enter the following code within a specified section;

LoadModule php5_module C:/php// php5apache2.dll

entered no worries


b.it then mentions I have to add a directive to the http.conf file to define the file extensions used by PHP files? (not sure if I have to do anything here or if it is the next step mentioned).


c. Type the following code in a specified section;

AddType application/x-http-php .phtml .php

entered no worries


Then save and close.



Now when I go to restart Apache I get the following error message; The request operation has failed.

So I use the Apache test configuration and the following error masseage appears;

http.exe: Syntax error on line 115 of C:Program Files/Apache Software Foundation/Apache2.2/config/http.config LoadModule takes two arguments, a module name and the name of a shared object file to load it from.


line 115 is the LoadModule php5_module... code I inputed on step 3a, if I delete this code Apache starts again but I can't use PHP.


Has any one got an idea to help me please...

I have tried to change the line of code to LoadModule php5_module C:/php5// apache2_2.dll

as mentioned in another post but it still gives the same error message.

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