Sn1p34 Posted April 4, 2007 Share Posted April 4, 2007 I've been haveing some problems with one of my php projects bear with me because I'm still learning and don't have a very braud knowleage on php. I'm trying to get the areas that are marked as a mine with a flag not to spread, but the only way I can prevent it is by using a die command (which is not an ideal solution) for some reason it dosen't spread when the die command is there but when I don't include it the selected area spreads. <?php session_start(); if (isset($_SESSION[mine_guess])) $mine_guess = $_SESSION[mine_guess]; if (isset($_SESSION[empty_guess])) $empty_guess = $_SESSION[empty_guess]; function html_head($name) { echo "<html><head><title>$name</title></head><body>"; } // Sets up the board function make_board() { $_SESSION = array(); session_destroy(); session_start(); $_SESSION[playing] = TRUE; if($_POST[level]==easy) { $_SESSION[board_size] = 7; $amount_mines = 0; } if($_POST[level]==medium) { $_SESSION[board_size] = 12; $amount_mines = 25; } if($_POST[level]==hard) { $_SESSION[board_size] = 13; $amount_mines = 30; } // Loop through board and create mines for ($x = 1; $x <= $_SESSION[board_size]; ++$x) { for ($y = 1; $y <= $_SESSION[board_size]; ++$y) { $rand = rand(0,100); if ($rand<$amount_mines) $board[$x][$y] = "M"; } } $_SESSION[board] = $board; } if (isset($_POST[level])) { # Make board make_board(); #Delete variables unset($mine_guess,$empty_guess); } html_head("Minesweeper"); // If the user is playing hide this menu if (!$_SESSION[playing]) { echo "<form name=levelchooser method=post action=mine.php>"; echo "Please choose a level!"; echo "<select name=level>"; echo "<option value=\"easy\">Easy</option>"; echo "<option value=\"medium\">Medium</option>"; echo "<option value=\"hard\">Hard</option>"; echo "</select>"; echo "<input type=submit value=\"New Game!\">"; echo "</form>"; } $newgame = $_GET[level]; // Counts the players guesses function count_guesses($empty_guess,$board_size) { for ($x = 1; $x <= $board_size; ++$x) { for ($y = 1; $y <= $board_size; ++$y) { if (isset($empty_guess[$x][$y])) $num_squares++; } } return $num_squares; } // Counts the players mine guesses function mine_guesses($mine_guess,$board_size) { for ($x = 1; $x <= $board_size; ++$x) { for ($y = 1; $y <= $board_size; ++$y) { if (isset($mine_guess[$x][$y])) $mine_squares++; } } return $mine_squares; } // Counts the amount of mines on the board function amount_mines($x,$y,$board_size) { for ($x = 1; $x <= $board_size; ++$x) { for ($y = 1; $y <= $board_size; ++$y) { if (is_mine($x,$y)) $num_mines++; } } return $num_mines; } // Determines if the selected spot is a mine function is_mine($x,$y) { if ($_SESSION[board][$x][$y] == "M") return TRUE; else return FALSE; } // If the player loses this function will be executed function you_lose() { echo "<form name=levelchooser method=post action=mine.php>"; echo "Please choose a level!"; echo "<select name=level>"; echo "<option value=\"easy\">Easy</option>"; echo "<option value=\"medium\">Medium</option>"; echo "<option value=\"hard\">Hard</option>"; echo "</select>"; echo "<input type=submit value=\"New Game!\">"; echo "</form>"; echo "<h1>You Lose!</h1>"; $square_colour[$xcord][$ycord] = "red"; $lost = TRUE; } // Counts the amount of mines around the box function count_mines($x,$y) { // Check the surrounding squares ( if (is_mine($x-1,$y+1)) ++$number_mines; if (is_mine($x-1,$y)) ++$number_mines; if (is_mine($x-1,$y-1)) ++$number_mines; if (is_mine($x,$y+1)) ++$number_mines; if (is_mine($x,$y-1)) ++$number_mines; if (is_mine($x+1,$y-1)) ++$number_mines; if (is_mine($x+1,$y)) ++$number_mines; if (is_mine($x+1,$y+1)) ++$number_mines; return $number_mines; } function spread($empty_guess,$x,$y) { $empty_guess[$x][$y] = TRUE; if (count_mines($x,$y)== 0) { $empty_guess[$x-1][$y+1] = TRUE; #unset($mine_guess[$x-1][$y+1]); $empty_guess[$x-1][$y] = TRUE; #unset($mine_guess[$x-1][$y]); $empty_guess[$x-1][$y-1] = TRUE; #unset($mine_guess[$x-1][$y-1]); $empty_guess[$x][$y+1] = TRUE; #unset($mine_guess[$x][$y+1]); $empty_guess[$x][$y-1] = TRUE; #unset($mine_guess[$x][$y-1]); $empty_guess[$x+1][$y-1] = TRUE; #unset($mine_guess[$x+1][$y-1]); $empty_guess[$x+1][$y] = TRUE; #unset($mine_guess[$x+1][$y]); $empty_guess[$x+1][$y+1] = TRUE; #unset($mine_guess[$x+1][$y+1]); } #unset($mine_guess[$x][$y]); return $empty_guess; } // Width and height $width = "35px"; $height = "35px"; $x_cord = 50; $y_cord = 50; // If the user loses change the square to red else make it yellow if(isset($_GET[guess])) { $xcord = $_GET[xcord]; $ycord = $_GET[ycord]; if (is_mine($xcord,$ycord)) { you_lose(); $_SESSION[game_die] = TRUE; } else { $empty_guess = spread($empty_guess,$xcord,$ycord); echo "hello"; die; } } # Process guess if (isset($_GET[mine])) { $xcord = $_GET[xcord]; $ycord = $_GET[ycord]; $mine_guess[$xcord][$ycord] = TRUE; unset($_SESSION[game_die]); } $yellow_squares = count_guesses($empty_guess,$_SESSION[board_size]); $number = amount_mines($x,$y,$_SESSION[board_size]); // Set the session board size as a variable $board_size = $_SESSION[board_size]; // Determine if the player has won $size_board = $board_size*$board_size; if($_POST[level]==easy) { $_SESSION[boards] = $size_board-$number; } if($_POST[level]==medium) { $_SESSION[boards] = $size_board-$number; } if($_POST[level]==hard) { $_SESSION[boards] = $size_board-$number; } if ($_SESSION[boards] == $yellow_squares) { if ($_SESSION[boards] > 0) { echo "<form name=levelchooser method=post action=mine.php>"; echo "Please choose a level!"; echo "<select name=level>"; echo "<option value=\"easy\">Easy</option>"; echo "<option value=\"medium\">Medium</option>"; echo "<option value=\"hard\">Hard</option>"; echo "</select>"; echo "<input type=submit value=\"New Game!\">"; echo "</form>"; echo "<h1>You Win!</h1>"; $finish = TRUE; } } $spaces = $_SESSION[boards]; // echo "Empty Spaces: $spaces"; $y_cord = 220; // If the square is set as mine, unset it if if ($_GET["unset"] == yes) { $x = $_GET["xcord"]; $y = $_GET["ycord"]; unset($mine_guess[$x][$y]); } // Sets up the board for ($y = 1; $y <= $_SESSION[board_size]; ++$y) { $y_cord += $height; $x_cord = 20; for ($x = 1; $x <= $_SESSION[board_size]; ++$x) { $image = "bak.png"; $x_cord += $width; $mines = ""; if ($empty_guess[$x][$y]) { $image = "bak_down.png"; $mines = count_mines($x,$y); } if ($mine_guess[$x][$y]) $image = "smallflag.png"; // find out if square is mine and $_SESSION[die] is set, if so, make colour = red if ($cheat==enter) { if (is_mine($x,$y)) $image = "mine.png"; } if ($_SESSION[game_die]==TRUE) { if (is_mine($x,$y)) $image = "mine.png"; } // If the player loses disable the bord if (!$_SESSION[game_die]) { # if not flagged if (!$mine_guess[$x][$y]) { echo "<div onclick=\"javascript:document.location.href='mine.php?xcord=$x&ycord=$y&guess=yes';\" style=\"color: black; border: 0px solid darkgrey; background-image: url(images/$image); position: absolute; left: $x_cord; top: $y_cord; width: $width; height: $height\">"; } else { echo "<div onclick=\"javascript:document.location.href='mine.php?xcord=$x&ycord=$y&unset=yes';\" style=\"color: black; border: 0px solid darkgrey; background-image: url(images/$image); position: absolute; left: $x_cord; top: $y_cord; width: $width; height: $height; \">"; } } else echo "<div style=\"color: black; border: 1px solid darkgrey; background-image: url(images/bak.png); position: absolute; left: $x_cord; top: $y_cord; width: $width; height: $height\">"; // If die equals TRUE place a image on every square with a mine if ($_SESSION[game_die]) { if (is_mine($x,$y)) { echo "<div style=\"position: absolute; left: 7px; top: 7px;\"><img src=images/mine.png></div>"; } } if (!$_SESSION[game_die]) { if ($mines == 5) $colour = "darkred"; if ($mines == 4) $colour = "darkgreen"; if ($mines == 3) $colour = "darkblue"; if ($mines == 2) $colour = "green"; if ($mines == 1) $colour = "blue"; if ($empty_guess[$x][$y] AND !$mine_guess[$x][$y]) echo "<div align=center style=\"color: $colour; position: absolute; left: 12px; top: 9px;\"><b>$mines</b></div>"; else if (!$mine_guess[$x][$y]) echo "<a href='mine.php?xcord=$x&ycord=$y&mine=yes' align=center><img src=images/flag_corner.gif border='0'></a></div>"; } echo "</div>"; } } $squares_left = $size_board-$yellow_squares-$number; $guess_mine = mine_guesses($mine_guess,$_SESSION[board_size]); // Unsets a mine guess if possible if ($guess_mine == FALSE) { $guess_mine = 0; } if ($yellow_squares == FALSE) { $yellow_squares = 0; } // Set up the statistics table echo "<div style=\"position: absolute; left: 27px; top: 100px;\">"; echo "<table border=0 cellpadding=1 cellspaceing=1 bgcolor=red width=300>"; echo "<tr>"; echo "<td bgcolor=orange width=40% colspan=3>"; echo "<center><b><h2>Statistics</h2></b>"; echo "</td></tr>"; echo "<td bgcolor=red colspan=1 width=15%>"; echo "Mines: $number"; echo "</td>"; echo "<td bgcolor=orange colspan=1 width=15%>"; echo "Guessed: $yellow_squares"; echo "</td></tr>"; echo "<td bgcolor=orange colspan=1 width=15%>"; echo "Mines Gussed: $guess_mine"; echo "</td>"; echo "<td bgcolor=red colspan=1 width=15%>"; echo "Squares Left: $squares_left"; echo "</center>"; echo "</table>"; echo "</div>"; // Instructions function instructions() { echo "<div style=\"position: absolute; left: 427px; top: 35px;\">"; echo "<h1><b>Instructions</h1></b>"; echo "1) Select a level from the top left menu and press new game.<br>"; echo "2) Click on a square if your sure there is no mine there.<br>"; echo "3) Click on the small flag in the top left of the square to mark it.<br>"; echo "4) To win the game you must uncover all the squares with no mines."; echo "</div>"; } echo "<div style=\"position: absolute; left: 40px; top: 75px;\">"; if (!$finish == TRUE) { if (!$_SESSION[game_die]) { if (!$ins) { $ins = "yes"; if ($ins == yes) { echo "<a href=mine.php?instructions=$ins>Show Instructions</a>"; } } } } $ins = $_GET[instructions]; if (!$finish == TRUE) { if (!$_SESSION[game_die]) { if ($ins==yes) { $ins = "no"; echo " <a href=mine.php?instructions=$ins>Hide Instructions</a>"; echo "</div>"; instructions(); } } } if (isset($mine_guess)) $_SESSION[mine_guess] = $mine_guess; if (isset($empty_guess)) $_SESSION[empty_guess] = $empty_guess; if ($lost) { $_SESSION = array(); unset($board); session_destroy; session_start; make_board(); } ?> The script can be tested here (without the debuging) any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Regards, Cameron McCuish Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PC Nerd Posted April 4, 2007 Share Posted April 4, 2007 um, i havent got time to read the code, but i think that this project wuld be best done n javascript... the only suggestion to your php version, is that you specify each button with a unique id, then random assing each id with either pressed, mine, or num. then write to a database or file each time a button is pressed, to specify which ones which. after thinking about it, simply write the file to wha tht e button is, butthe actuly php assingment..... that way it keeps updateing, and you could use a die() to stop if a mine appears in terms of the buttons being auto pressed, i think that paybe your accidently telling it to set as defult pressed, when a button is there good luck PC Nerd soz if ive just repeated you code.... :-\ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sn1p34 Posted April 4, 2007 Author Share Posted April 4, 2007 I understand that the project would best be done in Java script, but I'm takeing a PHP coarse hense the reason it is coded in php . I've already spoke to my teacher about this, and he was unable to figure out what was cuaseing the problem, and sugested I post it on a forum to see if anyone else would know what is wrong. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sn1p34 Posted April 4, 2007 Author Share Posted April 4, 2007 Sorry for bumping, I'm just very stumpt on this problem. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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