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user 'd.o.b'


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figured it..

$year = date("y");

$yearsold = $year - registerdyear;

$day = date("z");

$daysold = dayregisterd - $day;


$year = date("y") - 1;

$daysold = dayregisterd - $day + 360;



hope it works, ive never tried this before

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Age: -1995 years, 18 days

hmmm...I shouldn't be born for another 1995 years  :-X


$year = date("y");

$yearsold = $year - $mem[year];

$day = date("z");

$daysold = $mem[day] - $day;


$year = date("y") - 1;

$daysold = $mem[day] - $day + 360;



I put in my row:

year - 2002

day - 112


So the 18 is right I think...the year definitely isn't :P

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$year = date("Y");

$yearsold = $year - $mem[year];

$day = date("z");

$daysold = $mem[day] - $day;


$year = date("Y") - 1;

$daysold = $mem[day] - $day + 365;


lmao i dont even know how many days there are in a year

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doesnt work  :-\


look try this


$memyear = 2002;

$memday = 93;

$year = date("Y");

$yearsold = $year - $memyear;

$day = date("z");

$days = $memday - $day;

$daysold = 365 - $days;

if($daysold > $days){

$year = date("Y") - 1;

$yearsold = $year - $memyear;


echo "$daysold: $yearsold";



today is the 95th day, its returning that ive been registerd for 367 days and 4 years, should be 5 years and 2 days...

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$year = date("Y");

$yearsold = $year - $player[year];

$day = date("z");

$days = $player[day] - $day;

$daysold = 365 - $days;

if($daysold > $day){

$year = date("Y") - 1;

$yearsold = $year - $player[year];

}elseif($daysold > 365){

$year = date("Y") + 1;

$yearsold = $year - $player[year];



This version works I believe

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Wait, if you can create a timestamp of their date of birth, you can get the number of seconds they have been born ("now" timestamp - birthdate timestamp), divide that by 86400 (the number of seconds in a day,) to get days.  Divide the days by 365 and you have how many years, then mod the days by 365 to get the remainder, and you have years and days.  Simple.




$day = [database query to get day of birth];
$month = [database query to get month of birth IN TEXT FORMAT (ex: "august")];
$year = [database query to get year of birth];

$dob = strtotime($day . $month . $year);
$now = strtotime("now");
$sec_diff = $now - $dob;
$days = $sec_diff / 86400;
$years = floor($days / 365);
$days = $days % 365;

echo "You were born " . $years . " years, " . $days . " days ago.";


I hope this works.  You might need to do some tweaking, but basically the $day, $month, and $year variables are what the user put into the text fields for date of birth, for day of the month, month, and year.  You also might need to do some calculations to determine whether it is a leap year, but I'm not entirely sure.


edit: I tested this, and it worked, the values I used for $day, $month, and $year were 17, "august" and 1989 respectively (my birthday) and it returned "You were born 17 years, 236 days ago."  The reason for the floor() function in there is becuase without it, you get a crazy long decimal for the year, floor rounds down, no matter how large the decimal is, meaning that it could be 17.99999 and it would round down to 17, which in this case is what we need, since you are also getting the hours with the mod algorithm.

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